- By Betty Mann, Rock County HistorianFebruary 12, 2025The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Feb. 5, 1932. Rural carriers buck big drifts on routes Carrier Mosby travels 69 miles Friday — delivers mail to six patrons; roads opened Monday The difficulties of the mail carriers of Rock county were materially multiplied the latter part of last week by the drifting snow, and none of the rural carriers out of the Luverne postoffice…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County HistorianFebruary 05, 2025The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Feb. 5, 1932. Four ’possums caught in past few weeks Appearance is unusual for this section of country; two similar instances were reported last year Four opossums have been caught in Rock county during the past few weeks, all of them in Magnolia township. This is clearly a noteworthy occurrence, as these little animals are seldom known…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County HistorianJanuary 29, 2025The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Jan. 8, 1932. Tri-State Mutual moves into Moreland building Fire insurance company occupies suite formerly used by Luverne commercial club and other organizations The Tri-State Mutual, Southwestern Minnesota’s largest fire insurance company, is getting nicely settled in its new office suite in the Moreland building on Main street, in…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County HistorianJanuary 22, 2025The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Jan. 1, 1932. New auto licenses to be ready tomorrow 1932 plates are maroon and gold; penalty for delay begins February 15th; many apply early The time for the purchase of the 1932 automobile license plates will soon be here. New plates to early applicants will probably arrive some time this week. They are sent direct to the applicant…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County HistorianJanuary 15, 2025The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Jan. 1, 1932. Majority of 1931 tax rates are below 1930 Reflects action taken by local tax units of Rock County levying lower budget for coming year Tax levies for 1930 are given for comparison Total tax rates for any division of county may be computed from accompanying figures With a few exceptions, the 1931 tax rates, to be…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County HistorianJanuary 08, 2025The following article appeared in The Rock County Star Herald on Jan. 1, 1932. Sheep owners move to prevent flock menace Backers of movement plan association county-wide in scope; many owners sustain heavy losses A movement is on foot to organize the Rock County Sheep Owners association and it is planned to have the organization county-wide in extent. The sole purpose of the…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County HistorianDecember 30, 2024The following article appeared in The Rock County Star Herald on Dec. 30, 1932. “Good Old Days” were here not so long ago Market prices, reproduced from Herald of two years ago, are high compared with present figures Speaking of the “good old days that have gone by,” to use a frequent reference, one only has to run back two years to the issue of The Herald of December 26th, to discover…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County HistorianDecember 24, 2024The following article appeared in The Rock County Herald on Dec. 23, 1932. Part-time class in shop work organized Manual training subjects to be taught twice a week by Geo. W. Edmonds; more students wanted A part-time class in manual training, for boys not attending school, is being organized in the Luverne high school by Geo. W. Edmonds, instructor of the manual training and…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County HistorianDecember 04, 2024Nov. 25, 1932 – Boxing program here next Wednesday night Five bouts with twenty-four rounds, arranged at armory by Dell-Hogan Post, American Legion Another sports event, featuring twenty-four rounds of boxing, will be held next Wednesday evening, November 30th, at the Luverne Armory, under the auspices of Dell-Hogan post 123, American Legion. The program opens at 8:15 o’clock. The main…
- By Betty Mann, Rock County HistorianNovember 13, 20241932 plates are maroon and gold; penalty for delay begins February 15th; many apply early The time for the purchase of 1932 automobile license plates will soon be here. New plates to early applicants will probably arrive some time this week. They are sent direct to the applicant from the office of Secretary of State Mike Holm. The well dressed automobile in Minnesota this year will wear license…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyOctober 26, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Oct. 5, 1932. Luverne Firemen are Hosts to 300 Visitors … (Continued from last week) The visiting firemen who registered for the convention were: E. F. Zierke, George Duhmal, W. F. Schendel, Blue Earth; Edward Schueller, A. F. Zwaschka, Adrian Klein, Frank J. Fiebyn, Sleepy Eye; Wm. Kephort, George H. Ostiwald, R. C. Kephart, J. W. Will, Jr…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyOctober 19, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Oct. 5, 1932. Luverne Firemen are Hosts to 300 Visitors … (Continued from last week) The remaining topics up for discussion were each handled in equally as interesting a manner, and the afternoon meeting adjourned at about five o’clock to prepare for the parade. The procession was formed at the city hall and the line of march extended from…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietySeptember 07, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on May 20, 1932. Raccoons are Latest Addition to Park Zoo Alderman Peschon Secures Pair from Arnold Schoon to be Exhibited with Deer and Bear at Park An important addition to the zoo annex at Luverne’s public park was made the first of the week by Park Commissioner Frank Peschon, when he secured a pair of raccoons, which are now on exhibit…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMarch 16, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Sept. 16, 1932. Highway Dept. Shows Interesting Figures Assorted Activities of State Highway Patrol Summarized for August; 100 Cars Taken Into Custody The report of activities of the state highway patrol for the month of August, as summarized by a recent highway bulletin, shows that in addition to giving directions and other information to…
- By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical SocietyMarch 09, 2021The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Aug. 26, 1932. Burial Association Buys Long Residence Property Commodious Dwelling on West Main Street Will be Converted into Modern Funeral Home Through the purchase of the L. D. Long residence property on West Main street, known as the Wright place, the latter part of last week, the Rock County Co-Operative Burial association…
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