Fick: "Is it time the time NRA speaks up and out against these murders?'
To the Editor:
Another shooting, more deaths, more injuries, even children.
I don’t understand why high-powered automatic military weapons are allowed in society today. Yes, a single shot or double barrel in every home is okay to use when a skunk wanders on your lawn or a coyote spooks your cattle and your cattle end up in your neighbor’s cornfield.
If a terrorist has to reload after a couple rounds, bystanders could tackle him, intended targets could hide or get out of range.
Is it time the NRA speaks up and out against these murders? We all know they don’t condone these activities.
I feel at times the very police who protect us are falsely accused because they had to make split-second decisions and even sometimes mistakes in haste.
Robert Fick,
Crabtree: Gifts donated to Luverne hospice will still be used locally for needs of the cottage
To the Editor:
With the recent news of changes in how our local Hospice and HomeHealth Care services will be delivered, one key piece to local care will not change.
For over 15 years the Luverne Area Community Foundation has held the Sanford Luverne Hospice charitable gifts thatcome in the form of personal memorials, bricks, charity dinner support and thoughtful donations for the needs of the cottage. Any of us who have walked with a loved one through the cottage know how much thisoffering means to our community.
The Luverne Area Community Foundationwill continue our responsibility to keep local charitable gifts here,where they were given, for the purpose in which they were given – a gift of gratitude for the gift of local Hospice care. This is what local giving looks like and what LACF is in the business of doing forour community.
All hospice designated gifts can be sent directly to LACF; PO Box 623; Luverne, MN 56156.
Thank you to our local hospice caregivers and to those who have and will continue to support our local program.
Emily CrabtreeExecutive DirectorLuverne Area Community Foundation
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