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  • June 09, 2020
    Gov. Tim Walz last week announced another “turn of the dial” to allow business to resume almost as usual in Minnesota, effective Wednesday, June 10. (See the front-page story.) The idea is that our coronavirus case numbers have remained conservative, which has given us time to prepare for what was expected to be a greater “surge” in case numbers than we’ve experienced. What does that mean for us…
  • By Safe Minnesota, editorial, virus,
    June 02, 2020
    It’s been a long three months of social distancing and cautious avoiding of public spaces for fear of transmitting or contracting the highly contagious and sometimes deadly coronavirus. Hyper focus on disinfecting and disconnecting has been effective in our little part of the world, and for that we can be proud. Our community has been spared a widespread and sudden outbreak of the disease. Is it…
  • May 19, 2020
    In this week’s Star Herald we proudly present the Class of 2020 Graduation Edition that features high school seniors from the four schools in the Star Herald coverage area. It’s no small feat to collect nearly 200 student photos and information in a normal school year, but during distance learning — when seniors aren’t gathered in common spaces at regular times — it was challenging at best. But…
  • By Luke Comeau, Southwestern Mental Health Center interim executive director
    May 12, 2020
    The month of May is known for its warmer days, flowers in bloom, and students anxious to burst through their school's exit doors one final time to the freedom of summer break. Yet, this May is entirely different for all of us, whether it was the change in plans for Mother's Day, a birthday party celebrated over Zoom, or working from home while the kids scream during your corporate…
  • By Craig Oftedahl, Luverne Public Schools Superintendent
    May 05, 2020
    Thank you, Luverne teachers!        During the past six weeks, I have been reminded many times why I became an educator. It has been and always will be about the students for me.        As a teacher, coach, principal, athletic director, and now as a superintendent, I always wanted students to have better opportunities than I had as a student and participant of extra-curricular activities.       …
  • By Sara Wahl, executive director of Southwest Crisis Center
    April 28, 2020
    Earlier this month, Minnesota Governor Walz reported that two-thirds of police calls over the weekend were related to domestic violence. As individuals are coping with the uncertainty of the COVID- 19 virus, loss of income and staying in their homes, the stress can be overwhelming. Abusers often resort to the use of manipulation, power, control and violence, correlating to higher incidence of…
  • April 21, 2020
    There aren’t many positive aspects about the coronavirus and its impact on our community, from a reeling economy tofrontline workers in harm’s way, and we fear we may lose loved ones to the deadly virus.      That’s why staying home and suspending life’s big events are so important — reduce exposure to stay safe.       Our graduating seniors understand the necessary sacrifices that come with…
  • April 14, 2020
    Dear readers, advertisers and subscribers: While we learn to live with the new normal in our community for the next several weeks, we are determined to make the best of it. So, please be aware that the Rock County Star Herald remains committed to reporting on news and information that offers glimpses of our community a week at a time … every week, every month, every year. As we have for nearly…
  • April 07, 2020
    Gov. Tim Walz on Sunday delivered his second State of the State address from the Governor’s Residence where he has beenin self-quarantine. “Self-quarantine. Self-isolation. Social distancing,” he said at the start of his speech. “Phrases that many of us never usedbefore now roll off our tongue in daily conversation.” Walz lamented with all Minnesotans that the new vocabulary defines a new reality…
  • By Kat Dahl, 2010 LHS graduate and former Luverne resident
    March 31, 2020
    I am a family medicine resident, currently working nights admitting sick patients to the hospital. Covid-19 is just starting to hit our area. I don’t know if it’s sleep deprivation or 26-week pregnancy hormones, but last night when I was getting ready for work I cried in the shower. I’m scared. I’m scared for my homeless patients, many of whom have underlying heart and lung disease. They have no…
  • February 18, 2020
    We are an agricultural community, and what’s good for the farm economy is what’s good for the Main Street economy. This isn’t news. Especially not to those of us who live in Rock County or even grew up here. And lately, agriculture has been a rapidly changing industry, in terms of technology, farm practices, global economy and other aspects. The temptation, then, can be to focus so much on the…
  • February 11, 2020
    Nearly 22 percent of Rock County driver’s license or ID cardholders are REAL ID ready, according to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Driver and Vehicle Services division. As of Jan. 30, 1,652 Rock County residents or 21.80 percent of the total license and ID cardholders have completed the necessary steps for the enhanced driver’s license or ID card. Pope County is ranked last out of the…
  • February 04, 2020
    Rock County’s social calendar 20 years ago amounted to summer town celebrations, Tri-State Band Festival and, of course, Hot Dog Night. These were a lot of fun and offered great photo opportunities for news people. Today there’s a major event on the calendar nearly every other weekend, illustrated by the Chamber’s quarterly report during the Jan. 28 Luverne City Council meeting. For anyone taking…
  • January 28, 2020
    The Star Herald editorial staff from time to time publishes a list of what we call “Thumb Up and Thumbs Down” to call attention to matters in the community that could use improving and deserve some praise. We set out to compose one for this week but we found that we were pleasantly short on Thumbs Down entries for the article. Either we’re eternal optimists here at the paper, or we really do live…
  • By Allan Bakke, Safe Harbor Regional Navigator, Southwest Minnesota Crisis Center, Worthington
    January 21, 2020
    During the month of January, advocates, organizations and individuals unite to raise awareness about the issue of human trafficking. While movements like #MeToo have started to bring crimes like sexual harassment and sexual assault out of the shadows, human trafficking largely remains hidden. Putting an end to human trafficking starts with acknowledging its existence. Victims of sex trafficking…
  • January 14, 2020
    On Monday, Minnesota Senate Republicans announced their agenda for the upcoming legislative session. Known as “Vision 2020,” it will guide public policy work during the 2020 legislative session, which is expected to include capital investment bill, a supplemental budget, tax relief, health care, public safety, roads and bridges, public infrastructure and more. Sen. Bill Weber, Luverne, shares his…
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