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1943: Heckt is featured Diamond Club member

The following article is part of the Diamond Club Member group that began in the January 7, 1943, issue of the Rock County Star Herald. Members of this group consist of persons of age 75 and older.
February 4, 1943
When prairie chickens were so numerous in this section of the country that one could ride along in a wagon and shoot them was recalled this week by William Heckt, Luverne. The birds found the unbroken prairie an ideal place for nesting and raising their young, but as the county became more densely populated, and more and more land was placed under cultivation, the number of prairie chickens gradually decreased until now there are only a few scattered flocks that spend the winters in corn fields here.
Mr. Heckt has been a resident of the United States since 1880, when he came here from Germany. He was born Aug. 5, 1865 in Holstein, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joachim Heckt. His father was a ship’s carpenter, and the town in which they lived was located on the sea. There was fog where he lived which was much the same as in England, he states.
He attended the school in his home town and was confirmed there before his family left for the United States in January, 1880. Making the trip here were his father and mother and five brothers and sisters in addition to himself. He recalls but little about the trip here except that the weather was bad and the sea was so rough that they were confined to their cabin for several days.
His father deciding to come to America was due, perhaps, to the fact that Germany was undergoing an economic recon-struction following the Franco – Prussian war, and times were difficult, especially for a man with a large family. Another factor which no doubt had some bearing on his father’s decision was Mr. Heckt’s older brother, who was already living in this country. He told of America’s wealth and agricultural future, and this, Mr. Heckt believes, had its influence on his father.
They settled in Tama county, Ia. near the village of Dysart, where the elder Mr. Heckt bought an 80 acre farm. Although thought of as a comparatively small acreage in this country, this was a big farm for the Heckt family, who came from a country where land was farmed only in very small tracts. Farming was different here too, than it was in Holstein, Mr. Heckt recalls. There all the farmers lived in villages, and tilled the land adjoining the village.
Mr. Heckt lived at home until he was 21, and he then went to Lyon county to obtain employment. He worked as a hired hand for several years for a salary of $20 a month. He came to Rock county in 1889 and worked on a farm that summer. On Dec. 24 of that year, he married Mollie Hemme at Luverne. In 1891, the couple began farming in Springwater township. From there, they moved to Rose Dell township which was their home for nine years. In 1905, they moved to the village of Hardwick where Mr. Hemme was engaged in the retail mercantile business. Three years of business life was as much as he wanted, however, and he moved back to a farm in Denver township. Here the Heckt family lived until retiring and moving to Luverne in 1919. Farming today in many ways is different from what it was when he came to Rock county, Mr. Hemme states, but in one way, it’s just the same. You still have to plant the seed and harvest your crops, he philosophizes, no matter how mechanized your farming has become.
Threshing from stacks rather than from shocks was the common rather than the uncommon thing when he first came to Rock county. One year, he set up over 100 stacks, 80 of which stood through the winter because he was unable to get a threshing crew to finish them in the fall. Although the butts were wet, the grain in the upper five sixths of the stacks were dry and in excellent condition. The driest years he experienced was during 1894 and 1911. In 1894, he recalls, there was a killing frost in May, and no rain fell after that time. Wheat sown on corn stalk ground produced some grain, but that sown on plowing was worthless. He harvested his biggest crop the year following, in 1895.
Mr. and Mrs. Heckt became the parents of two children, the late Mrs. Gus Schlapkohl and Louis Heckt of Hardwick. Mrs. Heckt died about two years ago.
Mr. Heckt has three brothers and three sisters living. They are E. P. Heckt, Dysart, Ia., R. O. Heckt, Mason City, Ia.; E. C.  Heckt, Hardwick; Mrs. Emma Hemme, Hardwick and Mrs. Meta Rohlk, Luverne. He has six grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Two of his grandsons, Orville Schlapkohl and Alvin Hemme, are in the Army.
