The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on November 13, 1931.
Women Leaders of Poultry Project Build Self-Feeders
Models Fashioned are Conclusive Proof That Feminine Hands Can Efficiently Hit the Nail on the Head
Women leaders have been “hitting the nail on the head” the past week as a result of their leader training meetings, which were held in Luverne Thursday and Friday of last week under the direction of Miss Cora Cooke, of University farm.
“The Feeding and Care of the Laying Flock” was the topic of discussion and one of the features of the meetings was the building of a simple, cheap poultry mash hopper.
Most men have vague ideas as to the ability of Rock county women as carpenters, but judging from the noise in the club rooms on both afternoons, most nails were hit on the head. In fact, most of the nails vanished into the wood, and those that didn’t will in the next few weeks. As a result the feeders were completed and look as attractive as they are serviceable. It is understood that each of the twelve groups of women will construct a similar feeder in their group meetings to be held in the next few weeks.
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1931: Women leaders built poultry feeders
Bits By Betty
Lead Summary
Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society