Letters to the Editor
- February 09, 2016To the Editor: Back when I was young and full of hope, Mom stayed home and took care of the family, and Dad went off to work or war. Then our enlightened government decided they had to take care of us, cradle to grave. Dad still went to work or war, but Mom had to go to work, and the kids had to go to day care because the increased taxes meant it takes two incomes to make one now. Now, in even…
- February 09, 2016To the Editor: This is a reply to Rick Peterson’s question as to why the red line in hockey is red. The line has two purposes: first, to divide the rink in half; second, as a line to help with a game delay called “icing.” It started as a solid line, but with the invention of black and white TV, the line was broken so it could be distinguished from the other blue lines. In today’s professional…
- January 18, 2016In response to the Jan. 7th editorial titled, “Wipe your feet please!” Get over it. As an employee of two retail businesses here in Luverne, I can confirm that this isn’t the most pleasant part of the job; however I am actively aware I work in customer service. We service the customers, which, yes, means we clean up after them. Not to mention, you can often hear these customers taking the time to…
- January 18, 2016To the Editor: I am glad that someone printed an article (Star Herald editorial Jan. 7) regarding the manure tracked through town recently. Shortly after I read the editorial, I had the displeasure of a sighting, smelling at the post office and it was horrible. I wish the offender was still there while my thoughts were still fresh in my mind so I could share them personally. I never have that…
- January 11, 2016At Southwestern Youth Services we have rolled up miles of red and green paper chain, packed away boxes of colorful ornaments and returned Christmas trees to their assigned spots in the attic. We have also reverted back to the reality of day-to-day living that, in the lives of our students, can often be quite harsh. However, there is one remaining item that the staff and students still cling to…
- January 11, 2016To the Editor: Some 40 years ago Luverne sponsored a Vietnamese family of 10 children. Although only the oldest daughter, Thinh, spoke English, both she and her father immediately went to work at A.R. Wood. Thinh (now Jackie), who left her husband behind, was pregnant. She had John on Christmas Day, and he just turned 40. We were invited to his birthday celebration in Kansas City on Dec. 19.…
- January 04, 2016To the Editor: Another successful Red Kettle Campaign for Rock County has added $7,032 to local Salvation Army funds. The many services provided in 2015 included back-to-school supplies for county school children, supplies for special needs students that would otherwise not be provided, study materials and clothing for Southwest Youth Services in Magnolia, and tokens for Heartland Express for…
- December 22, 2015To the Editor: Christmas At the Palace Committee would like to take this moment to thank the community for its support over the years by attending Christmas At the Palace. We sincerely appreciate all the participants over the years, and we want to recognize Terri Ebert for being the emcee for the past several years and Arlin Sandbulte for so graciously doing sound each year for us. It has been…
- December 14, 2015To the Editor: I have been reading about and watching these college student protests and have encountered a conundrum that probably only these students could solve. How do you spell “do-fuss”? Is it dofuss? Dofus? Dufus? Dufuss? Duphious? Dophus? Duphuss??? Help! Dophous? Douphous? Dewphuss? Duefuss? Deaufus? Bill Frakes Luverne
- December 14, 2015To the Editor: Thank you for the recent coverage of “The Loop.” I humbly read the article and the attached document of the “Loop Trail Master Plan.” I am totally amazed at how far Holly Sammons and her team have come to make a vision reality. WOW! What an asset this is going to be to the city of Luverne and the surrounding area. Ronald Reagan said it best! “There is no limit to the amount of good…
- December 14, 2015To the Editor: The recent terrorist attack in San Bernadino brought much-needed scrutiny to the flaws in our current visa program. Lost in the discussion, however, has been the fact that we still don’t have control of our borders, and if ISIS has figured out how to game the visa system, you can be sure they’ve figured out how to infiltrate our country through our porous borders. It would be nice…
- December 14, 2015To the Editor: Memories: Of my home at 219 West Lincoln Street at the corner of Lincoln and Highway 75 from 1950 to the early 1960s. It was a beautiful house. It had three fireplaces that did not work but were beautiful décor, and the home also had a built-in china cupboard, pocket doors and beautiful woodwork. We were like one big family. There were mostly elderly widows who were residents when…
- December 07, 2015Minnesota's economic experts have spoken, and they are projecting agreeable fiscal news for the state according to State Representative Joe Schomacker (R-Luverne). If the estimates hold, Minnesota could expect to see a surplus of $1.871 billion for the 2016-17 budget cycle. "We're seeing a continued trend of positive economic forecasts, which is always good news," Schomacker…
- December 01, 2015To the Editor: I read Rick Peterson’s column concerning the Affordable Care Act, and a few quotes came to my mind. It led me to think. (Here’s trouble.) Dick Gregory, the black activist and comedian, said, “Everything we do we should look at in terms of the millions of people who can’t afford it.” You are one of the millions who had affordable health insurance but now find it hard to afford or…
- November 23, 2015To the Editor: A few people have asked me why I’m not writing letters. It caused me to think. Yes, that’s trouble. I thought about “nothing to write.” That made me think of nothing or space. Space is an area of nothing. Typewriters have a spacebar that gives us an area of nothing between words. Without it, asentencelookslikethis. In outer space there is no gravity, temperature and very little…
- November 23, 2015To the city of Luverne, businesses, organizations and individuals: We, the members of the LIFT Design Committee, express our sincere appreciation for the efforts of the city of Luverne, businesses, organizations and individuals who have worked to beautify this community through the spring, summer, fall and winter. Driving through town it is wonderful to see the beautiful plantings, vibrant…
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