Mr. Heckt is a member of the of the Woodmen lodge. He states he has held no offices except that of treasurer manager of the Rock County Burial association several years ago.
         Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, 312 E. Main Street, Luverne, MN 56156.
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1943: Diamond Club continued

The following article is part of the Diamond Club Member group that began in the January 7, 1943, issue of the Rock County Star Herald. Members of this group consist of persons of age 75 and older. This is continued from last week’s edition of the Star Herald.
January 14, 1943
The distinction of being a distant relative of one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence belongs to Mrs. Addie Clark, 84, who resides with her daughter, Mrs. Vernon Goembel, near Luverne. Although most people at her age would not undertake it, Mrs. Clark recently wrote a brief family biography, tracing the history of her family since early in the 18th century.
Her father David McKean was of Scotch descent, his forefathers having come to this country in 1720. An old family history, which was later destroyed by fire, stated that the first McKeans came to Boston in that year. There were five boatloads of Scots that came at one time, but Mrs. Clark is not certain that all were north to Nova Scotia, others settled in Connecticut and New York and many probably settled in Massachusetts.
One of her father’s forbears was Thomas McKean, who was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
Mrs. Clark’s father was a boy of 17 when he came west to settle in Clinton county, Ia. His father bought a half section of land at $2.50 per acre, which land was owned by the McKean family until 1867. Mrs. Clark’s father cared for his parents as long as they lived. He was married in 1855 to Sarah E. Banks and they reared a family of five girls­—“three school teachers and two milliners” according to Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Clark, who was one of the school teachers, was born on the home farm Sept. 14, 1858.
“My mother,” says Mrs. Clark, “married at 18 as most of the girls of that age did. They moved to father’s farm, part of the original farm, and lived there until after the Civil War. My mother did not like farm life.
“We had a good school there and she was anxious for us girls to have every advantage.
“Those were hard times after the war,” recalls Mrs. Clark, and predicts, “they’re such as we’ll have when this war is over.
“We lived on the old farm until 1867, then moved to Wheatland in the same county. Later, in 1873, we moved to Calhoun county, Ia. where I stayed with my grandfather and went to high school that year. Then I went to Missouri to school and lived with my great-uncle 1½ years. The next summer, I taught a country school, and that fall on Oct. 11, 1876, I was married to Ellis I. Clark, at Lake City, Ia.”
Mrs. Clark taught school the next year, and then she and her husband moved on a rented farm. In two years, Mr. Clark bought an 80-acre tract, and built a small house, 14x20 feet, with one room on the second floor. They lived there until 1881 when they sold the farm and bought another. There they built a large house and barn, and as Mrs. Clark describes it, “we were very comfortable.”
In 1896, they sold their Iowa farm and moved to Nebraska, living there 12 years before moving to Clear Lake, S.D. This was their home for five years, and they then moved to Luverne, coming to this community Feb. 24, 1914. They bought a farm near Luverne and operated it until moving to Luverne on Decoration day, 1917.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark were the parents of 10 children, nine of whom are living. They include Edmond L. Clark, Dickson, Ill.; Mrs. J. H. Pinkley, Pender, Neb.; Guy E. Clark, Cedar Rapids, Ia.; David W. Clark, Detroit, Mich.; Neil C. Clark, Walker, Ia.; Mrs. Vernon Goembel, Luverne; Floyd M. Clark, East Moline, Ill.; and Leslie L. Clark, Tallahassee, Fla. She also has 24 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Clark has two sisters living, Mrs. Clara M. Alt, Evanston, Ill. and Mrs. Bird Davey, Des Moines, Ia.
“As to my own life,” Mrs. Clark writes in her biographical sketch, “it is hardly worth talking about. It was quiet and uneventful as you may suppose, cooking and doing my own work the better part of the time. I never knew what it meant not to have plenty for my big family of seven boys and two girls. I lost one girl, eleven years old, in 1896. This was a great grief.
