bits by betty
- March 21, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on March 28, 1924: RELIEF FOR STARVING CHILDREN OF GERMANY People of Rock county Asked To Help In Saving Two Million Kiddies Facing Starvation COUNTY-WIDE DRIVE FOR FUNDS SOON TO BE MADE Mayor Leach Appoints committee, With A. O. Moreaux as Chairman to Conduct Mercy Work A drive to raise a fund of $1,000 to aid in the relief of starving…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyMarch 14, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on January 18, 1924: REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS SHOW BIG DECREASE Only Two Hundred Eighty-Three Conveyances Filed During Year With Sixty-Nine for Luverne Two hundred eighty three transfers of real estate were made in this county during the year 1923, according to the records of County Auditor Olaf Skyberg. This is similar to the records of a year…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyMarch 08, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on January 18, 1924: FARMERS TO BE PROVIDED WITH HITCHING PLACES Home Automotive Co. Tenders Use of Vacant Lots for This Purpose to Luverne Commercial Club Accepting the offer of the Home Automotive Co., to donate the use of the vacant lots at the corner of Lincoln and McKenzie streets as a hitching place for the teams of farmers, the Luverne…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyFebruary 29, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on March 28, 1924: ROCK COUNTY ASSESSORS TO MEET NEXT FRIDAY Representative of State Tax Commission to be Present and fully Explain Assessment Requirements The regular annual meeting of the assessors of Rock county for the purpose of receiving instructions and advice before taking up their duties for the new year, will be held next Friday,…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyFebruary 22, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on February 8, 1924: PRICES OF GASOLINE GIVEN ANOTHER BOOST Standard and Independents Act in Unison in Boosting Prices 2 cents Throughout Northwest SECOND 2-CENT RAISE MADE IN LAST 30 DAYS Prices Now Near Peak in Minnesota—Rise In Price of Crude Oil Cited As Cause of Increase Cost of gasoline to users throughout the Northwest took…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyFebruary 02, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on December 28, 1923: SHORTAGE OF GOOD HOME GROWN SEED IS INDICATED County Agent Roske Seeks to Locate Good Local Grown Seed for Distribution In County In consideration of the great shortage this year of good, clean, home-grown seed of many varieties of farm grains, County Agent M. P. Roske is endeavoring to locate and get a distribution, in…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyFebruary 02, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on December 28, 1923: SHORTAGE OF GOOD HOME GROWN SEED IS INDICATED County Agent Roske Seeks to Locate Good Local Grown Seed for Distribution In County In consideration of the great shortage this year of good, clean, home-grown seed of many varieties of farm grains, County Agent M. P. Roske is endeavoring to locate and get a distribution, in…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyJanuary 25, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on November 2, 1923: PLANS FOR RED CROSS ROLL CALL PERFECTED House-to-house Canvass to be Made in Luverne Sunday, Nov. 11th, From 2 to 4 p.m. At a meeting called Monday evening by Dr. C. O. Wright, as county chairman for the seventh annual Red Cross roll call, plans were perfected for the carrying on of the drive in Rock county. It was…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyJanuary 11, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on December 21, 1923: U. S. AND GERMANY RENEW MONEY ORDER EXCHANGE Under arrangements completed by the two governments, beginning November 1st, there again will be an exchange of money orders by the postal systems of the United States and Germany, according to announcement received this week by Postmaster Geo. W. Fried. It has been impossible…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyDecember 28, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on September 28, 1923: CHILD HEALTH CLINICS TO BE HELD OCT. 6-11 Specialist to Hold Clinics at Luverne, Ashcreek, Kenneth, Kanaranzi and Hardwick Infant and children’s clinics, under the direction of the Rock County Public Health association, will be held at five different points in the county from October 6th to 11th. The first clinic will…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyDecember 22, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on December 1, 1922: 600 POUNDS OF FISH TAKEN FROM RIVER WITH SPEARS Two Luverne Fishermen Make Record Haul from Rock River in 2 ½ Hours—All Carp Substituting spears for fish poles, two Rock county disciples of Isaac Walton pulled out of Rock river over six hundred pounds of fish on Friday of last week, within a period of two and a half hours…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyDecember 14, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on August 17, 1923: CITY’S POLICEMEN ARE NOW CHECKING UP MOTORISTS Mayor Hinkly Orders Prosecution of Motorists Who Flagrantly Disregard Traffic Regulations Convinced that violation of traffic regulations in this city are becoming daily too frequent by many motorists, Mayor R. B. Hinkly has instructed police officers to make a checking record…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County Historical Society presidentDecember 07, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on May 19, 1911: After the first of next July first cousins cannot be united in marriage in the state of Minnesota, according to a law passed at the last session of the legislature, and for this reason there will be a considerable decrease in the number of marriage licenses issued in Rock county. All the neighboring states have had such a law in…
- By betty mann, Rock County Historical Society presidentNovember 16, 2015Bits By Betty—November 19, 2015 The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on July 20, 1923: LUVERNE BUSINESS INTERESTS PLEDGE $5,000 TO A.Y.P. TRAIL Many Give Financial Aid in Obtaining new Transcontinental Highway Thru This City That the business and professional men of Luverne are strongly in favor of the movement to secure for Southern Minnesota the proposed Atlantic-…
- By betty mann, Rock County Historical Society presidentNovember 09, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on June 8, 1923: MANY PHYSICAL DEFECTS FOUND AMONG PUPILS Report of Luverne School Nurse Discloses 169 Out of 188 in High School Were Defective Out of 188 pupils of the Luverne high school who were examined by School Nurse Clara Herm, 169 were found defective, according to a report submitted at a meeting of the executive board of the Rock…
- By betty mann, Rock County Historical Society presidentNovember 02, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on May 18, 1923: REMAINS OF CHILD BURIED 53 YEARS UNCOVERED A coffin containing what is supposed to be the remains of an infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Nason Estey, that had been buried fifty-three years, was found Saturday on the southwest quarter of section 24, Clinton township, owned by M. C. Hanson. It was while excavating for a basement that…
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