Esther Frakes
- By Esther Frakes, copy editorJuly 05, 2022It’s so easy to procrastinate when it comes to sorting and getting rid of stuff, but Dr. Phil has gotten me started. I have to say, I seldom watch “Dr. Phil,” but I just happened to catch a show recently where an older couple had married and combined both households of stuff into one single home they had purchased together. They never got around to unpacking and were now living in a home where…
- By Lori Sorenson, editorMarch 08, 2022Our Esther Frakes arrived back in Luverne last week after galivanting through the southern United States with her friend Betty. It sounds like she had a grand time, and as such, probably didn’t miss us at the paper. We, however, missed her dearly. Esther is our proofreader, which is a humble term for the person who makes the news department look better than we are. She catches misspelled names,…
- By Esther Frakes, copy editorAugust 24, 2021Well, I had another birthday last week … not a significant one, though. At St. John, a birthday is significant if it can be divided by five. Significant birthdays are announced and prayers are offered. (Wouldn’t it be great if we only needed to count those birthdays!) I’m getting too close to the birthday numbers that often lead to an open house … and serious birthday cards. At our August coffee…
- March 17, 2020An imaginary message from God: While you’re in time-out, reconnect with your family; come to me in prayer To the Editor: Thinking about the worldwide pandemic, I was reflecting back on times when God had had enough of the sins of the world and took drastic action to effect a major correction in the behavior of mankind. It prompted me to write this imaginary conversation. Enough, already! And…
- By Esther FrakesJanuary 01, 2020So what’s in a name? Obviously a very specific spelling, for one thing. One of the challenges for the Star Herald staff is to spell names correctly — not an easy task. As early as possible at the beginning of each school year, we ask the area schools to email student class lists to us for reference when needing to verify spellings of names of students in our stories. The variety of spellings…
- By Esther Frakes, copy editorOctober 01, 2019As I finish up on 15 years of proofreading here at the Star Herald, I still love my job. One of the most amusing aspects of my job is to see the many ways that a missed or mistyped letter can potentially get us into trouble. The first week that I showed up for proofreading at the Star Herald in late September 2004, I came at my job with a great amount of confidence in my abilities. I just knew…
- By Esther Frakes, copy editorJune 18, 2019Eye am the proofreader, the won whose hear at the sight of the Star Herald every weak to peak at the articles that are already too go. I don’t get complements two often because eye don’t get things write all the thyme. Ewe mite all ready sea there are two many weighs to spell write. Eye can’t bare to miss things because won or to of my coworkers peel with laughter when things are mist. Their are…
- March 08, 2016To the Editor: In a couple of months, from May 17 to May 31, the filing period opens for individuals to announce their candidacy for local government positions. I will not be filing again. This is the last year of my term, and after serving on the council for 12 years it’s time for me to step down. Serving on city council has been a very rewarding and gratifying experience. The current mayor and…
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