By Mavis Fodness
October 12, 2015
Luverne’s Blue Mound Tower received a minor facelift last week when workers power-washed the building’s skylights.
Workers from Bargen Inc. of Mountain Lake spent Tuesday, Sept. 27, ridding the flat rooftop skylights of several years of dirt and grime.
“They’re still discolored,” said Executive Director Tammy Johnson. “Ours are flat, and in this climate they should be slanted or domed so dirt and…
By Lori Sorenson
October 12, 2015
A Luverne High School graduate is training for the physically demanding “Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge,” a 90-day, 3,000-mile journey across the Atlantic Ocean starting in December.
Caitlin Miller, Hardwick, and her race partner, George Pagano, Philadelphia, recently returned from the UK where they’ve been training for the trip across the world’s second-largest ocean.
“George and I watched…
By Mavis Fodness
October 12, 2015
How water moves around and through the Rock County Demolition Debris Landfill will receive an in-depth look as required by the state’s permit renewal process.
County commissioners recently hired Melanie Niday, a hydrogeologist with Short Elliot Henderson Inc., St. Cloud, for $13,450.
Niday will evaluate the current groundwater-monitoring plan in cooperation with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency…
By Mavis Fodness
October 12, 2015
Before work begins on burying miles of fiber-optic cable, organizers want to know how many customers want the service in greater Rock County.
For several weeks Alliance Communications Cooperative has been marketing the Internet, cable TV and/or telephone service by advertising in newspapers, on billboards and radio, through social media and by direct mail. Deadline to sign up for free…
October 12, 2015
By Lori Sorenson
October 05, 2015
Motorists on Highway 75 in Luverne are adjusting to three lanes instead of four since the new system was striped last week.
The new lanes, which are in effect for the full two-mile stretch through Luverne, accommodate one lane of traffic from each direction with a wide turn lane in the middle.
Though it’s long been a subject of controversy among local residents and businesses, Sheriff Evan…
By Mavis Fodness
October 05, 2015
Luverne Middle School will join the First LEGO League in offering an additional after-school opportunity for students.
School board members approved the additional offering at their regular monthly meeting Sept. 24.
“We would like to get underway by Oct. 13 and meet once a week for practice,” said Middle/High School Principal Ryan Johnson.
Start-up cost for Luverne’s LEGO League program is $1,600…
By Mavis Fodness
October 05, 2015
Installation of bulletproof glass at the county’s court administration office is the latest in several security upgrades to the Rock County Courthouse this year.
The updates stem from a grant received by the Minnesota Judicial Branch to conduct courthouse security training in various regions across the state.
“These training sessions were not offered in response to any specific incident,” said…
By Mavis Fodness
October 05, 2015
After more than a decade of making the United States his primary residence, Luverne’s Miles Brown recently decided to make it his permanent choice by becoming a U.S. citizen.
Last week, surrounded by family members, Brown and 337 others took an oath of allegiance at naturalization ceremonies Monday, Sept. 28, at the Earle Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Park.
“I think it was cool,” he said. “…
By Lori Sorenson
October 05, 2015
Nationally known combat photographer Stacy Pearsall will be in Luverne Friday, Oct. 2, to share her story about what combat is like from behind the camera.
Pearsall has captured over 500,000 images across 41 different countries, and her work has appeared in Time, USA Today, CNN, BBC and the New York Times.
In three combat tours, she has earned some of the highest medals for heroism in battle,…
By Mavis Fodness
October 05, 2015
According to Monday’s Minnesota Crop Progress and Condition, there were 6.4 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending Oct. 4, the most for this crop season. During that time, soybean harvest advanced from 35 percent complete to 69 percent in the state, 10 days ahead of last year and five days ahead of the five-year average. For corn, 91 percent of the state’s crop is mature, two weeks…
By Mavis Fodness
October 05, 2015
Luverne City Council members have granted a franchise to cable TV company Clarity Telecom, LLC, which is doing business as Vast Broadband.
The council approved an ordinance at the Tuesday, Sept. 22, meeting that outlines the conditions of the franchise agreement.
The Cable TV Board has reviewed the franchise with Clarity Telecom and recommended the city approve a new 10-year franchise with…
By Mavis Fodness
October 05, 2015
For Rock County communities outside of Luverne, preliminary property tax levies ranged from zero to 10.1 percent.
On Sept. 30 cities, counties, townships, school districts and special taxing districts in Minnesota must submit preliminary 2016 tax levy amounts to county auditors.
Each entity will certify their final percentages in December, the last opportunity for levy amounts to be lowered.…
By Mavis Fodness
October 05, 2015
For almost two decades the Drost family has invited visitors to their farm south of Luverne.
On Monday and Tuesday children and their families were allowed to pick a pumpkin during a Luverne Community Education event. The patch is open to the general public.
"It's fun," said Deb Drost as she helped her son, Tim, gather participants on the hayrack for a ride to the nearby pumpkin…
By Mavis Fodness
September 29, 2015
Luverne High School seniors Cole Bosch and Morgan Haugen were crowned the 2015-16 Homecoming king and queen Monday night, Sept 28, during the school’s coronation ceremony in the elementary gymnasium.
Other king candidates were Jack Baustian, Nicholas Overgaard, Connor Sandbulte and Erik Tofteland, and queen candidates were Samantha Aanenson, Karissa Hamann, Brianna Jonason and Madilyn Oye.…
By Lori Sorenson
September 29, 2015
Luverne’s Tri-State Band Festival parade and field competitions unfolded under perfect weather conditions Saturday with plenty of blue skies, sunshine and warm breezes.
Now in its 65th year, Luverne's Tri-State Band Festival is the longest-running marching band festival in the region. The annual parade and field competition draws bands from Minnesota, Iowa and South Dakota with more than 2,…