The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on May 23, 1902.
Luverne Was Victorious
At the Inter-Scholastic Athletic Meet
The Luverne High School Team Captured Everything Worth Having and for the First Time Wrested the Championship from Marshall—Special Credit for the Victory Due to Hyke and Hulett—Royal Reception for the Victors.
Luverne’s High school team returned from the 4th annual field meet of the Inter-Scholastic Athletic League of Southwestern Minnesota “covered all over with glory.” They won first place in the meet and captured the championship, which, for the first time in the history of the association was taken from Marshall. The record was 38 points for Luverne, 25 of which were won by Ray Hyke a 13 by Dwight Hulett, against 20 for Marshall, 20 for Redwood Falls, 18 for Tracy, 10 for Pipestone and 1 for Sleepy Eye. Among the trophies of their victory was the banner offered by Prof. Rae, of the Marshall business college. The notable features of this year’s meet were the splendid achievements of Ray Hyke and Dwight Hulett shown in the subjoined record. Lynn Gillham officiated as judge. The events and the results were as follows:
50 yd dash, Hyke, Luverne, 1st. 5 4-5 sec.
12 lb. shot put, King, Redwood, 1st; Morton, Pipestone, 3rd. 37 feet.
100 yd. dash, Hyke, Luverne, 1st. time 10 2-5.
Half mile run, Hulett, Luverne, 1st. time 2:12.
Running broad jump, Hyke, Luverne, 1st. 19 feet, 9 inches.
220 yd. dash, Young Pipestone, 1st. 2 54-5 sec.
Pole vault, Knox and King, Redwood, tie, 1st. Germain, Pipestone, 2nd. 9 feet.
Half mile walk. Persons, Marshall, 1st. 3:42.
Hammer throw, Butson, Marshall, 1st. 107 feet, 3 inches.
Running high jump, Hyke, Luverne, 1st. 5 feet 4 inches.
440 yd. dash, Hulett, Luverne, 1st Young, Pipestone, 2nd. 59 2-5 sec.
Hop, skip and jump, Hyke, Luverne, 1st. 40 feet 9 inches.
The boys left Marshall at 3:34 Saturday afternoon by way of the Great Northern, and arrived at Luverne on the Burlington freight about 8 o’clock in the evening. They went directly to the high school building where they were met by members of the class and were honored with a royal reception. Refreshments were served under the direction of the girls of the High school class, and a very fine musical program was presented in the main hall on the second floor. There was, of course, great rejoicing among the members of the class, and the victors who had so successfully represented Luverne received in full measure the honors to which they were so justly entitled. The boys are certainly deserving of great credit for their splendid victory, and all our people will unite with the numbers of their class in giving them unstinted praise for Luverne’s share in the honors of their success.
Our boys were very handsomely entertained by the citizens of Marshall, and are enthusiastic in their praise of the Marshall High School class for their hospitality. A grand reception was given for them at the High school auditorium Friday evening, and a class play in three acts was presented. Other entertainments and social events served to make their stay in Marshall a very pleasant one.
The old officers of the association were re-elected, and Marshall was selected as the place of the next meet.
Further particulars are given by our High School reporters in their school notes.
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1902: Luverne wins inter-scholastic athletic meet
Bits By Betty
Lead Summary
Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society