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  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    September 12, 2017
    My husband, youngest daughter and I arose early that morning. Our mission for the day was to drive to Beatrice, Nebraska, to view the total eclipse of the sun scheduled to happen there around noon. NASA promoted the event like this: “On Monday, Aug. 21, 2017, all of North America will be treated to an eclipse of the sun. Anyone within the path of totality can see one of nature’s most awe-…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    September 12, 2017
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on November 12, 1926:   MANY FARM OWNERS ARE OPPOSED TO RE-ROUTING NO. 9   Divided Fields With Resultant Inconveniences Are Most General Grounds for Complaint.   The re-routing of trunk highway No. 9, so that it will run along the north side of the Omaha right-of-way from the west edge of this city, to the South Dakota state line, instead of over…
  • By Lori Sorenson, editor
    September 05, 2017
    My friend, Carrie, and I recently took advantage of cheap airfare and an invitation to stay in her family’s Las Vegas timeshare. I wouldn’t describe either of us as impulsive, but sometimes good deals are too good to pass up, and sometimes spur-of-the moment plans actually work. Within days of spotting the deal we chose our dates and booked our flights. A few weeks later the schoolteacher and…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    September 05, 2017
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on November 5, 1926:   SCHOOL BUILDING IS FORMALLY DEDICATED   Large Throng Attends Exercises and Inspects Luverne’s New High School Friday Evening.   DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS ARE WARMLY PRAISED   Splendid Value and many Merits of New Structure Are Outlined by Different Speakers.   About seven hundred and fifty or eight hundred patrons and taxpayers…
  • By Sgt. Troy Christianson
    August 29, 2017
    Question: I read that the fine for going through a school bus stop arm will increase in Minnesota. Can you talk about the fine amount and school bus safety? Answer: State law requires all vehicles to stop for school buses when the bus driver activates the flashing lights and has the crossing arm fully extended.  As of Aug. 1, drivers who violate that law will face a larger fine when citations…
  • By Rick Peterson, Tollefson Publishing General Manager
    August 29, 2017
    “Thanks for the memories.” That is how I felt after Sunday afternoon’s Stars and Stripes USO Show at the historic Palace Theatre. They weren’t really my memories, but I could tell many of those in the audience were remembering good times of long ago. I truly enjoyed the show, but it was an added pleasure watching others enjoy the performances. No doubt a lot of memories resurfaced for those in…
  • By Mavis Fodness, Reporter
    August 29, 2017
    Naming an animal is not at all unusual. As a child I named every cat — along with a special chicken or cow. Giving an object a name is a little more unusual. In elementary school I gave my first band instrument, a clarinet, the name Clarice. Clarice the Clarinet. I grin at the thought. You might think I named the black plastic instrument after Jodie Foster’s character in the horror movie, “…
  • By Mavis Fodness, Reporter
    August 29, 2017
    Naming an animal is not at all unusual. As a child I named every cat — along with a special chicken or cow. Giving an object a name is a little more unusual. In elementary school I gave my first band instrument, a clarinet, the name Clarice. Clarice the Clarinet. I grin at the thought. You might think I named the black plastic instrument after Jodie Foster’s character in the horror movie, “…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    August 29, 2017
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on October 15, 1926:   Minnesota’s highway department the first of this week completed the task of oiling and resurfacing with gravel the two-mile stretch of trunk highway No. 6, between the Kniss avenue paving and state road No. 8 north of this city. Oil was heated and put on under pressure by an especially designed machine, and the oil was…
  • By George Bonnema, Luverne gardening enthusiast
    August 29, 2017
    For weed spray to be most effective, the weeds should be growing actively ... with all the rain we have had, the weeds ARE really growing actively. So, I’m saying that right now is a great time to attack creeping Charlie and any other broad leaf weed in your lawn. A fall application of spray will catch the weed seedlings as they germinate, giving you a clean sweep going into spring. Tough weeds…
  • By Sgt. Troy Christianson
    August 22, 2017
    Question: Can you drive in a bike lane? For instance, use it for a right turn lane? Answer: No, motorists are not allowed to drive in the bike lanes. The solid white lines on any road mean do not cross. There are designated areas where the solid white line is converted to dashed lines and this is where motor vehicles are allowed to enter a bike lane to make a turn. Before crossing a bicycle lane…
  • By Jason Berghorst, reporter
    August 22, 2017
    There’s a first time for everything. I had one last week when I purchased my first brand new major household appliance. I’ve purchased brand new TVs, computers and furniture before, but never an appliance. When I bought my house eight years ago, the refrigerator, range, dishwasher, washing machine and dryer all came with the house. I really hesitate to type this, but so far only the washing…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    August 22, 2017
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on October 8, 1926:   CROW HUNTERS FAIL TO BAG MANY BIRDS   Total of Only 103 Crows Killed in First Crow Hunt Staged by Local Izaak Walton League   LOSING TEAM TO GIVE WINNING TEAM A FEED   Second Hunt will be Staged Next Month, When it is Hoped More Favorable Weather Will Prevail.   A total of one hundred three crows were killed in the three-day…
  • By George Bonnema, Luverne gardening enthusiast
    August 22, 2017
    The Minnesota Northern Gardener magazine was in my mail box today, and there is an article about a new disease showing up in roses in the Midwest ... Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois. The disease is rampant in southern states because of milder weather. Rose rosette disease (RRD) is caused by a virus which is carried by a microscopic mite. The tiny, wingless…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    August 15, 2017
    And now they are 2. The baby girls who became our granddaughters two years ago have had their birthdays — one in June and one in July. So the family is blessed with not one, but two, completely illogical people. Webster defines logic as “a proper or reasonable way of thinking about something.” A 2-year-old is not a logical creature, especially regarding property rights. We were about to cross the…
  • By George Bonnema, Luverne gardening enthusiast
    August 14, 2017
    Blessed is the only word that I can come up with to express how I feel about getting over 4 inches of rain in the last 7 days. I had just thrashed the seed out of my dead spinach plants, and that seed has germinated like too thick … I’ll have to thin it when normally I’m just happy to have a reasonable germination rate. We stopped at a garden market last weekend and they had little green apples…
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