The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Sept. 16, 1932.
Highway Dept. Shows Interesting Figures
Assorted Activities of State Highway Patrol Summarized for August; 100 Cars Taken Into Custody
The report of activities of the state highway patrol for the month of August, as summarized by a recent highway bulletin, shows that in addition to giving directions and other information to 117,000 motorists and first aid to twelve persons injured into traffic accidents, patrolmen found time to check up a large number of vehicles and issue tags calling for corrections of unsafe or illegal equipment.
A total of 1,277 drivers were given tags for failure to have rear lamps lighted; 1,274 because of head lamps being out of adjustment; 742 one lamp dark; 373 on account of glaring lights; 145 insufficient light; 119 illegal lights, and 106 because of no clearance lights displayed on wide vehicles.
Faulty brakes were found on 49 vehicles; 45 had defective warning devices; 48 had no rear view mirror, and 50 no windshield wiper. Failure to have exhaust pipes properly muffled brought tags to 58, and 149 were tagged because of swinging license plates, obscured license plates, or because of the license plates not being illuminated at night.
Improper operation of motor vehicles brought many motorists to the attention of the patrolmen, the report shows. Warnings were given to 3,044 for improper parking; to 659 for failing to stop at arterial highway “Stop” signs; to 572 for driving too fast in congested areas, and to 316 for not driving in the correct traffic lane. Others given warnings included 164 for improper passing of other vehicles; 80 for passing on curves, and 32 for passing on crests of hills.
Infractions for which tags, calling for corrections within 48 hours, were issued by the patrol officers included 212 vehicles with expired licenses or large trailers without licenses; 125 no Minnesota license plates; 30 wrong class of license, and 75 having only one license plate displayed. Chauffeurs to the number of 81 were tagged for failure to have proper license. Corrections in this class of irregularities required the payment of vehicle tax to a total of $3,337.25.
All violators of traffic regulations were not, however, fortunate enough to but get tags, according to the report. Motorists to the number or 72 were arrested for driving while drunk, and paid fines totaling $5,716.00. Others placed under arrest were: 29 for failure to stop before entering on or crossing arterial highways; 19 for careless driving, and 17 for having improper license plates on their vehicles. These latter paid fines amounting to $995.50.
Cars taken into custody by the patrol officers numbered an even one hundred. The majority of these were on account of drunken drivers.
Patrolmen required the removal of 285 signs improperly placed on state trunk highways.
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Mann welcomes correspondence sent to
1932: State Patrol takes 100 cars into custody
Bits By Betty
Lead Summary
Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society