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  • By Pastor Ann Zastrow, Grace Lutheran Church, Luverne
    May 05, 2020
    As the weather is getting nicer out, I have been walking more around my neighborhood. I have enjoyed seeing the grass turn from winter brown, to a few blades of light green, to darker green lawns .I have watched the trees and bushes go from bare branches to little leaf buds. Some trees actually looked yellow as the green leaves popped out in their light green baby clothes.        Neighbors have…
  • April 28, 2020
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Pastor Jason Cunningham, First Presbyterian Church, Luverne
    April 28, 2020
    (Read John 20:19-22, Luke 24:13-35)      A few weeks ago the Coronavirus crisis came upon us with a sudden rash of closings and life changes. Much confusion ensued, and several people I knew seemed to be panicking.      As this unfolded over several days, I started to think about a passage from J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” trilogy. There is a place deep into the story when Hobbit Sam is…
  • By Becky Ossefort, children and youth coordinator, American Reformed Church, Luverne
    April 21, 2020
    “God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.” It was a phrase uttered regularly after the release of the “God’s Not Dead” movie a few years ago. Such a simple statement I have believed in my heart since I was a little girl. I still hear people say the phrase, but perhaps not as often as I did when the movie was first released. Yet it is something I have reminded myself, and others, of…
  • April 21, 2020
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Rev. Andrew Palmquist, Bethany Lutheran Church, Luverne
    April 14, 2020
    “On the evening of that first day of the week, the disciples were together behind locked doors because of their fear of the Jews. Jesus came, stood among them, and said to them, “Peace be with you!” After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.” (John 20:19-20)      Are you afraid? Are you anxious? Are you worried?      Right now, as our…
  • April 14, 2020
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Gary Klatt, St. John Lutheran Church, Luverne
    April 07, 2020
    We are experiencing life like we have never seen it before. This threat of Covid-19 is hitting us like nothing we have ever known. It is on a path to shut down our lives and quarantine us in our homes for an indefinite period of time. All this is precautionary so that we don’t experience a lot of deaths.       But don’t lose hope in who you are and in the God that has claimed you as His own. This…
  • April 07, 2020
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Rev. Maggie Berndt-Dreyer, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Hills
    March 31, 2020
    How long, O Lord? Psalm 13 opens with this question which I find fitting for our current situation.        How long is this going to last? How long are we going to be asked to neglect our need to socialize?        How long until we can visit our loved ones who live in care facilities?        How long until we can assemble in person for worship?        How long, O Lord?        The trouble is, we…
  • March 31, 2020
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Walt Moser, First Baptist Church, Luverne
    March 24, 2020
    How do you live in the unknown? Fox News Headlines on Saturday said, “LA County moves on from containing coronavirus, gives up on testing some patients.”        So what does that mean to us?    There are multiple stories about “lockdowns, stay-at-home policies.” So many unknowns, who and what do you trust?        King David, speaking of God, said, “They cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he…
  • March 24, 2020
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Laura Phillips, Palisade Lutheran/First Lutheran, Valley Springs, South Dakota
    March 17, 2020
    We find ourselves in an uncertain time, one in which we may feel out of control and anxious about things that are new and different: COVID-19, school closings, stock market plunging, self-quarantines, churches and businesses wondering whether to stay open … with bills that still need to be paid, and our store shelves lacking some basic supplies. This anxiety is real. We are living in a time that…
  • March 17, 2020
    The calendar items listed below were submitted at the beginning of March. Please check with your church office for updates and cancelations.   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; Gerald Kosse, Monsignor Thursday, March 19: Head Start. 7 p.m. Parish Council. Friday, March 20: 10 a.m. Veterans Home Mass. 5:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross.…
  • By Pastor Ron Nichols, Grace Lutheran Church, Luverne
    March 10, 2020
    A topic of great concern nowadays is the fact that the Christian church in the United States is declining in membership. According to “The Shrinking Church” article in the December 2012 issue of The Lutheran magazine, “Nearly every U.S. Christian denomination has seen membership declines in the past years, including Southern Baptists. … Only Roman Catholics seem to be hanging on, which experts…
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