Letter to Editor
- October 03, 2017To the Editor: I had the opportunity to serve water to the participants at the Tri-State Band Festival. I was so encouraged by the appreciation and respect demonstrated by the students. Every one of them said thank you and more as we offered our small gift. I noticed the same courtesies illustrated as we worked with the boys from Southwestern Youth Services a couple of weeks ago. Kudos to the…
- October 03, 2017To the Editor: Almost incredibly a Minnesota judge, John R. Tunheim, just ruled that a media production business based in Minnesota cannot post a statement on their website saying they would not make films celebrating same-sex marriages. In his odd decision the judge managed to offend millions of decent moral white people by comparing white skin to sexual aberrations! The judge actually said that…
- September 26, 2017To the Editor: There are a lot of things I like about living in Luverne. It is a clean and well kept up city. They have made investments to improve storefronts and upgrade the corner of Highway 75 and Main Street. I live in the Tri-State addition where it is a nice quiet part of town, where we see turkeys and deer often roaming about the trees and green grassy space on Roundwind Road. I enjoy…
- September 26, 2017To the Editor: We want to let everyone know how proud we are of our beautiful and clean city. Hats off to the city of Luverne, Chamber of Commerce, business owners and to all others who do their part to make this possible. We hear many compliments from visitors to our city. Yes, we “Love Luverne” and are proud and blessed to be residents here. Connie Wieneke The Pool and Coffee Pals Luverne P.S.…
- August 22, 2017To the Editor: As the Third District V.F.W. Commander and Luverne Post 2757 Quartermaster, I would like to thank our V.F.W. baseball team and coaches for a great season. I was really impressed by your quality of ball playing. Keep up your great work, and I will be at Marshall in 2018 to cheer you on. Our team is championship quality. Buck Underwood Luverne
- October 31, 2016To the Editor: A good premise and instruction for any government and people in general is to take care of those less fortunate than themselves. Now our government is turning the tables and with the Affordable Care Act, our government is creating a new problem and portion of the population that no longer can afford the imposed upon regulations. The Affordable Care Act is due to implode on itself…
- October 03, 2016To the Editor: I enjoy looking through phrases, slogans and titles to see the other side of their meaning. A few weeks ago while I was visiting friends and relatives in Oklahoma City, I was able to indulge my enjoyment. I saw a lawn service truck with the company name, “No More Weeds.” If it was true, they would be unemployed. First National Bank — How do I know they were first? The Penn Square…
- October 03, 2016To the Editor: We would like to thank the Luverne Chamber of Commerce, the Tri-State Band Festival committee, and the city of Luverne for their hospitality this past weekend. The bands were great, and the weather cooperated until the final four field bands. Thanks to committee members and the Luverne School District, those bands were able to perform inside the elementary gym. We enjoyed two great…
- October 03, 2016To the Editor: On behalf of the businesses and citizens of Luverne, we would like to thank the city of Luverne (council, administration and public works) for carrying through with the Luverne Gateway Project prioritized in the community revitalization plan adopted by citizens in 2010. Over six years ago on a snowy winter night, almost 200 community members met at the Blue Mound Banquet Center…
- July 19, 2016To the Editor: Have you been watching the Middle East lately? Boom! Over there they brainwash their kids to be suicide fighters and bombers. Over here we just brainwash our kids to be socialists. I hope our kids realize how fortunate they are and also realize how much we really wish them the best of success. Bill Frakes Luverne
- March 21, 2016To the Editor: Packing and moving out can be a monumental task, especially after 23 years of being in one building. This is what the Council for Arts and Humanities in Rock County (CAHRC) faced in February and accomplished when it moved out of the Carnegie Cultural Center. It would not have happened without a lot of help in both areas. Members of the Rock County Fine Arts Association (RCFAA) and…
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