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  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    March 05, 2019
    We’re nearing the end of a weeklong visit to Indiana to see our granddaughter Peppercorn and her kid sister Soggy Bottoms. Peppercorn is a thinker and has been a student of life for 3 1/2 years now. Little escapes her. She speaks truth. For example, “It’s mean to cook unicorns.” Well, yes, Sweetheart, it is. That’s why we cook cows and pigs and we decorate our bedrooms with unicorns. “It’s hard…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    March 05, 2019
    The following appeared in the Rock County Star Herald on February 25, 1954.   Board Sets Mar. 26 To Vote On School Bonds   To Cost about $22.30 For Each $1,000 Assessed Valuation Continued from last week.  New School, Two Stories High The new building will be two stories high with the shops housed in one story units. Besides the regular classrooms, there will be special departments such as…
  • By Rick Peterson, Tollefson Publishing General Manager
    January 29, 2019
    It’s been a while, but recently Grandma Mary and I were called into duty to watch our granddaughters while their mom and dad attended a holiday gathering. Brooke is four and Ellee is one. So both walk, only one in diapers, and there are no bottles to deal with. So this should be relatively simple. So I thought. Grandma Mary and I do this granddaughter-sitting thing as a team. I drive us to…
  • By Mavis Fodness
    January 29, 2019
    When the retirement of Father Tom Jennings appeared in the Sept. 27, 2018, edition, I kept a secret for the parishioners of Luverne and Ellsworth. As Father Tom was winding down his 49 years in the priesthood, the parishioners of St. Catherine and St. Mary churches were busy finding a heart-felt thank you gift for the man who faithfully served the parish for 15 years. Parishioners finally decided…
  • By Maggie Berndt-Dreyer, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Hills
    January 29, 2019
    There’s a popular new Netflix show called Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. I’ll admit, I haven’t seen it, nor have I read Marie Kondo’s book: The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Usually I try not to form an opinion on something I know little about and have no experience with, but from what I’ve read about it from various media outlets, it’s an interesting concept, and it fits well with how I…
  • By Betty Mann
    January 29, 2019
    The following appeared in the Rock County Star Herald on February 4, 1954   Polio Fund Now Over $4,000 Contributions turned in to the county March of Dimes committee up to Tuesday of this week amounted to $4,244.13, it was announced this week.  Luverne’s “Mothers’ March” last Thursday night proved highly successful, with $1,453.48 turned in, according to Lester Tollefson, drive chairman. Largest…
  • By Rick Peterson, general manager
    January 15, 2019
    I am sure many of you experienced date confusion over the recent holidays. By that I mean it was difficult at best during the weeks of Christmas and New Year to keep track of what day of the week it was. It seemed for two weeks in a row we had two Mondays each week, and to kind of balance that out, it also seemed like it was Friday twice a week. You probably found yourself asking others what day…
  • By Lori Sorenson, editor
    January 15, 2019
    My 22-year-old son spent last weekend ice fishing with buddies on some frozen lake in central Minnesota. He’s an experienced angler and has driven on many frozen Minnesota lakes to auger countless holes in ice to retrieve untold numbers and species of fish. Therefore, I told myself (again) I should not worry that my firstborn will fall through the ice surface and plunge to a frigid death. But I’m…
  • By Betty Mann
    January 15, 2019
    An 11-man crew arrived here this week to begin the construction of 84 miles of 161,000 KV transmission line for Northern States Power Company and Interstate Power Company. The new line will serve as a connecting link between the two utilities lines, for standby service. It will extend from a point north of Sioux Falls to Heron Lake. According to L. W. Walentine, Lincoln, Nebr., superintendent of…
  • By Rick Peterson, General Manager
    July 31, 2018
    Tuesday of last week I got to take my granddaughter Brooke to day care. I was called into day care delivery duty because Brooke’s mom and dad were taking Brooke’s sister Ellie to the hospital early in the morning to have tubes put in her ears. Side note here: We had tubes put in our kids’ ears over 35 years ago, and back then they made us and the kids suffer through a number of ear infections —…
  • By Jason Berghorst, reporter
    July 31, 2018
    One of the things I enjoy most about this part-time summer reporter job is talking to people about what’s interesting in their lives. Usually the “real” news is taken care of by the professionals here and I get to focus on stories that are sometimes classified as “human interest.” By definition, that means I’m writing articles about people that you as human readers should find interesting. Most…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    July 31, 2018
    The following appeared in the Rock County Star Herald on October 30, 1952.   Street Banner Controversy Becomes Election Stimulus  (This continues a story from last week about a political banner hung over Main Street bearing the words: “The Demos Say ‘You Never Had it So Good.’ Ask The Boys In Korea-Volunteers For Ike.” The banner, according to the 1952 story, provoked “more political comment,…
  • By George Bonnema, Luverne Horticulturalist
    July 31, 2018
    I just seem to be giving you more things to do each time I write this, but maybe you pick the things you like to do or want to do like a menu ... at least I’m trying to keep you up to speed. So now we are into August, and last week I mentioned thinning or dividing bearded iris. August is also the month to move or divide peonies, both standard and fern leaf peonies. When you get to replanting the…
  • By Betty Mann, President, Rock County Historical Society
    July 17, 2018
    The following appeared in the Rock County Star Herald on October 23, 1952.   Area’s Biggest Ears of Corn And Largest Eggs Will Vie In C and C Contest Friday   Merchants To Offer Host Of Special Values   The largest ears of corn and the largest hen’s eggs raised in the Luverne trade area will compete for $50 in cash prizes in a special “Luverne Day” contest sponsored by the Luverne Civic and…
  • By Rick Peterson, General Manager
    July 17, 2018
    Another great Hot Dog Night has come and gone. You’re probably thinking summer has hit the midway point and you’re wondering, “Where did the summer go?” But then you realize there’s a lot more to come before we close the book on the summer of 2018. The Rock County Fair gets underway next week. There is a full slate of activities starting with 4-H exhibit judging Monday afternoon. Wednesday also…
  • By Brenda Winter, Columnist
    July 17, 2018
    Standing in my son’s back yard pushing my granddaughter on her swing, she instructs me, “Higher Grammy! Higher!” I’m facing north, staring at the former Sunrise Motel at the west end of Main Street between RCO and the old Ripley gas station. The motel is being remodeled by John and Vinnie. It’s one of those “top-secret, right out in the open” sorts of operations. They are doing something, but no…
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