The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on July 18, 1902.
Summer Training School
For Teachers of Rock County and Vicinity—Four Weeks’ Term Begun Monday.
The Rock County Summer Training school for teachers opened Monday in the High school room with Prof. E. M. Phillips, of Albert Lea as conductor, and Estella Scofield, of Ortonville, F. E. George, of Pipestone, and Ella Probst, of Minneapolis, assistants. The work was begun in the usual manner with registration on Monday. Sixty-seven teachers were registered as follows:
Luverne—Luverne Kreps, May Brewer, Jennie D. Wright, Francis McDermott, Deila Blodgett, Margaret Williams, Clarinda B. L. Stoughton, Viola Hvid, Nellie Ramsey, Vena L. Brockway, Maud M. Brockway, Luella Stoughton, Alma Haga, Merble Herrick, Anna Armstrong, Rosalie Teetor, Alma Heinz, Mrs. Myrtle Calhoun, Hanna M. Brady, Bertha Scott, Nora V. Adams, Harriet L. Henton, Blanche E. Abbey, Beatrice Angell, R. May Walters, Tillie Dietrich, Margaret Scheehan, Nellie E. Schellhamer.
Adrian—Christine Nash, Isabel Egeland.
Hardwick—Emelia Heiden, Louise Mannigel, Emma Hauger.
Magnolia—Evelyn Bareley, Mabel L. Ehlers, Theresa Barclay, Allie B. Adams, Ida H. Miller, Ettie M. Ehlers, Essie S. Pickett.
Ransom–Bessie Sorem, Clara Guernsey.
Hills—Christine Severtson.
Sioux Falls—Edith C. Cox.
Kanaranzi—Ethel G. Rowland, Zula M. Bowen.
Jasper—Mabel La Martine.
Sherman—S. D.—Dora E. Davis.
Ellsworth—Daisy Walker, Erie Rolfe, Bertha Buechel, Fred A. Buechel.
Edgerton—Vileta B. Nichols, Anna E. Carberry, Blanche Rogers.
Worthington—Mattie Bryan, Edna Goodrich, Alma Anderson, Janet K. Billington, Juanita Harden, Maud Ayer, Ella Cloud, Ella M. Wood.
Beaver Creek—Charlotte Snow, Maud Chesley, Francis Chesley.
Rushmore—Lulu L. Putnam.
The term will occupy four weeks and the general plan of the work is outlined in the following:
Elementary Algebra.
The amount of work covered in this subject will be determined when the class is formed.
Plane Geometry.
The needs of the class will govern the outline in this subject.
U.S. History.
Period from 1765-1800. Establishment of Independent Government.
Period from 1800-1865. Industrial Development.
Any Eighth Grade Text.
I. Brief review—The parts of speech and their uses.
II. Verbs, verb phrases, participles, infinitives and gerunds.
III. Analysis of different passages.
Note. III Will be carried on with each day’s work in I and II. Each member of the class will be asked to get “Exercises in Syntax” published by Hyde and Manuel.
The Government of Minnesota.
I. History (studied with maps).
1. As a territory.
2. As a state.
II. The State constitution.
1. History of Written Constitution.
2. The contents of the Union Constitution.
3. Laws amended or revised.
III. Departments of Government.
1. Legislative.
2. Executive.
3. Judicial.
IV. Taxation.
V. Educational System.
The School System.
A brief review using any good text, taking the work by subjects. (Designed to help teachers prepare for the August examinations),
One or two subjects taken thoroughly as Digestion and Assimilation of Foods, with some simple experiments.
This will continue in next week’s article of Bits by Betty.
Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, 312 E. Main Street, Luverne, MN 56156.
Mann welcomes correspondence sent to mannmade@iw.net.