Letters to the Editor
- August 10, 2021Mann: 'We already have great things' To the Editor: I’m writing in response to Jason Berghorst’s Aug. 5 column, “What I wish for.” First of all, he wants a Dar’s Pizza in Luverne. We have really good pizza at Pizza Ranch and Godfather’s; we don’t need a Dar’s. Then, what’s this about a Kwik Trip? We have four convenience stores in town. If he can’t find the donut he wants at one of…
- July 27, 2021Albert Einstein stated, “Once you stop learning, you start dying.” Having a thirst for knowledge keeps your mind sharp. Age is only a number. When you’re over the hill, you pick up speed. Here are three things I’ve learned this week. If you haven’t got your three for the week, borrow one of these: •When birds are migrating, they don’t eat, and they sleep while flying. Source: my grandson. •When…
- July 06, 2021'Thumbs down' to Star Herald for 'snarky comment' To the Editor: A big thumbs down to the Star Herald June 24 edition for their thumbs column. Why did you feel the need to publish the snarky comment about the covid shot? Do you really believe it’s your heroic efforts that have allowed things to open up? Would you vilify someone who opted not to receive chemo for the cancer…
- June 29, 2021Ladd questions Star Herald COVID-19 editorial To the Editor: I am writing in response to the “BIG thumbs up” in the June 24, 2021, edition of the Star Herald. According to your “Covid Corner” table on page 2A, 3,637 people in Rock County have the completed series of the Covid shot. There are approximately 9,687 people living in Rock County. That pencils out to approximately 38 percent of Rock…
- June 15, 2021Norberg: "... hope is on the horizon' To the Editor: After complaining about the appearance of MaplewoodCemetery last year, I'm compelled to say THANK YOU to the cemeteryassociation for the excellent condition I found the grounds to be in this year. As I drovedown the main entrance, the flags were beautifully flyingwith a backdrop of tall green trees which was an awesome sight. (…
- June 08, 2021Meinerts: 'I advocate for all freedom for every race and religion ...' To the Editor: I had a phone call from a gentleman about my letters to the editor. He was concerned about when I was going to stop with my “freedom” letters, asking how far am I going to take it? He told me I better think before I write another one, so I’ve been thinking. How much freedom is too much? Do you want to…
- June 01, 2021Norberg: After challenging year, hope is on the horizon To the Editor: After a challenging year, hope is on the horizon. Independent pharmacies across the state are playing a crucial role in helping vaccinate Minnesotans and provided critical care throughout the pandemic. For many independent pharmacies, such as the two I own, joining a Pharmacy Services Administrative Organization (PSAOs),…
- May 18, 2021Meinerts: Force seatbelt, mask wearing 'is infringing on my freedom' To the Editor: In response to Alan Harnack’s May 6 letter to the editor, I guess we have to go back to basic grade school vocabulary class. Freedom: noun – “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.” Socialism: noun – “a political and economic theory of social organization…
- May 04, 2021To the Editor: I work at a retail store that requires mask- wearing for anyone within the store. Because of that, we have been called everything from a communist, a loser, stupid, dumb, and other names that I cannot print. Wearing a mask does not take away your freedom. You wear a mask to protect your family, loved ones, and those around you from you, just like they wear a mask to protect you…
- April 27, 2021Sasker: 'Glad to call Luverne home' To the Editor: I wrote a letter to the editor years ago and never sent it. This is that letter in part: It happened again like so many times before. I am in a store in Luverne and I hear a clerk refer a customer to another store because they didn’t have the item asked for. I thought, “Wow! This is commendable, no competition for business; just people…
- April 20, 2021Sasker poem: 'Trouble lies ahead' To the Editor: Economics come and go You have the high You have the low This will always be so. But when the morals of the land are ignored or erased by man And we disregard our maker’s command Trouble lies ahead Whether you support the blue or red. Marilyn Sasker Luverne Meinerts: 'Don't give up the fight' To the Editor: The first…
- April 13, 2021Meinerts: 'This is why I love America' To the Editor: Thanks for the response, Rae, I was beginning to think that the sea of red was much wider and deeper than I had imagined. My response has been overwhelmingly positive. This is why I love America and freedom. Everyone is supposed to have a voice, but with big tech censorship and biased media it’s really difficult to find the ever…
- April 06, 2021Frakes: One party rule here To the Editor: I can’t understand why everyone is running down China. Aren’t their politics the same as we have here? Don’t we also have one party rule? What the top dog says is law? Doesn’t our government want to control all our energy sources, churches, businesses and the citizens up to and including when and where we can work and where we can’t, and even how to…
- March 30, 2021Frakes: 'We're in teh money, and it's all free, and more is coming To the Editor: Halleluia! We’re in the money! We’re in the money! And it’s all free! And more coming! What do we get with this free money? The warm fuzzies! All of us, especially the upper crust ruling class in D.C., get the warm fuzzies from helping out our fellow Americans who are trapped in incalculable suffering…
- March 23, 2021Meinerts: Stimulus not so stimulating To the Editor: Trillion — a figure we hear a lot from our Washington bureaucrats. Does anyone even understand how big that number is? A million seconds is 11.57 days, a billion seconds is 31 years and a trillion seconds is 31,688 years. The 1.9 trillion dollar stimulus package that those nitwits in Washington passed would give every man, woman and a child in…
- March 16, 2021Gust: Health care professionals need protest the vulnerable To the Editor: This morning (March 12) I was taking my dog Charley out and saw thebrightening in the east of the sunrise, announcing a new day. The night’s darkness was passing away. I was thinking that yesterday was the one-year anniversary of theWorld Health Organization proclaiming the Covid-19 virus to be aworldwide pandemic.What a…
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