bits by betty
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyJune 22, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Aug. 17, 1877. At a meeting of the St. Paul board of education held recently, a contract was entered into with Wilson, Hinkle, & Co., of Cincinnati, by which text books are to be furnished the city schools at one-half the rates formerly paid for the same books. The Superintendent was duly authorized, and directed to furnish an estimate to…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyJune 15, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Star-Herald on March 17, 1949. County Pioneer Growth of Certified Southern Type Brome Seed in State Rock county has gained distinction as being one of the pioneer counties in raising certified Fischer and Lincoln brome grass, a plant of vital importance to soil conservation. Soil Conservationist Jerry Simpson said this week that Luverne was the only…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyJune 08, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Star-Herald on Feb. 9, 1950. Lunch Program Inaugurated at Hardwick School Hot Dish, Sandwich, Dessert and Milk Now Are Served to Children The traditional lunch bucket — as important to the pupil as pencils and books in years gone by — has vanished from the Hardwick public school scene. The cold lunches, which for years were a part of the everyday life…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyJune 01, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Star-Herald on Feb. 2, 1950. County Receives Larger Allotment For 1950 Soil Conservation Practices No Definite Information Available as Yet About 1950 Corn Acreage Cuts The 1950 appropriations for agriculture conservation practices in Rock county will be $51,600, about $2,000 more than in 1949, Leonard Arp, Rock county PMA chairman, announced on…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMay 25, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Star-Herald on Jan. 26, 1950. $15,000 Polio Fund Drive Starts Nearly $22,000 Spent For Polio Care by Local Chapter the Past Year Civic and social organizations have united to carry the March of Dimes campaign through its most crucial test, John Kurvink, county director, said this week. Chairmen named to date for the various communities are as follows…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMay 18, 2021The following articles appeared in The Rock County Herald during 1895. Jan. 11, 1895 The HERALD takes great pleasure in announcing to its readers that it has again made arrangements by which it is enabled to furnish the Weekly New York Tribune to its patrons for 25 cents per year, or both for 58 cents, per year. This price is probably less than the cost of the white paper, and the offer is a…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMay 11, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Star-Herald on Jan. 19, 1950. New Café To Open In Beaver Creek “The Beaver Café” Will Hold Formal Opening Jan. 25 Geo. Schultz and C. L. Gray, Sioux Falls Man, Owners, Announce Business Staff Formal opening of the new Beaver Creek will be held next Wednesday, January 25th. Although the café will be opened prior to that for serving meals and lunches…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMay 04, 2021“Generous hearted Rock countians came through in grand style for the annual Sister Kenny Fund Drive,” said Elmer Piepgras, Rock county drive chairman. When the campaign for funds closed last Thursday, donations totaling $3,505.51 had been turned in. This is more than double the quota assigned to Rock county, $1,705. “We certainly want to express our most sincere appreciation to all the good folks…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyApril 27, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Jan. 9, 1942. 9 P.M. Saturday Closing Advised Civic And Commerce Executive Committee Holds First Meeting Holding its first meeting in the Luverne National bank, the new executive board of the Luverne Civic and Commerce association recommended Monday evening that all retail businesses in this city close promptly at 9 p.m. on Saturday nights.…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyApril 20, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Star on April 3, 1941. Raiding Officers Hit Chez Paree Night Club Proprietor Will Appear Before District Judge Next Tuesday Robert Morris, operator of the Chez Paree night club here ,is under a $300 bond pending hearing in district court Tuesday on three charges alleging sale of alcoholic liquor without a license. Morris appeared before Judge O. E.…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyApril 13, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on April 3, 1941. Homemaker’s School Opens Tomorrow Many Prizes To Be Given Away Daily Sessions Will Begin at 2 p.m. Friday and Saturday; No Admission Charges Lock the doors and come to the Luverne armory Friday and Saturday afternoons when The Star and Luverne merchants entertain at their School for Homemakers. Hundreds of Rock county…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyApril 06, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on June 24, 1892. Grand Balloon Ascension One of the Attractions for the 4th at this Place – Additional Committee It gives the Herald much pleasure to announce that the committee in charge of the Fourth of July celebration to be held at this place have been fortunate enough to secure for that occasion Prof. A. L. Ward, of Sioux City, Ia., one…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMarch 30, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on June 24, 1892. The Old Settlers The Annual Meeting Held at the Court House Last Saturday Pursuant to the call published in these columns, the annual meeting of the Old Settlers’ association of Rock county was held at the court room last Saturday afternoon. E. L. Grout, president of the association, called the meeting to order, and the…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMarch 23, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on June 24, 1892. Death and Disaster One Death in the County and Serious Injuries to Buildings and Crops Occasioned by the Storm Monday Evening Between four and five o’clock last Monday afternoon one of the severest storms of wind and hail ever known in this section swept over a narrow strip of country in the southern part of the county and…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMarch 16, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Sept. 16, 1932. Highway Dept. Shows Interesting Figures Assorted Activities of State Highway Patrol Summarized for August; 100 Cars Taken Into Custody The report of activities of the state highway patrol for the month of August, as summarized by a recent highway bulletin, shows that in addition to giving directions and other information to…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMarch 09, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Aug. 26, 1932. Burial Association Buys Long Residence Property Commodious Dwelling on West Main Street Will be Converted into Modern Funeral Home Through the purchase of the L. D. Long residence property on West Main street, known as the Wright place, the latter part of last week, the Rock County Co-Operative Burial association…
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