“I am 84 years old now, and as happy as one can be out of her own home. My husband died in 1926.
“As to the reason for my long life, perhaps that can be found in Exodus 20, in the fourth commandment, “Honor thy father and thy mother and that days may be long in the land thy God giveth thee’.”
Mrs. Clark is a member of the Presbyterian church, serving many years as superintendent and teacher in the Sunday school.
She has made her home with Mrs. Goembel since her husband’s death in 1926.
         Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, 312 E. Main Street, Luverne, MN 56156.
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1943: Diamond Club Member group (ages 75+) debuts in Luverne

The following article is part of the Diamond Club Member group that began in the January 7, 1943, issue of the Rock County Star Herald. Members of this group consist of persons of age 75 and older. This is continued from last week’s edition of the Star Herald.
Mr. Kennedy was married May 4, 1894, at Luverne to Susie Kean, a native of Village Creek, Ia. and they made their home on the farm at the east edge of Hardwick until they moved to Luverne about four years ago.
When Mr. Kennedy bought the place, it was unbroken prairie and had no improvements. He broke all the sod, however, and built all the buildings. He modernized it by piping water to the buildings from a spring 80 rods distant, and by installing electric lights as soon as electricity was available in Hardwick.
Very few have had the privilege to watch a village grow as Mr. Kennedy did. He recalls when there was nothing at Hardwick except a station platform. After several had settled there, Mr. Kennedy and some of the others organized the first village council. After that time, Mr. Kennedy served in various capacities but mostly as mayor, an office which he held for 22 years.
“You learn a lot of things when you hold an office like that,” Mr. Kennedy said, “and if I had it to do over again, I don’t think I’d ever want to go through it. Now that it is done, though, I guess it was worth it.”
Through the efforts of Mr. Kennedy and fellow council members, Hardwick became the first village in Rock county to have electric lights and a water system. Because they had the foresight to spend $7 and $8 per foot for drilling a well through solid rock to a depth of 410 feet, the village now has one of the finest water supplies in the county, and has over three miles of water mains to serve its residents.
The time the council got into the most “hot water” was when they bought trees with village funds and gave two to each lot owner. Although some of the taxpayers didn’t like the idea of spending money for such items as trees at that time, they have since changed their minds, because Hardwick now has as beautiful a residential section as any village its size.
Mr. Kennedy also served on the school board at the time the present Hardwick school building was built. He and another board member decided to look at other school buildings in the county before letting the contract, and this gave him an opportunity to take his first ride in a car. They came by team to Luverne and here hired a car from an “auto livery.” Not only was that Mr. Kennedy’s first trip in a car, but it was the first time he had ever seen Beaver Creek or Hills.
Although Mr. Kennedy devoted considerable time to the bettering of his community, he still had time to handle his farming affairs. He enjoyed raising livestock, and always had large numbers of cattle, horses and hogs on hand. He raised a considerable number of horses and mules.
Although farming has been his business all his life, Mr. Kennedy states he earned one of his first dollars as a mason’s assistant. He was a youth in his teens when a man by the name of Smith asked him to help mix mortar for layering rocks in a basement in Luverne. He worked for him for about three days, and earned about a dollar a day. His employer he recalls came to Luverne as a peddler, and later became a leading builder in this area. He later built the Calumet building in Pipestone, according to Mr. Kennedy.
Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy are the parents of four children, all of whom are living. They include Emmet Kennedy, Luverne; Leo Kennedy, Hardwick; Neva, at home; and Mrs. Rufus (Virginia) Putnam, Rawlings, Wyo. They also have seven grandchildren.
Of seven children in his father’s family, Mr. Kennedy is one of five still living. They include Mrs. Frank (Kate) Kennedy, Luverne; Robert Kennedy, Pipestone; Thomas Kennedy, Ellsworth; and Mrs. Ronald (Elizabeth) Kean, of Los Angeles.
         Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, 312 E. Main Street, Luverne, MN 56156.
