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betty mann

  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    February 04, 2020
    Rock County will celebrate its 150th anniversary this year. The news will be the history of Rock County, townships, and communities. The following appeared in the Rose History of Rock County, printed in 1911.   County and Township Organization — 1870-1878          When the early day settlers located in the unorganized county of Rock, it was attached to Jackson county for civil and judicial…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    January 28, 2020
    The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on January 20, 1905.   Petition for Cement Walk On North Side Luverne St. Common Council Grants Petition for Four Blocks of New Walk — Action Taken in Public Rest Room Matter — Plans and Estimates to be Made The common council met January 17, 1904, pursuant to adjournment and was called to order at 8 p.m. with all members present except Mr. Leet. A…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    January 21, 2020
    The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on January 20, 1905.   To Save Our Shade Trees Danger From Scale Insects Remedy Recommended by Prof. Washburn Which Should be Applied While Trees are Bare I wish to call the attention of the city council, the owners of trees near the city hall and all others who are interested in the beautiful shade trees for which Luverne is noted, to the…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    January 14, 2020
    The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on January 13, 1905.   The committee in charge of the Modern Woodmen’s annual dance which is to be given next Thursday, January 19, have completed all arrangements in a very satisfactory manner and the indications are that the dance will be one of the most enjoyable entertainments of the kind ever given by the lodge. As previously announced the…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    January 07, 2020
    The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on January 13, 1905.   Barely a quorum of the members of the Maplewood Cemetery association turned out Monday evening to attend the annual meeting held in J. H. Furlow’s office. While this fact indicates the implicit faith and entire satisfaction  of the lot owners in the present board, the officers would much prefer to have seen a large turnout.…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    December 17, 2019
    The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on December 4, 1931.   Will Open Bids on New Paving December 22   Eleven Miles on No. 6 from Luverne to Iowa Line is Included in Projects Under Consideration   1932 Program Calls for 428 Miles of Concrete   Paving Luverne to Adrian Link Will Make Continuous Pavement from Cities to Iowa and Dakota Boundaries   Bids on 223 miles of truck highway…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    December 03, 2019
    The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on November 13, 1931.   Women Leaders of Poultry Project Build Self-Feeders   Models Fashioned are Conclusive Proof That Feminine Hands Can Efficiently Hit the Nail on the Head   Women leaders have been “hitting the nail on the head” the past week as a result of their leader training meetings, which were held in Luverne Thursday and Friday of last…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    November 25, 2019
    The following appeared in The Rock County Star on November 6, 1931.   Capone Men Visit Luverne?   Smooth Strangers Pass $10 Counterfeit Bill on Local Café; Almost Make It $20   Federal Investigators Raid Gangers’ Den In Chicago and Find Set-Up For making Spurious Currency — Being Distributed in Rural Communities The activities of Al Capone, master gangster and criminal, may have included Luverne…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    November 19, 2019
    The following appeared in The Rock County Star on November 6, 1931.   Luverne Cuts Employees’ Salaries $2000   Ten Per Cent Reduction To Lower Tax Levy One-Fifth; Every Office Is Affected   George DeLate, Superin-tendent of Light Plant, Takes Biggest Loss — Town Police to Receive $90 Per Month   The Luverne city council made a 10 per cent wage cut for every employee on the town payroll at the…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    November 12, 2019
    The following appeared in The Rock County Star on October 30, 1931.   Bankers of Rock County Organize          Organization of a Rock County Bankers’ Association was perfected at a meeting and banquet held at the Manitou hotel in Luverne Friday night. Until this organization was perfected, Rock county was the only county in the state not having a bankers’ association.          Need for the…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    October 29, 2019
    The following appeared in The Rock County Star on October 18, 1929.   Barbecue To Be Feature of Witch Day Gigantic Community Hallowe-en Party to be Held Here Oct. 31st Under Auspices of Commercial Club “Witch Day” will be featured in Luverne, on October 31st with entertain-ment and decorations appropriate to the Hallowe’en season and with a program climaxed by a tremendous Barbecue, at which all…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    September 24, 2019
    The following appeared in the Rock County Star Herald on September 7, 1967.   Crowds Throng Here To Make Centennial Whopping Success          Luverne’s 100th anniversary birthday party was a whopping success.          Young and old alike came to celebrate ­— many in costume, many in whiskers, the rest in modern day garb appropriate for the occasion.          It was a fun event for three days and…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    August 20, 2019
    The following appeared in the Rock County Star Herald on July 8, 1965   First National Bank To Open In New Location On Monday Moving day for the First National Bank of Luverne is this weekend. First National will move to its new building at Main and McKenzie over the July 10 weekend and will be open for business as usual at the new location Monday morning. The Grand Opening is scheduled for July…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    August 06, 2019
    The following appeared in the Rock County Star Herald on July 1, 1965.   TALK ABOUT A WET SPRING- She Pumps Water Every Morning At 3 A. M. To Keep Well From Getting Too Full          “It’s the absolute truth,” says Mrs. Elsie Herschberger, Kenneth.          “It’s been so wet this spring that I have to get up every morning at 3 o’clock to pump out my well, or it gets too full.”          It’s no…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    July 23, 2019
    The following appeared in the Rock County Star Herald on July 1, 1965.   No Outgoing Mail After 6 P.M.   Service on Night Mail Cut Tuesday          Beginning Tuesday night, there was no outgoing mail service for any mail dropped in the outside collection box at the postoffice after 6 p.m.          The announcement was made by Assistant Postmaster Arlo Bier-Bierkamp after receipt of a letter from…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    July 16, 2019
    The following appeared in the Rock County Star Herald on June 17, 1965.   Odd Jobs Club Now Open From 9-11 On Week Days          A plan to operate the Odd Jobs Club from the Luverne Community Center was announced this week by Rev. Wayne Hoffman, chairman of the Center.          A telephone and desk, to be manned by volunteer help, has been installed for coordinating work with employers and…
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