bits by betty
- By Betty Mann, Rock County Historical Society presidentSeptember 07, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on January 26, 1923: NIGHT SCHOOL ENROLLMENT IS MORE THAN DOUBLED With Only Eight Students Present on Opening Night, Attendance Reaches Eighteen on Second Night That the Luverne night school is becoming an interesting as well as a beneficial project is shown by the rapid growth in enrollment, the number having increased from eight the opening…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County Historical Society presidentAugust 31, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on January 12, 1923: BEAVER CREEK TO HAVE OWN TELEPHONE SYSTEM Favor Purchase of Present System from Private Company by Village by Vote of 67 to 12 By the decisive vote of 67 to 12, the people of Beaver Creek village declared in favor of the purchase of the telephone exchange of that place by the village at a special election held Tuesday. The…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County Historical Society presidentAugust 24, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on December 15, 1922: LIVESTOCK MEETING WILL BE HELD TOMORROW State Livestock Specialist to Propose Methods of Eradicating Tuberculosis From Rock County Herds The lecture on tuberculosis eradication work which has been scheduled for tomorrow afternoon under the auspices of the Livestock Sanitary board and the committee on tuberculosis…
- August 17, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on December 1, 1922: TRANSFER OF BODIES IN OLD LUVERNE CEMETERY APPROVED Maplewood Cemetery Proposition to Receive and Care for Bodies The proposition of merging the Luverne cemetery with that of the Maplewood cemetery was reported as accepted at a meeting of the trustees of the Luverne association held Wednesday evening. As outlined in these…
- August 10, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on November 17, 1922: DEER HUNTING NEW SPORT ENJOYED IN ROCK COUNTY E.W. Brown Shoots Fine Buck near Ashcreek After Exciting Chase—Deer Discovered in Pasture Deer hunting is not on the calendar of regular sports in Rock county but it is not impossible to indulge in this sport here on occasion. Leastwise, E.A. & E.W. Brown brought in a 200-…
- August 03, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on September 21, 1921: WILL MAINTAIN REST ROOM AT FAIR GROUNDS Instructive Health Work Exhibit Will Also be Made Under Direction of County Nurse Doyle A public rest room will be one of the features of the Red Cross and Public Health exhibit at the Rock county fair to be held September 13th to 16th. The rest room and exhibit will be in charge of…
- July 20, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on November 10, 1922: “SELF SERVE” GROCERY TO BE OPENED TOMORROW New Style Grocery Store to be Conducted by Otto Orloske in Soutar Block A new grocery establishment to be known as the “Serve Yourself” grocery store, will be opened to the public tomorrow by Otto Orloske, in the new Soutar store building on Freeman Avenue. All kinds of groceries,…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County Historical Society presidentJuly 13, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on November 3, 1922: BURGLARS PAY VISIT TO STATE BANK OF STEEN Gain Entrance Through Window and Ransack Safety Deposit Boxes—Obtain Less Than $300 The Steen State bank was burglarized early Saturday morning. About $150 in bonds and War Savings stamps, and from $15 to $20 in pennies, besides certificates of deposit and other valuables which they…
- July 06, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on October 27, 1922: LUVERNE BANKS TAKE EXTRA PRECAUTION AGAINST HOLDUPS High Power Rifles Are Placed in Second Floor Offices Offering Clear View of Bank Entrances Acting on suggestions from the American Bankers’ association, the entrances to Luverne’s banks are now well covered by high power firearms which have been placed so as to be…
- June 29, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on September 1, 1922: GROCERY PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY TONIGHT AT PALACE The following prizes will be given between the first and second show Friday evening, featuring the County Grocery. The groceries to be given are purchased of Snook’s Grocery, and are all of superior quality: 1 sack Eaco flour, 1 pound Atwood coffee, 1 can peas, 11 pounds…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County Historical Society presidentJune 22, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on June 19, 1902: Union Services at the Park A meeting of representatives from the different churches was held in the lecture room of the Presbyterian church last Monday evening and the question of holding union meetings in the park similar to those held last year was considered. After a thorough discussion it was decided that union meetings be…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County Historical Society presidentJune 08, 2015Dear Rock County readers: People who know me know that history has been a passion of mine for nearly my entire life. That's why it's been so gratifying to see that I'm not alone in my mission to preserve our Rock County history and to establish a fitting home for local artifacts and information. The History Center, which will open soon in the former Ford Motors building on East…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County Historical Society presidentJune 01, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on June 10, 1927: FLAG DAY PROGRAM TO BE GIVEN TUESDAY EVENING Observance of 150th Anniversary to be Carried Out at Luverne Commercial Club Rooms June 14th Next Tuesday, June 14th, is the 150th anniversary of the adoption of the United States flag by congress and the day will be observed in this city by a Flag day program at the Luverne…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County Historical Society presidentMay 25, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on June 2, 1922: NEW MASONIC HALL FORMALLY DEDICATED Handsome New Home of Luverne Masonic Orders Consecrated to Masonic Uses Wednesday OFFICERS OF MINNESOTA GRAND LODGE OFFICIATE Many From Adjoining Towns Assemble to Witness Simple but Impressive Ceremonies With deeply impressive services, Luverne’s handsome new Masonic hall was formally…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County Historical Society presidentMay 11, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on May 12, 1922: BURGLARS RANSACK BANK; BUT DON’T PROFIT GREATLY Pry Into Drawers, Desks and Safety Boxes; Cut Through Vault Wall — Safe Unmolested Gaining entrance in the building by breaking out a glass in the front door, the Farmers State bank, at Kanaranzi, was burglarized Friday night. Everything except the safe, was pretty thoroughly…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County Historical Society presidentMay 04, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on May 5, 1922: Next Wednesday, May 10th, Will Be Big Bargain Sale Day in Luverne Sixty-one Business Houses Join in Holding Community Sale Day, All to Offer Special Bargains in Seasonable Merchandise Sixty-one of the business houses of Luverne have united for the purpose of making next Wednesday, May 10, a community sale day — a day of unexcelled…
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