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1943: No truth that James jumped Devil's Gulch

The following article is part of the Diamond Club Member group that began in the January 7, 1943, issue of the Rock County Star Herald. Members of this group consist of persons of age 75 and older.
The visit of Jesse and Frank James, two of the most noted robbers in the 1870’s, to Rock county was recalled this week by James P. Kennedy, Luverne.
Although he did not actually see the men, he recalls how a neighbor came galloping to their farm on a gray horse to spread the news that the James brothers had eaten breakfast that Sunday morning at the Charles Rolph home in Battle Plain township, about 12 miles north of Luverne. It was Mr. Rolph who notified Ezra Rice, then sheriff of Luverne, according to Mr. Kennedy, and a posse was formed to apprehend the bandits. As the story goes, only one Luverne man got close enough to see them. He was Jack Dement. They trailed them to a point near Larchwood, Ia. And there one of the brothers fired at Dement, hitting the horse he was riding.
There’s no truth in the stories that James hid in a cave in the Mounds or jumped the Devil’s Gulch at Garretson with his horse, Kennedy states.
Mr. Kennedy was a boy of 12 when the famed desperadoes made their escape after the Northfield bank robbery. Born in Clayton county, Ia. Jan. 26, 1864, he came with his father, a brother and a neighbor to Rock county in March, 1876, which was the same year as the robbery. That same year, the railroad was built into Luverne from Worthington.
Mr. Kennedy’s father had bought a farm two miles north of Luverne near the Mounds, and this was their home for six or seven years.
Mr. Kennedy had attended school about three terms in Iowa, and after coming to Rock county, resumed his education when school was in session. The building in which he first attended school was constructed like a chicken coop with one side high and the other side low. It was located on the south side of the Mounds, a short distance from Luverne.
In 1883 or ’84, Mr. Kennedy’s father filed a homestead and tree claim in Pipestone county, northwest of Edgerton, and sold his Rock county land. Mr. Kennedy lived at home with his parents and helped with the farm work until he and his brother bought a farm near Hardwick in 1891, to which they moved the following spring. They farmed in partnership until after they were both married, and they then divided their property and began operations individually.
The two brothers did some “railroading” on the side. One winter, they hauled lumber and timber for the branch railroad between Hardwick and Wilmont. Every bit of piling, lumber and ties that is used in the bridge across the Rock river east of Hardwick was hauled by Mr. Kennedy, brother, and two other men who had been hired to help them with the hauling.
This, however, was not Mr. Kennedy’s first experience working on a railroad construction crew. The year the Great Northern built the line from Sioux Falls to Ihlen, he helped haul rock for every culvert and bridge for the entire stretch of track. He was paid at the rate of $3 per day, and board, but he had to furnish feed for his horses.
         This article will continue in next week’s publication of the Star Herald.
         Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, 312 E. Main Street, Luverne, MN 56156.
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1902: Summer school training for Rock County, area teachers continues

The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on July 18, 1902. This is continued from the March 31 edition of the Star Herald.
Summer Training School
For Teachers of Rock County and Vicinity—Four Weeks’ Term Begun Monday.
The study of some good selection as Vision of Sir Launfal.
With this I plan to give outlines of work from Clark on “How to Teach Reading” applying the steps from day to day, as we read.
The earth as a globe.
1. Form, size and movement.
2. Longitude and latitude.
3. Composition and general structure.
4. Distribution of land and water.
5. Movements of air and water.
6. Climate and weather.
Study of the continents.
1. North America.
a. Position, shape, size, zones bodies of water.
b. Surface, distribution and extent of mountains, highlands, lowlands; drainage and the continental slopes.
c. Physical features with reference to their relation to life-relations, productions, industries and trade.
d. Location of places with special reference to their physical and industrial relations.
1. Subdivisions of North America.
Unit of work based on relief. Special detailed study of the United States following the outline for N. A. as given above.
