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Brenda Winter

  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    June 07, 2022
    My three besties from the LHS Class of 1981 and I celebrated turning 59 with a 24-hour “Luverne Experience” over Buffalo Days. Our adventure began at noon Friday with the renting of electric bikes from the Luverne Aquatics Center. There were a few glitches. One battery was dead. Two batteries occasionally shorted out. The highlight was the collapsing seat which left one of us “riding like a…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    May 17, 2022
    My mom is quiet, reserved and a bit on the shy side. Lots of folks like crowds and gatherings and spectacles. Mom doesn’t. Which is why it was a bit of a challenge to throw her a proper 80th birthday party. Her idea of a good time is reading a book in her sunroom or maybe mowing the lawn. So, we decided to have several smaller gatherings. The first was a breakfast tea party at my sister Sarah’s…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    April 26, 2022
    Dingbat sisters Marlene and Darlene from Leota, Minnesota, are creations of my imagination.  DJ Luethje and I will bring the sisters to life on stage Thursday, April 28, for a dessert auction fundraiser for Generations in Luverne. We will play the roles of two hapless, elderly sisters trying their best to recover from the Covid lockdown. The funny thing about older sister Marlene is that much of…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    April 05, 2022
    Both of my grandmas had fat arms. As youngsters growing up in St. John Lutheran Church in Luverne, my siblings and I would occasionally sit with either set of grandparents during the church service instead of with our parents. When the morning grew exceptionally long, our grandmothers’ large, pillowy arms served as lovely headrests. I recalled those moments as my six-year-old granddaughter,…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    February 22, 2022
    You may remember actresses and sisters Marlene and Darlene from Leota, Minnesota. (They drive to Luverne in their Toyota.) DJ Luethje and I created the elderly characters who performed a show, “Marlene and Darlene Present the Nutcracker,” at Luverne’s Palace Theatre in December of 2018. It was a fundraiser for the construction of a new senior citizens building. The show raised $15,000 in spite of…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    February 01, 2022
    A friend of mine in Luverne put her recycling bin out on the wrong day. The next morning she discovered the bright yellow recycling “tag of shame” attached to it. The tag of shame is usually given to people who place non-recyclable items in recycling bins. You know the kind – they don’t wash the cans or remove the labels. (Yes, you are supposed to.) They try to recycle types of plastic that aren’…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    January 11, 2022
    I’m not a fashion diva, and never has that been made more clear than last week when I – like many in Rock County – slogged through the first week of 2022 with a case of the flu. I felt fine Sunday morning, but I opted not to attend church because my husband had been feeling poorly for a few days. Our community’s new-found sense of health caution made me decide against sharing the germs from our…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    December 14, 2021
    My dear husband has spent the past 35 years listening to me ask, “What is that smell?!”  But then, in late November, I got Covid 19 and lost my sense of smell. Along with the rest of the state of Minnesota, I came down with Covid 19 last month and, like 80 percent of Covid sufferers, my case was mild. I used (prescribed) ivermectin (for humans) and was symptom-free in three days.  The weird part…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    November 23, 2021
    It was with great delight and joy that we welcomed our long-lost daughter, Kate, home from Vietnam a few weeks ago. I was more than thrilled to have her return home from a two-year Covid exile in a foreign country.  But also, because Kate had used her lockdown to become a fitness buff, I was thrilled to now have access to my very own personal trainer. I hired her on the spot. I gave Kate a brief…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    November 02, 2021
    For more than a year, Luverne Minnesota Veterans Home staff kept the killer of the elderly, COVID-19, at bay. For more than a year they wore masks and shields. They got vaccinated and washed their hands. And then it came anyway. On Tuesday morning, Nov. 2, the Minnesota Veterans Home COVID-19 information line reported (47 on Sunday)_____ cases among staff and residents. As you and I have noted…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    October 12, 2021
    A number of people I know have become “preppers.” According to Oxford, a prepper is “a person who believes a catastrophic disaster or emergency is likely to occur in the future and makes active preparations for it, typically, by stockpiling food, ammunition, and other supplies.” Some of the people I know would take issue with the phrase “a disaster is likely to occur” and replace it with the…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    September 20, 2021
    Our homeschool, 1994-2012, was not without its shortcomings.  We had a school shooting the day a rabid raccoon climbed a tree outside our son’s bedroom during math class.  Blam. We had a stabbing the day one student became so blazing furious with her brother that she plunged the tip of her pencil into his arm. Strife among the staff (Mom), the administration (Dad), and the student body (the…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    August 31, 2021
    I’ve become a crotchety old lady. I used to delight in the silly ways of happy creatures such as puppies. Now they annoy me. My sister recently added a furry bundle of joy to her life named Snoop. I call him Snoop-id. My relationship with Snoop-id went south the day he ate my sandal. Not just any sandal – my $80 orthopedic sandal. The sandal I need to support my falling arches, plantar fasciitis…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    July 27, 2021
    My husband, Jim, has been telling people that we celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary last week by “getting a room” in Orange City, Iowa. Then he slyly adds, “a hospital room.” (Long story. Sanford and Avera are “out of network” for our insurance.) It all started two weeks ago with what I thought was heartburn. A week later, the “heartburn” returned with a vengeance. I was hot. I was cold. I…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    June 29, 2021
    For the past four years, teams of Christian kids from the Luverne area have served on a weeklong, in-town mission trip doing the things locally that youth groups often travel hundreds of miles to do in other places. Under the supervision of two or three adults, the teens paint houses, replace siding, build ramps, landscape, pull weeds, move furniture … and even change light bulbs. Yes, change…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    June 01, 2021
    It’s been five years. Five years ago, I completed treatment for anal cancer and was told the cancer was gone. I was also told, in so many words, “If you make it five years, you’ll be considered cancer-free.” (They don’t say “cured” anymore.) So here I am five years later.  I made it. A friend once told me, “A day will come when you don’t even think about cancer.” I’m still waiting. It seems…
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