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  • By George Bonnema, Luverne
    July 27, 2015
      My garden has excellent soil for growing melons, and the vines are loaded with fruit. Often I’m asked how to know when a melon is ready to pick. When the tendril opposite the stem to the fruit dries up, the melon is ripe. Then you want to harvest that melon soon or it will rot or be attacked by bugs … the bugs always seem to know when to harvest! If you’re buying a watermelon, look for a…
  • By Betty Mann, Rock County Historical Society president
    July 13, 2015
      The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on November 3, 1922: BURGLARS PAY VISIT TO STATE BANK OF STEEN Gain Entrance Through Window and Ransack Safety Deposit Boxes—Obtain Less Than $300 The Steen State bank was burglarized early Saturday morning. About $150 in bonds and War Savings stamps, and from $15 to $20 in pennies, besides certificates of deposit and other valuables which they…
  • July 06, 2015
      The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on October 27, 1922:   LUVERNE BANKS TAKE EXTRA PRECAUTION AGAINST HOLDUPS High Power Rifles Are Placed in Second Floor Offices Offering Clear View of Bank Entrances Acting on suggestions from the American Bankers’ association, the entrances to Luverne’s banks are now well covered by high power firearms which have been placed so as to be…
  • By Geroge Bonnema, Luverne
    June 29, 2015
      I have never seen die-back in spirea like I observed this spring. However, most have recovered and are blooming beautifully. I want to remind you to shear those flower heads off after that first flush of blooms and the new growth will give them a fresh look for the rest of the season. If you have noticed medium-sized white butterflies floating around in your garden, they are the source of the…
  • By Glenda McGaffee
    June 16, 2015
    The 125th celebration of Hills is now another page in the history books. And the weather was beautiful.   Hats off to the members of Helping Build Communities Stronger and everyone else who assisted to make the weekend a success. This was my first experience working with the group, and I enjoyed it immensely. Congratulations to Jim Moser, the winner of the commemorative 125th Henry Lever .22…
  • By George Bonnema
    June 16, 2015
    If you have rudbeckia goldstrum, the perennial black-eyed Susan, and you are noticing angular black spots on the leaves, your plants are being attacked by a fungus called septoria leaf spot. To prevent that disease from totally destroying the beauty of the plant, you need to spray both upper and under sides of the leaves with a fungicide. I use Daconil and it protects the uninfected foliage.  The…
  • By Betty Mann
    June 16, 2015
    The fourteenth annual convention of the W.C.T.U. District No. 5 will be held in this city commencing Saturday June 21st to continue three days. Elaborate preparations have been made to make this the most notable event of its kind ever held in Luverne. A corps of able speakers will be in attendance the entire session; good music will be furnished and nothing will be found lacking to render the…
  • By Pete Schaefer
    June 16, 2015
    Question: Why is it important not to disturb roadside ditches during the spring and summer?

 Answer: Roadside ditches are highly productive nesting sites, and they provide some of the most valuable wildlife habitat available in the state. More than 40 kinds of birds and animals nest on the ground or in low vegetative cover. Wildlife that nest in these areas include pheasants, gray partridge,…
  • By Sgt. Troy Christianson
    June 16, 2015
    Question: I read an article about gas-powered bicycles/mopeds and I have some questions of my own. What is needed in addition when one has a permit or driver’s license? Answer: These rules apply to required equipment and gear for moped riders: •A moped must meet the same lighting requirements as a motorcycle, with a headlight, taillight and stop lamp. The headlight must be on during operation.…
  • By George Bonnema, Luverne
    June 01, 2015
      My roses are looking like I’ll begin enjoying marvelous color in a week. I also noticed a few holes in the leaves. I applied systemic fertilizer/insecticide several weeks ago and those little green worms that tried to feast on the leaves got eliminated before they did much damage. The worms are the same color as the leaves and are on the underside of the leaf. If they are not controlled, they…
  • By Nancy Kraayenhof
    May 19, 2015
    A solution With all the pretreating sprays, the spectacular water softeners, the advancements in washing machine technology and the super-duper concentrated laundry detergents available, we should have the whitest whites and brightest brights in the laundry department that we could ever want. So, why, oh why, do we still have trouble removing stains and getting our clothes clean? When I was a kid…
  • May 19, 2015
    When I hear the music “Pomp and Circumstance,” it always brings a tear to my eye and I recall memories of my graduation. Here is my trip down Memory Lane … The year was 1974. Our senior class motto was ”Face the sun and the shadows will fall behind.” Colors were red and blue. Flowers were white carnations tinted red and blue. Administration included W.D. Marshall, superintendent; Greg Spath, high…
  • By Glenda McGaffee
    May 19, 2015
    Greetings from the Tuff Memorial Home. National Nursing Home Week was observed at the nursing home May 10 through May 16. The theme for the week was “Bring on the Fiesta.” The week was created in 1967 and always begins on Mother’s Day and continues through the following Saturday. Events during the week included: •Monday, May 11: The theme for the day was Dapper & Dazzle Day. Residents and…
  • By George Bonnema
    May 11, 2015
      It is Sunday afternoon and we have just had a beautiful shower of much needed rain.  That will make a huge difference on everything you have planted in your garden … and a few things you didn’t plant … like weeds! We use our grass clippings for mulch and other than my hoe, that is the best weed control I have. The layer of grass blocks sunlight which many weed seeds need to germinate. It also…
  • By Betty Mann, Rock County Historical Society president
    May 11, 2015
      The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on May 12, 1922:   BURGLARS RANSACK BANK; BUT DON’T PROFIT GREATLY Pry Into Drawers, Desks and Safety Boxes; Cut Through Vault Wall — Safe Unmolested Gaining entrance in the building by breaking out a glass in the front door, the Farmers State bank, at Kanaranzi, was burglarized Friday night. Everything except the safe, was pretty thoroughly…
  • By glenda mcgaffee
    May 05, 2015
    Sunday, May 10, is the day set aside to honor mothers.   Mother’s Day should arouse more than grateful sentiments in our hearts. The day should remind us of our deep and abiding obligations to our mothers, who brighten our lives with their warmth, joy and laughter. Washington Irving has given us these memorable words about a mother’s love and devotion: “There is an enduring tenderness in the love…
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