2. South America studied in the same manner as North America. Comparisons.
3. Eurasia, Africa and Australia. Line of work as for N. A. Comparison.
This subject will be taken up in what seems the best way for the class.
Decimals, Percentage and Mensuration. There will be two classes in this subject.
Training of the child in first, second and third grades.
Music for all the students taught in a way that will help teachers in giving proper directions to pupils in the common schools.
a. Elements of music as taught in the first four grades.
1. Ear training.
2. Rhythm.
3. Tone work.
4. Notation.
b. Sight reading of simple exercises from music readers, supplemented by chart and black board drills.
c. Chorus work.
a. Landscape studies in water color. Simple water color washes to represent different phases of nature.
1. The sky.
2. Sky and background.
3. Sky, foreground, line of distance.
b. Simple charcoal sketches from nature, teaching principles of proportion, growth and proper filling of space.
A. Charcoal. Drawing of sphere and hemisphere. Studying the effect of light and shade to express surfaces. Study of spherical objects.
b. Water color. Stained glass effects. Flower, sedge and grass study.
Simple growing of still life, teaching proportion, distance and space filling.
Mediums. Charcoal or color in flat tones.
a. Principles of perspective as exemplified in the cube and cylinder.
1. Foreshortened surface.
2. Convergence of parallel lines.
3. Direction of lines when seen at an angle above, an angle below, or on a level with the eye.
b. Figure posing. Pose in landscape.
c. Imaginative drawing.
General Exercises—Correct position, correct. Walk.
Stretching exercises.
Lifting and dropping of arms. Hand work. Chest movement of arms. Arch movement of arms. Shoulder movement of arms. Swimming movement of arms. Head movements. Knee movement. Hip movement. Foot extension in 1st and 2nd attitudes.
Arm whirl—finger work. Pivot with arm work. Body over, arms back. Head down, arms up. Free leg, forward bend. Chart work.
Arm swinging; from chest; from shoulder; oblique; front and back of hip.
Body bending.
Several good lectures will be given during the course of the term and a day for an outing has been proposed, but the plans as yet have not been fully matured and will be announced later.
To arouse as interest in the subject of agriculture, Prof. Wm. Robertson, of the State Agricultural school, will occupy a part of the time July 19th and 21st.
The school is in session from 8:00 a.m. until 12:25. The work of the term will be concluded August 9.
         Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, 312 E. Main Street, Luverne, MN 56156.
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1902: Summer teacher training begins in area

The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on July 18, 1902.
Summer Training School
For Teachers of Rock County and Vicinity—Four Weeks’ Term Begun Monday.
The Rock County Summer Training school for teachers opened Monday in the High school room with Prof. E. M. Phillips, of Albert Lea as conductor, and Estella Scofield, of Ortonville, F. E. George, of Pipestone, and Ella Probst, of Minneapolis, assistants. The work was begun in the usual manner with registration on Monday. Sixty-seven teachers were registered as follows:
Luverne—Luverne Kreps, May Brewer, Jennie D. Wright, Francis McDermott, Deila Blodgett, Margaret Williams, Clarinda B. L. Stoughton, Viola Hvid, Nellie Ramsey, Vena L. Brockway, Maud M. Brockway, Luella Stoughton, Alma Haga, Merble Herrick, Anna Armstrong, Rosalie Teetor, Alma Heinz, Mrs. Myrtle Calhoun, Hanna M. Brady, Bertha Scott, Nora V. Adams, Harriet L. Henton, Blanche E. Abbey, Beatrice Angell, R. May Walters, Tillie Dietrich, Margaret Scheehan, Nellie E. Schellhamer.
Adrian—Christine Nash, Isabel Egeland.
Hardwick—Emelia Heiden, Louise Mannigel, Emma Hauger.
Magnolia—Evelyn Bareley, Mabel L. Ehlers, Theresa Barclay, Allie B. Adams, Ida H. Miller, Ettie M. Ehlers, Essie S. Pickett.
