rock county
- March 28, 2016A report released earlier this year named Rock County as one of only 10 counties in Minnesota to have fully recovered from the 2010 recession. The National Association of Counties report indicated a large majority (93 percent) of U.S. counties have not recovered to prerecession levels in jobs, unemployment rates, economic outputs and median home values. Fortunately, Rock County is among the 214…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyJanuary 25, 2016The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on November 2, 1923: PLANS FOR RED CROSS ROLL CALL PERFECTED House-to-house Canvass to be Made in Luverne Sunday, Nov. 11th, From 2 to 4 p.m. At a meeting called Monday evening by Dr. C. O. Wright, as county chairman for the seventh annual Red Cross roll call, plans were perfected for the carrying on of the drive in Rock county. It was…
- By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical SocietyDecember 22, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on December 1, 1922: 600 POUNDS OF FISH TAKEN FROM RIVER WITH SPEARS Two Luverne Fishermen Make Record Haul from Rock River in 2 ½ Hours—All Carp Substituting spears for fish poles, two Rock county disciples of Isaac Walton pulled out of Rock river over six hundred pounds of fish on Friday of last week, within a period of two and a half hours…
- By Minnesota Department of AgricultureSeptember 28, 2015As farmers across Minnesota ramp up fall harvest activity, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) reminds everyone of possible hazards of the season. Federal and state statistics show farming is one of the most dangerous professions. In 2013, the latest year reported, 17 of the 69 work-related deaths in the state were in the ag industry, according to data from the Minnesota Department of…
- September 21, 2015In the past five years Rock County’s debt has grown. Today the amount totals $11,115,019.29. At the Sept. 8 Rock County Board meeting, Chairman Ron Boyenga proposed taking on no more debt for the next five years. Instead of passing the resolution, board members supported the idea instead, making it a possible goal. As a goal to not raise the county’s debt, the action won’t tie commissioners’…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County Historical Society presidentSeptember 14, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on February 23, 1923: KIWANIS CLUB TO GIVE SILVER CUP TO SCHOOLS Will be Used as a Trophy for Which Seniors and Juniors Will Annually Debate Purchase and presentation to the Luverne high school of a silver cup as a trophy for which the Senior and Junior classes will debate, was authorized at the Luverne Kiwanis club. This trophy is to remain in…
- August 31, 2015Tuesday marked a significant milestone for our rural Rock County residents. Rock County Broadband Alliance broke ground on a $14 million project to bring high-speed Internet service to all residents living outside the city of Luverne. RCBA is a subsidiary of Alliance Communications Cooperative based in Garretson, South Dakota. The co-op received a $5 million state grant to expand its fiber-to-…
- August 24, 2015A disappointing controversy arose last week during the annual sale of the Cardinal Coupon Card. The folded card displays the names of more than 50 local businesses offering discounts totaling more than $2,000 in goods and services. The Chamber does the legwork contacting interested businesses, and the athletes do the legwork selling cards. The proceeds are split between the Chamber and Luverne…
- By Lt. Governor Tina SmithAugust 17, 2015In 1922 the Minneapolis Tribune speculated, “… The day will come soon when farms are run by electricity, just as the other great industries are." The newspaper marveled that the relatively new technology was creating new economic opportunities in rural Minnesota and was making work more efficient and life a little easier. Eventually Minnesota farms were electrified, but it didn't…
- August 10, 2015The Star Herald this week doles out thumbs up and thumbs down on topics ranging from street beautification to recycling contamination. Thumbs up — to the Rock County Agricultural Society for putting on another great fair. It had a great variety of things to do, see, hear and eat, and the improvements at the fairgrounds made everything look great and function smoothly. Of course perfect summer…
- August 10, 2015The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on November 17, 1922: DEER HUNTING NEW SPORT ENJOYED IN ROCK COUNTY E.W. Brown Shoots Fine Buck near Ashcreek After Exciting Chase—Deer Discovered in Pasture Deer hunting is not on the calendar of regular sports in Rock county but it is not impossible to indulge in this sport here on occasion. Leastwise, E.A. & E.W. Brown brought in a 200-…
- July 27, 2015The 2015 version of the Rock County Fair is well underway this week, and those who haven’t yet been to the fairgrounds on South Freeman Avenue should make a point to get there. Why? We aren’t going to offer a David Letterman “Top 10 Reasons,” but we can come up with a few good arguments. •Agriculture is showcased at its best — The county fair is the one event that showcases our ag community at…
- June 08, 2015A resolution adopted recently by the Luverne School Board is leading student involvement in athletics and activities in a more positive direction. Our young people will be better served by this change. Instead of thinking athletic and activity events as after-school events, the board views student participation in events as part of educating youth. At their May 28 board meeting, members watched…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County Historical Society presidentJune 08, 2015Dear Rock County readers: People who know me know that history has been a passion of mine for nearly my entire life. That's why it's been so gratifying to see that I'm not alone in my mission to preserve our Rock County history and to establish a fitting home for local artifacts and information. The History Center, which will open soon in the former Ford Motors building on East…
- May 04, 2015While the recent avian influenza outbreak poses a low risk to human health and is not a food safety risk, Gov. Mark Dayton declared a state of emergency to stop the spread of the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). The declaration by the state’s leader couldn’t have come quickly enough. As of May 1, nearly 4 million birds have been euthanized in Minnesota involving 67 farms in 19…
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