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Letters to the Editor

  • March 02, 2021
    To the Editor: We the People have had enough. We value our loved ones. If you choose to not see your loved ones in person, so be it. But don’t tell us we can’t. Go visit your grandparents, quit living in fear. You don’t know what tomorrow holds, embrace those you love now. We value the right to protect our freedom and safety. If you don’t like guns, then don’t buy one. We’ve never tried to force…
  • February 23, 2021
    To the Editor: Things I find perplexing, perhaps even contradictory: Why would we shut down a pipeline and transport oil by truck and rail? Why would a gender who fought years for equality applaud confused men being on their sports team? How is it that people who claim to be Christians vote for a party that wants to kill babies? Has the flu been cured? You hear nothing of it. Perhaps we killed…
  • February 16, 2021
    Kracht: 'We need to call out our government' officials To the Editor: After reading our local newspaper’s half page ad with out mayor praising our governor’s budget proposal, I decided to look into what it all entailed. I read through the proposed budget plan several times, only to find some things that would be horrible for our local economy. Some of the things in this proposal are…
  • February 09, 2021
    To the Editor: Our founding fathers came from monarchies in Europe where they foundthat absolute power corrupts absolutely. So they wrote theConstitution so that there would be checks and balances so no onecould rule absolutely. But since Minnesota has a law that we cannot prosecute the police,there is no check and balance. This situation where it is possible forthe police to cover for each other…
  • February 02, 2021
    To the Editor: We all make mistakes in life. I have made many. A mistake is like a “teacher.” If we make the same mistake over and over and over again, we aren’t paying attention to our teacher. Do we think Washington has learned from its mistakes or are we going to continue down this same “God-forsaken” path? Let’s hope they can work together peacefully, compromising, and continue forward…
  • January 25, 2021
    Democracy has prevailed   To the Editor: At his inauguration last Wednesday, President Biden spoke thesewords: “Democracy has prevailed.” Only two weeks after the assaultupon the Capitol. The only previous assault on Washington, D.C., was in 1812 when theBritish attacked and burned the White House. Also in 1812 Francis Scott Key penned the words to “TheStar Spangled Banner,” our national anthem,…
  • December 21, 2020
    To the Editor:   ‘Onto the new fallen snow’   A story was told to me, one day how some birds in a blizzard, had lost their way. It was very cold, and snowing outside, and the birds wanted in, before they died.   A man was home alone, counting his worth. While his family were in church, celebrating Christ’s birth. He didn’t see the need, to join his children and wife, for this was just another,…
  • December 15, 2020
    To the Editor: As former Luverne residents, Carole and I were very surprised of the reports that Senator Weber was among the Republican state senators that supported the efforts to oppose the election of Joe Biden. In the past I found Senator Weber to be a reasonable and well-thought-of city councilman and community member. I find it hard to believe that a reasonable and thoughtful man would…
  • December 08, 2020
    To the Editor: Places are closed, organizations have drastically shifted their service delivery, and plans have been canceled. This has become the norm during the pandemic of 2020. One thing that is not canceled is the holiday season. Many of us look forward to either going to a loved one’s house, hosting people in your neighborhood/community or celebrating with a new family member. How we…
  • November 17, 2020
    To the Editor: I’ll bet I’m not the only one wondering what their family is doing for Thanksgiving this year.  What a wonderful time of the year. Seeing out-of-town relatives for the first time in a while. Sharing great food, drinks and stories. College kids coming home and catching up with high school friends. Everyone packed around the TV for parades and football games. How I’m looking forward…
  • November 10, 2020
    To the Editor: Congratulations to the voters of Rock County. You turned out inrecord numbers to support your candidates. On the evening when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were speaking totheir supporters in Delaware, celebrating the honor of being chosen tolead the country forward,there was also television coverage in Arizona outside the buildingwhere the votes were being counted. On one side of…
  • October 27, 2020
    To the Editor: With the election coming up, I think the people need to address our State Senator Bill Weber and also our State Rep. Joe Schomacker by asking them a question as to who they are working for. Is it "We" the people” or are theyworking for the corporation? A few months ago I sent an email to Mr. Weber without any reply at all. I contacted Mr. Schomacker just before the Covid…
  • October 20, 2020
    Harnack shares original poem, 'Blown Away' “Blown Away” How did we get, to where we are? How did it ever get this far? Death threats to scientists for not liking what they say. Believing politicians over doctors just blows me away.   We learned stories from the Bible when we were just small. They now seem outdated, do not matter at all.   The Good Samaritan taught us what to do, In…
  • October 13, 2020
    To the Editor: Franklin Graham suggested we read our Bible, then go vote. I grew up without ever seeing a Bible. Thankfully I married into a family some 50 years ago and they introduced me to the Book. I would suggest you read the dictionary. Look up socialism and then communism, and then go vote. Thank you for reading this. Marilyn Sasker Luverne To the Editor: I enjoyed reading the opinion…
  • October 06, 2020
    To the Editor: Mr. Radisewitz in his letter said that the county in which he lives is not the same, and he asks the citizens to be more respectful. I see us being that in where we shop, work, play and worship. We are not judged by our political views, religion, ethnicity or economic status. We are, however, in politics. The blame for this lies in the mouths of our politicians and media. If you…
  • October 06, 2020
    To the Editor: While my dog Charley and I were out walking last Thursday evening, we noticed that yard signs had sprung up like mushrooms. One sign caught my eye — “Push Back,” it read. As I considered the message, I was struck by the following thoughts: This is a time of unprecedented change, loss and uncertainty, and we feel the effects. We can feel overwhelmed and power-less. But no, we need…
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