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1911: State prohibits marriages between first cousins

The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on May 19, 1911:
After the first of next July first cousins cannot be united in marriage in the state of Minnesota, according to a law passed at the last session of the legislature, and for this reason there will be a considerable decrease in the number of marriage licenses issued in Rock county.
All the neighboring states have had such a law in force for years, and for this reason Luverne has been one of the favored places for people from those states who wished to evade the law, to come to Luverne to have the nuptial knot tied. Clerk of Court O. E. Ferguson estimates that this will result in decreasing the number of licenses issued by about one-eighth.
Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, P.O. Box 741, Luverne, MN 56156.
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bits by betty

Bits By Betty—November 19, 2015
The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on July 20, 1923:
Many Give Financial Aid in Obtaining new Transcontinental Highway Thru This City
That the business and professional men of Luverne are strongly in favor of the movement to secure for Southern Minnesota the proposed Atlantic-Yellowstone-Pacific highway was disclosed the past week when memberships to the number of 188 in the association were secured in a few hours of canvassing. The goal set for Luverne is 200 memberships, and the few additional ones needed will be secured this week. The memberships are $25 each, and cover a period of five years, one-fifth of the membership fee being payable each year, providing the highway passes through Luverne.
At a meeting of a number of the business and professional men called hurriedly Friday morning the proposal that Luverne get behind the movement by an active campaign for memberships met with unanimous approval. Before the meeting closed nearly one half of the desired memberships had been subscribed. On the following morning the committee in charge made a canvass of the business district and in less than two hours had boosted the membership to within twelve of the two hundred mark.
The manner in which the project has been handled by the people of Luverne has attracted much favorable comment among the Sioux Falls promoters of the highway. The matter was brought to the attention of the Luverne Kiwanis club several weeks ago, at which time like attention was invited to similar clubs or other civic organizations in every town along the proposed four routes east from Sioux Falls.
A highway committee composed of A. O. Moreaux, chairman; A. D. LaDue, A. A. Anderson, Otto Bierkamp and H. H. Hagedorn, was appointed by the club to investigate the project and to take such steps as were deemed advisable. Following the appointment of this committee assurance was given the directors of the Sioux Falls association that the Luverne Kiwanis club stood ready to promote the highway through Southern Minnesota as soon as the committee was assured that the proposed Minnesota route stood an equal chance with the proposed three routes through Iowa in securing the highway.
Assurance to this effect was given two weeks ago yesterday. The Luverne committee then called a meeting of towns along the proposed route from Luverne to Albert Lea. This meeting was held at Fairmont on July 10th, and as a result another meeting was then called for the 14th at the same place.
The Luverne committee proposed that inasmuch as Luverne was promoting the Southern Minnesota route she ought to show her good faith by taking the initiative in the matter of securing memberships in the highway association, and that this work ought to be accomplished before the meeting at Fairmont Saturday night. The meeting Friday morning and the result above stated followed.
The proposed highway was originated by Sioux Falls business and professional men and a fund of $38,000 was raised by membership subscriptions to promote the road. Divided on a per capita basis this would represent approximately $1 for every man, women and child in Sioux Falls, granting Sioux Falls the population claimed. Luverne’s total exceeds this by about two-thirds on a per capita basis, crediting Luverne with a population of 3,000. It has been suggested that actual population figures would not show this per capita difference, but the figures used are those that have been quoted at the various meetings.
Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, P.O. Box 741, Luverne, MN 56156.
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bits by betty

The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on June 8, 1923:
Report of Luverne School Nurse Discloses 169 Out of 188 in High School Were Defective
Out of 188 pupils of the Luverne high school who were examined by School Nurse Clara Herm, 169 were found defective, according to a report submitted at a meeting of the executive board of the Rock county chapter of the Red Cross, held Monday afternoon. Of the 169 cases, 29 were defects of vision, 66 of teeth, 29 of the skin, 27 of the throat, 14 of the glands, 6 of the nose, 18 of hearing and 3 of eyes.
Four hundred thirty-nine children were examined in Central school, and only 15 of these had no defects. One hundred thirty-nine had defects of vision, 6 of the eyes, 82 of the ears, 280 of the teeth, 42 of the nose, 161 of the throat, 26 of the skin, and 119 of the glands. Of the total of 570 pupils who were weighed, 245 were normal, 164 slightly below normal, 133 7% underweight, and 28 were 20% overweight.
County Nurse J. B. Riecke also presented a report of her work during the month of May. She had made visits to the town of Hardwick, Kenneth, Kanaranzi, Hills, Magnolia, Ashcreek, and to the county Poor Farm. She reports that 124 defects in children of the county had been corrected, 108 of the teeth, 10 of the throat and 6 of the eyes, and that 247 pupils had gained in weight through the monthly weighing project.

