Remember When
- October 31, 201610 years ago (2006) •In this quarter of 2006 Sheriff Mike Winkels said crime in the city has been similar to recent quarterly reports. He shared those numbers with the Luverne City Council during its regular meeting last week. … Assault – 2 in this quarter, 11 in all of 2005. Disorderly conduct – 2 in this quarter, 6 in all of 2005. Drugs and narcotics – 1 in this quarter, 19 in all of 2005.…
- October 17, 201610 years ago (2006) •For more than 20 years ice cream lovers have enjoyed Dilly Bars and specialty Blizzards at the Dairy Queen on Main Street and Highway 75. But a sign in he window now says “Closed. Thanks for your business.” Owner Marian Halverson operated the Dairy Queen for 12 years and said she’s getting out of the business for personal reasons. (The former Dairy Queen is now the home of…
- October 11, 201610 years ago (2006) •They didn’t plan the training to coincide with National Prevention Week, but members of the Luverne Fire Department handled three house fires in two days this week. They burned down a rural house Monday night as part of a training exercise, but at 1 a.m. and about 7 p.m. Tuesday they responded to fires at abandoned rural farm places. … Sheriff Mike Winkels said the fires are…
- October 03, 201610 years ago (2006) •Rock County Commissioners Tuesday approved a variation of a plan to improve the Rock County Highway Department building. Heartland Express is using a state grant to construct a new office space and garage area, or “bus barn,” next to the Highway Department. As that work was being done, the Highway Department requested a building addition and remodeling project that would cost…
- September 26, 201610 years ago (2006) •By Saturday about 150 Rock County residents will be trained to the federal standards of the National Incident Management System. If training isn’t completed and a disaster comes to the county, federal funding for mitigation might not be granted. … The federal training is supposed to unify procedures that will be used across state lines. For example, people from Minnesota…
- September 12, 201610 years ago (2006) •Earth-moving equipment has had a big presence along Highway 75 this week as the dirt work is in progress on the former Fledgling Field for a new Dingmann Funeral Home. According to Dingmann, construction is scheduled to be complete by the end of this year. Plans call for the building to be 7,130 square feet, surrounded by 45 percent green space. There will be 41 parking…
- September 05, 201610 years ago (2006) •Two building projects may be in Rock County’s future. Heartland Express and the Rock County Highway Department both fall short of what they could have for space and working environments. Heartland Express, the public busing system, received a $400,000 grant from the state with a matching $100,000 from Rock County to build a new office space and bus bay area. 25 years ago (…
- August 29, 201610 years ago (2006) •Vince Gacke has opened the doors of his new restaurant business on Highway 75, across from Sharkee’s. Vinnie has tentative hours of 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. but that could change, as things are just getting underway. Right now, he and his children are hoping more employees will join them at the business. “The kids have been great,” Gacke said. “They just jumped right in.” Gacke said…
- August 23, 201610 years ago (2006) •Local theater buffs are in for a treat next month when the Luverne Area Community Foundation teams up with the Green Earth Players to stage a murder mystery on the prairie. … The plot of “Murder at the Midnight Hour” invites guests (the audience) to attend a New Year’s Eve midnight wedding of Jewel Hogget and Roger Windsor. The wedding turns out to be a deadly way to ring in…
- August 16, 201610 years ago (2006) •After discussing the option at previous meetings, the Luverne City Council Tuesday reviewed plans that could convert 11,000 square feet of the former hospital into a new Luverne City Hall. Because many walls and utilities don’t have to be moved, the total cost is expected to be about $200,000. The council with vote on whether to go ahead with the plans at another meeting. The…
- August 01, 201610 years ago (2006) •Norma Remme is living her professional dream, and the experience is sweetened by the fact she’s living it with her family members. Norma, her husband, Dennis, their son Scott and his wife, Lisa, are co-owners of Luverne’s newest business, Remmedez (pronounced “remedies”). They purchased the former Harvey’s Gun Shop on the corner of Main Street and Highway 75 in August last…
- July 25, 201610 years ago (2006) •The Lewis and Clark Rural Water Board is allowing members to pre-pay their share of the project to get more money to spur the project along immediately. As the project is able to collect more money now, members are able to save money in the long run by avoiding inflation costs. Both the city of Luverne and Rock County are asking Lewis and Clark for permission to pay early. …
- July 19, 201610 years ago (2006) •The city of Luverne will be able to build on the historic look of downtown with the donation of a town clock. Warren Herreid said he and his extended family would like to buy a standing clock that would be installed next to the Palace Theatre, in front of FGL Commodities and in line with the streetlights. Herreid said to the Luverne City Council Tuesday, “The way I came up…
- July 11, 201610 years ago (2006) •With roughly $30,000 in grants and donations already paid for the hospital’s healing garden, some are wondering why nothing’s growing there yet. “Many people are concerned about why their donations have not been used and why the garden has not been started,” said Lynette Jauert, a member of the Master Gardeners, who are heading up the project. According to Sioux Valley CEO…
- July 04, 201610 years ago (2006) •Luverne juveniles were among five 15- and 16- year-olds arrested in Sioux Falls after stealing five cars from a Sioux Falls repossession lot. The boys, including some from Sioux Falls, reportedly jumped a fence at Dakota Adjusters and drove away with five vehicles. They smashed through a locked gate using a pickup truck. 25 years ago (1991) •State budget cuts are causing…
- June 27, 201610 years ago (2006) •With the benefit of an A bond rating, the city of Luverne approved the sale of $1.5 million in bonds ... The bond will pay for the Fire Hall expansion and remodeling project and renovations for the former hospital to be occupied by Minnesota West Community and Technical College. 25 years ago (1991) •Two interested parties attended a gathering at the vets addition last week…
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