Ransom–Bessie Sorem, Clara Guernsey.
Hills—Christine Severtson.
Sioux Falls—Edith C. Cox.
Kanaranzi—Ethel G. Rowland, Zula M. Bowen.
Jasper—Mabel La Martine.
Sherman—S. D.—Dora E. Davis.
Ellsworth—Daisy Walker, Erie Rolfe, Bertha Buechel, Fred A. Buechel.
Edgerton—Vileta B. Nichols, Anna E. Carberry, Blanche Rogers.
Worthington—Mattie Bryan, Edna Goodrich, Alma Anderson, Janet K. Billington, Juanita Harden, Maud Ayer, Ella Cloud, Ella M. Wood.
Beaver Creek—Charlotte Snow, Maud Chesley, Francis Chesley.
Rushmore—Lulu L. Putnam.
The term will occupy four weeks and the general plan of the work is outlined in the following:
Elementary Algebra.
 The amount of work covered in this subject will be determined when the class is formed.
Plane Geometry.
The needs of the class will govern the outline in this subject.
U.S. History.
Period from 1765-1800. Establishment of Independent Government.
Period from 1800-1865. Industrial Development.
Any Eighth Grade Text.
I. Brief review—The parts of speech and their uses.
II. Verbs, verb phrases, participles, infinitives and gerunds.
III. Analysis of different passages.
Note. III Will be carried on with each day’s work in I and II. Each member of the class will be asked to get “Exercises in Syntax” published by Hyde and Manuel.
The Government of Minnesota.
I. History (studied with maps).
1. As a territory.
2. As a state.
II. The State constitution.
1. History of Written Constitution.
2. The contents of the Union Constitution.
3. Laws amended or revised.
III. Departments of Government.
1. Legislative.
2. Executive.
3. Judicial.
IV. Taxation.
V. Educational System.
The School System.
A brief review using any good text, taking the work by subjects. (Designed to help teachers prepare for the August examinations),
One or two subjects taken thoroughly as Digestion and Assimilation of Foods, with some simple experiments.
This will continue in next week’s article of Bits by Betty.
         Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, 312 E. Main Street, Luverne, MN 56156.
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1902: Skeletons, relics found near Kanaranzi hill

The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on June 13, 1902.
Relic hunters have been busy the past week unearthing Indian skeletons which were discovered by a road crew engaged in excavating a road through Kanaranzi hill, about two miles north of town, says the Rock Rapids Review. “The skeletons found are similar to those found in the mounds on the Sioux river in the west part of the county, save for the fact that their condition would indicate that they have been longer in the ground than have those on the Sioux. Another difference is that in the instance of the remains found no beads or other relics with the skeletons, while these are almost invariably found in the mounds in the west end of the county. Altogether since the first discovery of the relics nine or ten skeletons have been excavated, several of them having been found in the pasture of the poor farm. Old settlers state that in the earlier days of this community it was nothing uncommon to find these skeletons at this location, ‘but it has been so long since they were known that the recent find created quite an amount of excitement. The skeletons  thus far found have been placed with the heads to the north, a characteristic common wherever the remains of deceased Indians have been found.”
         Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, 312 E. Main Street, Luverne, MN 56156.
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1902: Luverne wins inter-scholastic athletic meet

The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on May 23, 1902.
Luverne Was Victorious
At the Inter-Scholastic Athletic Meet
The Luverne High School Team Captured Everything Worth Having and for the First Time Wrested the Championship from Marshall—Special Credit for the Victory Due to Hyke and Hulett—Royal Reception for the Victors.
