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voice of our readers

  • January 10, 2023
    Frakes; "Reparations are in order" Letter to the Editor: I’ve been hearing the word “repatriations” a lot lately. I think it’s a good idea. We can give all the descendants of slaves a free ticket back to their home continent so they could live the life they’ve always dreamed of. Hold it! Hold it! My bad! I just found out the word is actually “reparations.” A little different but still a…
  • December 05, 2022
    Ahrendts applaud Winterfest, choir concert   Letter to the Editor: A job well done to everyone who worked so hard to make the Winterfest weekend a success. The highlight for us was the Cardinal Choir at the high school choir Christmas concert. Hats off to Seana Graber for combining the children with special needs with other choir members. The smiles on their faces showed it was a highlight for…
  • November 21, 2022
    Input sought by Dec. 5 for ‘Rural News Trust in Minnesota’ research   To the Editor: I’m a senior journalism student at the University of Minnesota working on my honors thesis, “Rural News Trust in Minnesota.” To do this research, I’m looking for rural Minnesota residents who read, watch or listen to news, and I’d like to interview them about their news habits and preferences. If there are Rock…
  • October 18, 2022
    Niessink: Psalm 139 is still relevant for today's world To the Editor: God inspired David to write these words in Psalm 139:13-16: “You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. “My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. “When I was…
  • August 09, 2022
    Despite budget surplus, Greater Minnesota seniors left behind in legislative session   To the Editor: During the 2022 session, senior care was on the forefront at the Capitol.Debates were taking place and proposals drafted. The Minnesota Senateapproved substantial funding to increase base wages for aging servicesworkers on a bipartisan basis, but then the House and governor did not followsuit.…
  • July 05, 2022
    Fick: "Is it time the time NRA speaks up and out against these murders?' To the Editor: Another shooting, more deaths, more injuries, even children. I don’t understand why high-powered automatic military weapons are allowed in society today. Yes, a single shot or double barrel in every home is okay to use when a skunk wanders on your lawn or a coyote spooks your cattle and your cattle…
  • May 31, 2022
    Mayors: 'Residents of southwest Minnesota are waiting for help...' To the Editor: The recently concluded legislative session left a number of important issues unresolved, many of which are important to cities and our residents here in southwestern Minnesota. Specifically, the agreed-upon final versions of the tax bill and the jobs and energy bill are much-needed items that will offer…
  • May 24, 2022
    Mundt: 'Happy Pride Month!' To the Editor: First and foremost, Happy Pride Month! June is a month that marks an important opportunity to honor the resilience of LGBTQ families. Sadly,progression is going backward in this country regarding equality, inclusion and women’s rights. Instead of being celebrated and proud of who they are, people in the LGBTQ community are being censored and…
  • May 03, 2022
    To the Editor: First, we want to thank everyone who put so much time and effort into providing a safe and fun prom experience for our Luverne youth. A lot of work goes into planning this special day and it takes many to pull it off. With the rain predictions for prom this year, everyone was fortunate to have a facility where indoor photos could be taken. What was disheartening was to see…
  • April 19, 2022
    Public invited to Betty Mann's appreciation day at History Center To the Editor: After 27 years Betty Mann is stepping down as president of the Rock County Historical Society, and you are invited to an open house to honor Betty at the History Center from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, May 1, Betty’s 92nd birthday! There are so many reasons to celebrate with Betty. She has recently been awarded the…
  • April 05, 2022
    Meinerts: 'If you don't like the message, attack the messenger' To the Editor: Regarding the editor’s notes on my recent letter, a big thumbs up to the Star Herald for showing us all how the media works in the U.S. If you don’t like the message, attack the messenger. I really don’t understand how trying to paint the live-streamers in a bad light is really news. If the media would…
  • March 29, 2022
    Readers take issue with 'thumbs down' editorial item   To the Editor: In regard to last week’s thumbs down regarding rising fuel costs, first, we think you can get a point across without name-calling. It is not necessary or helpful. Our country is divided enough. Let’s make efforts to come together. It’s very common for people to blame a president for many things, fuel costs included,…
  • March 15, 2022
    Meinerts informs readers of historic event, 'Peoples Convoy' To the Editor: Since the Star Herald did not deem the People’s Convoy as newsworthy, I will do my best to inform the readers of this potentially historic event. Having participated from Beaver Creek to Albert Lea, I can say that seeing so many people waving flags on every overpass and the hundreds of cars waiting to receive…
  • February 08, 2022
    Fick: 'We can disagree and still be friends' To the Editor: My opinion, as I see it. Is lack of knowledge and misinformation costing our country thousands of lives? How many lives have died from the Covid vaccine? Never heard. A vaccine is not 100 percent effective, but lessens the seriousness of a disease. Where has our respect for our authorities gone? What are we teaching our youth…
  • January 11, 2022
      Kracht: 'How about you?" To the Editor: 2021 is over, but where are we with the Covid-19 pandemic? We are still getting the same confusing, contradictory advice from the same people who have been wrong every step of the way. Remember the promise from the person who is now in the White House? “We are not going to shut down the economy and the country, we are going to shut down the…
  • September 07, 2021
    Stroeh: Sept. 17 is Constitution Day  To the Editor: Sept. 17 is Constitution Day. A day which I feel is more important than ever in our country. My biggest fear is that we have already given up so many of our precious freedoms that I wonder if we will ever get them back. Why is our Constitution so important? Why did our founding fathers work so hard to make sure everyone in America would be able…
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