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  • September 29, 2020
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • September 22, 2020
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Pastor Gary Mikkelson, interim pastor at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Hills
    September 22, 2020
    Kristen Kuempel once wrote a devotional where she began like this: “So here I sit, feeling a great deal of responsibility to you, dear reader, to provide some sort of clarity around the concept of loving yourself. The mug sitting beside me has held hot coffee that turned into cold coffee, and hot tea that turned into iced tea. Still, I have no pearls of wisdom.” That is where I am today as I…
  • By Pastor Laura Phillips, Palisade Lutheran/First Lutheran Church, Valley Springs
    September 15, 2020
    “From that time on (after Peter confessed that Jesus was the Messiah), Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and undergo great suffering at the hands of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, “God forbid it, Lord! This must never happen to you.” But he turned and…
  • September 15, 2020
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Pastor Walt Moser, First Baptist Church, Luverne
    September 08, 2020
    Free land! Have you ever considered that, as a believer in Jesus Christ, you are a real estate agent for heaven? The Bible speaks of heaven more than 500 times. Revelation 21 gives the most concise description of what is yet to come for all who are heaven bound. John is shown the glories of heaven and is told to write it down, for these words are “trustworthy and true.” Revelation 21 starts with…
  • September 08, 2020
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Glenda Bremer, St. John Lutheran Church, Luverne
    September 01, 2020
    Glenda Bremer’s column, “A View from the Pew” appears in the St. John Lutheran Church newsletter, and she has graciously agreed to share the column written for the September newsletter.   I recently embarked on a religious reconnaissance mission to save my fellow Christians from following a path of spiritual destruction. There’s an advertisement regularly aired on a certain TV network that I…
  • September 01, 2020
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Pastor Ann Zastrow, Grace Lutheran Church, Luverne
    August 25, 2020
    “O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” Psalm 136:1 Giving thanks to God is something that Christians are supposed to do as part of our practice of our religion. It is easy to thank God for good things that happen, or for crises averted. But it is more difficult to give God thanks when things are not going well. Today is Aug. 27, 2020. In a usual year…
  • August 25, 2020
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Pastor Jason Cunningham, First Presbyterian Church, Luverne
    August 18, 2020
    Read: Matthew 16:13-20 (This is the Gospel Reading for Sunday, Aug. 23) “Who do you say that I am?” This question from Jesus is right in the middle of Matthew’s Gospel. It’s meant to be the key question for us to consider. Have you ever noticed how people remember where they were when significant events happened? Perhaps you’ve heard the question, “Where were you when ____ happened?” Sometimes…
  • August 18, 2020
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Pastor Roger Sparks, Luverne Christian Reformed Church
    August 11, 2020
    Recently I preached on 1 Timothy 6, including verse 17 which says, “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant or to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” Notice three things in this verse. 1. Wealth and arrogance often go together. The more wealth we have the more tempting…
  • August 11, 2020
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • August 04, 2020
    “When he (Jesus) saw the crowds, he was moved with compassion for them because they were troubled and downcast, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36)        Do any of these adjectives describe you? I think lately in one way or another we have all felt a little troubled and downcast. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus shows us one of his strongest traits: his compassion.        The…
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