Bits by Betty

The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on May 18, 1923:
A coffin containing what is supposed to be the remains of an infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Nason Estey, that had been buried fifty-three years, was found Saturday on the southwest quarter of section 24, Clinton township, owned by M. C. Hanson.
It was while excavating for a basement that the coffin was found at a depth of about four and a half feet. Only a few bones remained, and their size indicates that the body was that of a year-old child.
The Estey family was one of the first settlers in Clinton Township, and Ole Hanson of Ashcreek is authority for the explanation that the body is the remains of an infant child of Nason Estey, and that it was buried there fifty-three years ago. (Nason’s mother and his brothers are considered the first permanent settlers in Rock County.)
Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, P.O. Box 741, Luverne, MN 56156.
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bits by betty

The following appeared in the Rock County News March 12, 1896:
An Interesting Teacher’s Meeting
The Teachers’ association met in the High school room Saturday and was largely attended. Messrs. Guthrie and Crandle not being present, their parts were not taken up. The recitations, putting it mildly, were excellent. The paper on “Vertical Penmanship” by Miss Crane was highly instructive, and discussion of same was very interesting. The songs by 1st and 2nd grade pupils confer an honor upon themselves as well as on their teachers. A song by Miss Alice Olds deserves special mention. The music, both instrumental and vocal, by Clarence, Mamie and Maud Walters, was received with great applause. Mr. Headly gave a talk on current events and how to teach them, which was much appreciated by the association. Last, but not by any means the least of this report, was an address by Rev. McArthur. The term “Teacher” was explained to us in a way which was very creditable to the speaker. May the words which were spoken be well considered by every teacher present: may they help us to get nearer to our pupils, to make them feel that we are not in the school room as rulers, but that we have a deep interest in their welfare, and our teaching will be crowned with success.
On the whole the meeting was very interesting, and those who were not present missed a grand treat.
On motion, association adjourned to call of the president.
E. M. Chilcote, Sec.
Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, P.O. Box 741, Luverne, MN 56156.
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bits by betty

The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on April 6, 1923:
County Agent Roeke Finds That Acreage in County is 1560 Acres, With 350 Acres in Beaver Creek
“Rock county doubled its acreage in alfalfa the last two years. In 1920 there were but 850 acres in the county. In 1922 there were 1560 acres in the county,” contends county agent Roske.
“The largest acreage of alfalfa is in the southwest part of the county. Beaver Creek leads in this with 350 acres; Martin township follows with 255 acres and Springwater with 181 acres; Luverne township also has 181 acres and Clinton township has 160 acres. It is expected that this average will be doubled again by the end of this year.
“Farmers have left orders at the Farm Bureau office for 3000 pounds of this seed already this spring. This seed is being secured from farmers in other parts of the county that have state inspected fields and the seed is known to be pure as to the particular kind, either grim or South Dakoto No. 12.
“We would like very much to keep a check on the alfalfa planted this year so as to determine the increase in the county. We know that five acres of good alfalfa is the most valuable five acres in crop that can be planted. Five acres of alfalfa will take care of 100 swine from May through the season. If five acres will take care of 100 to 150 swine, one can readily figure up what that five acres is worth by comparing it to the amount of feed necessary to grow the above amount of swine out during the same period.
“Besides the feed item, the condition of hogs that are grown on alfalfa should never be lost sight of. It produces the bone and stretch and that thrifty condition of swine that the farmer most desires when he places his swine in the feed lot in the fall.”
Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, P.O. Box 741, Luverne, MN 56156.
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bits by betty

Luverne’s first annual Community Fund campaign came to a glorious, smashing triumph of a climax this week.
Cash in the bank from the campaign totaled $10,850.
Pledges to be paid during the coming year total $2,817.70.
This makes a total of $13,667.70 raised by the campaign solicitors who didn’t leave a stone unturned in a united effort to make the Community Fund drive a success.
The quota set by the budget committee for the fund had been $9,500.
Looking back at the results as against the original hopes officials of the Community Fund admitted that they might have been much too timid in setting a goal for the first drive.
Because it was the first campaign and because the time allotted for the Community Fund drive was impossibly short and on unbelievably short notice, it was thought better to set a smaller quota than a more realistic quota.
Underestimated Response
“We underestimated the potential response,” said Dr. Robert Keitel who headed the campaign division of the Community Fund.
“And we also underestimated the approval of Luverne residents who showed by their gifts they heartily endorse the fund idea of giving once and giving for all.”
The canvassing organizations who have been included in the Community Fund this year all had conducted financial drives here the past five years.
No doubt there will be a number of other organizations who will want to be included in the 1966 Community Fund campaign. The U.S.O. would be a typical example because of the expanded need for the U.S.O. because of the Viet Nam situation.
Great credit was given to the women who did such wonderful work in the campaign. The women’s division, which handled the residential canvassing, were responsible for a $4,071 total in gifts.
Mrs. Les Murphy was co-chairman of the fund drive with Dr. Keitel, and Don Dennis serving as assistant to Keitel and Mrs. Chester Holm and Mrs. Milo Kontz serving as co-chairwomen of the women’s division.
More Agencies Next Year
Ray Frick, who headed the Community Fund organization, said that the fund this year had made provision for 11 organizations.
“There will be more who now will want to participate,” he said.
“There will be  other organizations who will conduct direct mail campaigns, many of them worthy indeed, and individuals will have to use their own judgment on those organizations.”
But--- the smashing response to the Community Fund drive is evidence that people who have been solicited for many a drive in the past and donors who have wearied of multiple appeals want a Community Fund for Luverne.
“We had wonderful support from the workers and we had a wonderful response from the citizens of Luverne,” said Frick. “The women did a terrific job. It was wonderful all the way thru and everyone can be really proud of the outcome.”