Luverne’s High school team returned from the 4th annual field meet of the Inter-Scholastic Athletic League of Southwestern Minnesota “covered all over with glory.” They won first place in the meet and captured the championship, which, for the first time in the history of the association was taken from Marshall. The record was 38 points for Luverne, 25 of which were won by Ray Hyke a 13 by Dwight Hulett, against 20 for Marshall, 20 for Redwood Falls, 18 for Tracy, 10 for Pipestone and 1 for Sleepy Eye. Among the trophies of their victory was the banner offered by Prof. Rae, of the Marshall business college. The notable features of this year’s meet were the splendid achievements of Ray Hyke and Dwight Hulett shown in the subjoined record. Lynn Gillham officiated as judge. The events and the results were as follows:
50 yd dash, Hyke, Luverne, 1st. 5 4-5 sec.
12 lb. shot put, King, Redwood, 1st; Morton, Pipestone, 3rd. 37 feet.
100 yd. dash, Hyke, Luverne, 1st. time 10 2-5.
Half mile run, Hulett, Luverne, 1st. time 2:12.
Running broad jump, Hyke, Luverne, 1st. 19 feet, 9 inches.
220 yd. dash, Young Pipestone, 1st. 2 54-5 sec.
Pole vault, Knox and King, Redwood, tie, 1st. Germain, Pipestone, 2nd. 9 feet.
Half mile walk. Persons, Marshall, 1st. 3:42.
Hammer throw, Butson, Marshall, 1st. 107 feet, 3 inches.
Running high jump, Hyke, Luverne, 1st. 5 feet 4 inches.
440 yd. dash, Hulett, Luverne, 1st Young, Pipestone, 2nd. 59 2-5 sec.
Hop, skip and jump, Hyke, Luverne, 1st. 40 feet 9 inches.
The boys left Marshall at 3:34 Saturday afternoon by way of the Great Northern, and arrived at Luverne on the Burlington freight about 8 o’clock in the evening. They went directly to the high school building where they were met by members of the class and were honored with a royal reception. Refreshments were served under the direction of the girls of the High school class, and a very fine musical program was presented in the main hall on the second floor. There was, of course, great rejoicing among the members of the class, and the victors who had so successfully represented Luverne received in full measure the honors to which they were so justly entitled. The boys are certainly deserving of great credit for their splendid victory, and all our people will unite with the numbers of their class in giving them unstinted praise for Luverne’s share in the honors of their success.
Our boys were very handsomely entertained by the citizens of Marshall, and are enthusiastic in their praise of the Marshall High School class for their hospitality. A grand reception was given for them at the High school auditorium Friday evening, and a class play in three acts was presented. Other entertainments and social events served to make their stay in Marshall a very pleasant one.
The old officers of the association were re-elected, and Marshall was selected as the place of the next meet.
Further particulars are given by our High School reporters in their school notes.
         Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, 312 E. Main Street, Luverne, MN 56156.
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School funds appropriated in 1902

The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on March 28, 1902.
Money for the Schools
March Appointment of the School Fund Made on a Basis of $1.43 for Each of the 2,281 Scholars in the County
The semi-annual apportionment of public school funds was made by County Auditor C. S. Bruce and Treasurer P. O. Skyberg according to the provisions of the statutes on the 26th of this month. The total fund was $3,274.13, to be apportioned among 2,281 scholars, leaving an indivisible over plus of $12.30, which will be carried over to October, and making the amount actually apportioned $3,261.83. The amount on the account of each scholar is $1.43, which is slightly larger than the usual amount for March. The school fund was secured from “the following sources: State fund, $2,965.30; fines, $305; balance, $3.83; total, $3,274.13. Following is the apportionment in detail: District number 1, 22 pupils, $31.46; number 2, 565 pupils, $807.95; number 3, 