bits by betty
- October 17, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on November 20, 1896: The Northwestern long distance telephone line with headquarters in Skauge’s drug store, is completed as far west as Salem. All important towns along this route will be supplied with instruments. Last week the work of stringing the wires from Minneapolis to Fargo, N. D., was finished and as soon as the instruments are placed…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyOctober 11, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on December 4, 1896: STATISTICS FOR THE YEAR 1896 The Total Acreage of Various Farm Products, the Number of Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs, and Other Facts of Interest—Some Comparisons With the Statistics for 1895 The agricultural statement of Rock county for the year 1896, prepared by the county auditor from the statistics gathered by the…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyOctober 03, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on February 13, 1925: M. W. CHUNN TAKES ISSUE WITH REPRESENTATIVE JACOBSON Contends That Measure Prohibiting Sunday Movies, Sponsored by Him, is “Foolish and Vicious.” To the Editor of Rock County Herald: Many of the friends of Representative J. N. Jacobson will be disappointed in him when they learn that he is one of the sponsors of a bill…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietySeptember 26, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on November 27, 1896: Hills Creamery The Hills creamery made a very satisfactory record during the month of October. The Crescent says: “The board of directors of the Hills Creamery association met Monday of last week. After allowing bills for expenses during the month of October, they found they could allow the patrons 16 cents net for their…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietySeptember 12, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on January 9, 1925. HAWES & SON WILL CONDUCT BIG REORGANIZATION SALE Ten-Day Bargain Sale to Start Next Wednesday. Preparatory to Re-arrangement of Departments. In preparation for the reorganization of Hawes & Son’s department store, necessitated by the closing out of the shoe and clothing departments and the death of Chas. O. Hawes,…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietySeptember 05, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on January 9, 1925. CONSOLIDATION OF HARDWICK BANKS FOUND BENEFICIAL Results Attained Following Merge Held to Justify Elimination of Double Overhead Expense. In proof of the assertion that nothing is to be gained commercially or economically by too many institutions of a similar nature in a restricted field of endeavor, officers of the…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyAugust 29, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on December 26, 1924: SHUT-DOWN AT POWER PLANT TODAY AND TONIGHT No Electric Lights Or Power Will be Furnished for 24 Hours – Water and heat as Usual Luverne will be without electric lights and power all of today, all of tonight and a part of tomorrow, according to announcement made Wednesday by Superintendent George DeLate. The shut-down is…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyAugust 23, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on December 19, 1924: C.E. OLDER, PIONEER, PAYS TRIBUTE TO C.O. HAWES Recalls That He Was the Last of Several Young Men Who Went to His School in 1871-72. “It is with profound regret and sorrow that I hear of the death of C. O. Hawes, who had been a personal friend for more than half a century.” C. E Older, formerly of Luverne and a pioneer…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyAugust 16, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on July 18, 1924: ROCK COUNTY AS IT WAS FIFTY YEARS AGO The ill-fated year 1873 began with the most violent storm in the history of the state from the time of the first settlement to the present date. For three days beginning January 7th, the blizzard raged, extending over the whole northwest. Seventy human lives were lost in the storm in…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyAugust 08, 2016In November 1867, Mr. Hawes brought with him John Lietze and family who were to maintain a stopping place, or half-way place, as it was called on the mail route. Although both the Estey and Lietze families spent the winter of 1867-68 on the Rock river within ten miles of each other, neither knew of the presence of the other, each family believing itself to be the only one in Rock county. At…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyJuly 19, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on July 18, 1924: Continued from last week: ROCK COUNTY AS IT WAS FIFTY ODD YEARS AGO During the Autumn of 1866, Nathan C Estey and James Johnson, of Spirit Lake, Iowa, visited the county for the purpose of selecting claims on the un-surveyed lands for themselves and for Mr. Estey’s younger brothers, also having a few goods to barter with the…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County Historical Society PresidentJuly 11, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on July 18, 1924: ROCK COUNTY AS IT WAS FIFTY ODD YEARS AGO Being a Paper on Pioneer Life as Read by Representative J.N. Jacobson at Hills Old Settler’s Re-Union Permanent settlement began in the southwest corner of the county in 1876. A few years before that time, trappers had operated in the county, visiting streams for the taking of pelts…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyJuly 04, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on October 24, 1924: COUNTY SCHOOLS RECEIVE STATE AID APPROPRIATION County Auditor Olaf Skyberg this week received notice from State Auditor Chase as to the amount of state appropriation as school aid which Rock county will receive. This sum is $11,113.20 which makes $4 for each of the 2,640 pupils in Rock county schools. In addition to this, the…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyJune 27, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on October 17, 1924: MANY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF PUBLIC CHEST CLINIC Total of Thirty-Nine Persons Undergo Examination by Drs. Slater and Britt A total of thirty-nine people took advantage of the opportunity for examination at the chest clinic held Wednesday at the Armory under the direction of Drs. Slater and Britt, of the Southwestern Minnesota…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyJune 20, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on October 3, 1924: POPULAR ENTERTAINERS TO BE HERE FOR ONE WEEK Clint and Bessie Robbins and company Coming to Palace Theatre Monday Evening With New Repertoire Clint and Bessie Robbins and their company, longtime favorites of Rock county theatre goers, will open a week’s engagement at the Palace Theatre next Monday, October 6th. The opening…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyJune 14, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on September 12, 1924: LUVERNE PLANS FOR DEFENSE TEST DAY Local Committee Completes Arrangements for Fitting Observance of Day This Afternoon CO. H TO BE RECRUITED TO FULL WAR STRENGTH Parade at 3 0’Clock will be Followed by Speech, Music and Exhibition Drill at Fair Grounds Today is Defense Day, and it will be observed in Luverne this…
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