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City of Luverne seeks chid care center roof replacement bids

City of Luverne seeks chid care

center roof replacement bids

City of Luverne Child Care - Roof Replacement

Ad for Bid

Hiking the canyon in a day is hard, but so is suicide prevention

Hiking the Grand Canyon has long been on my bucket list. As one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the canyon is a spectacular feat of nature.

Larson hearing

Larson hearing


                                                                         DISTRICT COURT

COUNTY OF ROCK                                                                     PROBATE DIVISION


Road trip provides off-the-field learning opportunity

If you follow the H-BC football team, you know they are pretty darn good and have been for some time. From what Mary and I observed recently, they are a polite group of young men, with a little help from the coach.

On the Record Sept. 22-27, 2023

Dispatch report

Sept. 22

Celebrations Oct. 5, 2023

Baby shower

Menu Oct. 9-13, 2023

LSS meals at Generations


Kleine probate

Kleine probate


                                                                         DISTRICT COURT

COUNTY OF ROCK                                                                     PROBATE DIVISION

1944: Rollert decided U.S. was place for him

The following article is part of the Diamond Club Member group that began in the January 7, 1943, issue of the Rock County Star Herald. Members of this group consist of persons of age 75 and older.

Remember When Oct. 5, 2023

10 years ago (2013)

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