11 pupils, $15.73; number 4, 33 pupils, $47.19; number 5, 74 pupils, $105.82; number 6, 22 pupils, $31.46; number 7, 18 pupils $25.74; number 8, 17 pupils, $24.31; number 9, 8 pupils, $11.44; number 10, 31 pupils, $44.33; number 11, 27 pupils, $38.61; number 12, 32 pupils, $45.76; number 13, 26 pupils, $37.18; number 14, 34 pupils, $48.62; number 15, 106 pupils, $151.58; number 16, 36 pupils, $51.48; number 17, 15 pupils, $21.45; number 18, 36 pupils, $51.48; number 19, 21 pupils, $30.03: number 20, 22 pupils, $31.46; number 21, 10 pupils, $14.30;number 22, 22 pupils, $31.46; number 23, 40 pupils, $57.20: number 24, 19 pupils, $27.17; number 25, 27 pupils. $38.61; number 26, 25 pupils, $35.75; number 27, 11 pupils, $15.73; number 28, 13 pupils $18.59; number 29, 12 pupils, $17.16; number 30, 9 pupils. $12.87; number 31, 18 pupils, $25.74; number 32, 8 pupils, $11.44; number 33, 22 pupils, $31.46; number 34, 7 pupils, $10.01; number 35, 30 pupils, $42.90; number 36, 47 pupils, $67.21; number 37, 19 pupils, $27.17; number 38, 13 pupils, $18.59; number 39, 20 pupils, $28.60; number 40, 26 pupils, $37.18; number 41, 23 pupils, $32.89; number 42, 18 pupils, $25.74 number 43, 23 pupils, $32.89; number 44, 29 pupils, $41.47; number 45, 44 pupils. $62.92; number 46, 0 pupils, 8—number 47, 19 pupils, $27.17; number 48, 59 pupils, $84.37; number 49, 15 pupils, $21.45; number 50, 16 pupils, $22.88; number 51, 24 pupils, $34.32; number 52, 14 pupils, $20.02; number 53, 1 pupil, $1.43; number 54, 18 pupils, $25.74; number 55, 26 pupils, $37.18; number 56, 19 pupils, $27.17; number 57, 15 pupils, $21.45; number 58, 29 pupils, $41.47; number 59, 11 pupil, $15.73; number 60, 27 pupils, $38.61; number 61, 22 pupils, $31.46; number 62, 14 pupils, $20.02; number 63, 11 pupils, $15.73; number 64, 21 pupils, $30.03; number 65, 30 pupils, $42.90; number66, 71 pupils, $101.53; number 67, 42 pupils, $60.06; number 68, 22 pupils, $31.46; number 69, 18 pupils, $25.74; number 70, 26 pupils, $37.18; number 71, 20 pupils, $28.60.
         Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, 312 E. Main Street, Luverne, MN 56156.
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1902: By-laws adopted by Breeders Association

The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Feb. 21, 1902.
Breeders Association
Officers Elected and By-Laws Adopted—Next Meeting March 15
The meeting of the Breeders’ association was held at the court room last week, when constitution and by-laws were adopted and an executive committee elected.
J. B. Dunn was elected vice president and N. R. Reynolds recorder. Members of the executive board were elected as follows: Kanaranzi township, Wm. Martin; Clinton township, James Fitzgerald; Martin township, J. R. Wright; Beaver Creek township, A. B. Price; Luverne township, R. E Moreland; Magnolia township, I. Krimball; Vienna township, Kittel Olson; Mound township; Ira Sanders; Springwater township, W. P. Noble; Rose Dell township, Alexander Mitchell; Denver township, E. T. Thorson; Battle Plain township, not represented and member from there will be elected at the next meeting.
The following section of the by-laws was regarded with more interest than any other provisions:
Section 5—It shall be the duty of the recorder to provide himself with a suitable book in which to record horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry which is eligible to or has been registered in the various standard or national registers of this kind. The parties offering such stock for record must furnish such proof of purity as that required by the rules of the various associations and to the satisfaction of the recorder; also to pay for each entry a recording fee of 25 cents for horses and cattle and 10 cents each for sheep, hogs or poultry, above fee to include transfers by sale.
The association had more than fifty members at the time of the meeting last week. The next meeting will be held Saturday, March 15.
         Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, 312 E. Main Street, Luverne, MN 56156.
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