bits by betty

The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on April 13, 1923:
Presence of the Unexploded Charge is Discovered by Accident After Quarrymen Had Used Dynamite Near It.
Discharge of a 750-pound “toe-cap” deposit of dynamite at the Quartzite Quarries, Inc., plant shortly after 6:00 o’clock Wednesday morning fairly shook the earth for an area of at least fifteen miles, east of Luverne, rattled windows and dishes, and jarred open doors in numerous homes, as well as awakened thousands of people with a suddenness that left them thoroughly bewildered.
This charge was a portion of the 7,000-pound plant of dynamite that was used in the big blast at the quarries last September, and for some reason this toe-cap charge, which was at the bottom of a 100-foot deep hole on about a level with the loading floor, had failed to go off, although several separated charges immediately above the toe-cap charge had all exploded.
From time to time since the September blast wonderment had been expressed that the ledge at that point was not more thoroughly broken up, but quarrymen had no suspicion that this charge of dynamite had not gone off along with the others at that time.
It was not until late Tuesday afternoon, after several small charges had been shot in breaking some large rocks on the loading floor of the quarry, within a few feet of the unexploded dynamite, that some of the explosive was noticed through a crack in the ledge, as well as two lead wires. In further investigating these clues it was found that the wires connected with a dynamite cap, leading to the dynamite charge. A test proved that the ignition cap was still alive, so it was decided to touch off the charge early the next morning before all workmen were on the grounds.
The reason that the explosion of the 750-pound charge was so much louder than the big blast in September is explained by the fact that there was practically no rock in front of the charge to furnish resistance and deaden the sound, whereas in the previous blast there was a solid wall about twenty-five feet through in front of the charge.
As far as material results are concerned, the latest blast was of little benefit, for at the thickest point there was hardly more than four feet of rock in front of it to furnish resistance. It was believed that the dynamite had absorbed considerable moisture and would not prove as powerful as it did.
It is considered strange, however, that at the time the mine was discharged last fall, it was not discovered that this particular charge had failed to go off. At the quarries, all heavy charges are ignited by electricity, and an instrument or tester, is used which denotes whether or not the charge is properly connected with the battery. Either this charge had been entirely overlooked or inaccurately observed, to have brought about such results.
Reports from Adrian are that the vibration and detonation there were severe enough to awaken a large percentage of the people of the town, and many jumped at the conclusion that the village’s electric light plant had blown up. Testing this supposition by attempting to turn on the lights, they found the current on, and concluded that the west-bound Omaha passenger engine, which had pulled into the station a few minutes before, had blown up. Finding this supposition wrong they were wholly at a loss to understand where the explosion could have emanated from.
Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, P.O. Box 741, Luverne, MN 56156.
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1923: Debate for cup begins

The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on February 23, 1923:
Will be Used as a Trophy for Which Seniors and Juniors Will Annually Debate
Purchase and presentation to the Luverne high school of a silver cup as a trophy for which the Senior and Junior classes will debate, was authorized at the Luverne Kiwanis club.
This trophy is to remain in the possession of the Luverne schools from year to year, and the two classes above named will annually compete for it under conditions to be outlined by the superintendent of the schools.
A committee was named to purchase the silver cup, and it is hoped to secure one large enough so that the names of the winner and the year may be engraved upon it from year to year.
The purpose of the club in presenting the cup to the high school is to promote greater interest among the pupils in declamatory work and public speaking.
Members of the Senior and Junior classes are highly enthusiastic over the new arrangement, and the first interclass event for the cup, which will be held sometime during the spring, is certain to create much interest.
Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, P.O. Box 741, Luverne, MN 56156.
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1923: Luverne's night school shows rapid growth in enrollment

The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on January 26, 1923:
With Only Eight Students Present on Opening Night, Attendance Reaches Eighteen on Second Night
That the Luverne night school is becoming an interesting as well as a beneficial project is shown by the rapid growth in enrollment, the number having increased from eight the opening night on Thursday evening to eighteen on Monday evening. And, without a doubt, more will yet enroll.
Up to this time the students are all men from the city. Classes being held from seven to nine o’clock on Monday and Thursday evenings, are expected to be continued for an eight weeks’ period. But with the added number of students it was rather difficult for Mr. Teasdale to satisfactorily handle all the work, and he is now being assisted by Supt. H. C. Bell.
The students are not put into any distinct grade classification, but each individual is given just what work he can handle, ranging from about the fourth to eighth grade work. No text books are used, the lessons being taught mainly by talks and explanations on the part of the teachers, and close observation and application by the students.
But one fact stands out plainly—every one of these men is there with a desire to learn. They appear to be determined to secure now the knowledge which circumstances deprived them of in their earlier years, for they realize that an education is one of the greatest assets a man can hold, and an essential to success in any form of business.
Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, P.O. Box 741, Luverne, MN 56156.
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