- By Mavis Fodness, reporterJuly 18, 2023For more than a decade I’ve been mad at God. It seems funny to be mad at someone you’ve never met or really know if he’s even real. My Christian upbringing, however, says he is there and, thus, he is the one I am directing my anger toward. My sister died unexpectedly in 2011 and I’ve never forgiven God for taking her away from her family. We all prayed for a miracle that she would recover and…
- March 17, 2020An imaginary message from God: While you’re in time-out, reconnect with your family; come to me in prayer To the Editor: Thinking about the worldwide pandemic, I was reflecting back on times when God had had enough of the sins of the world and took drastic action to effect a major correction in the behavior of mankind. It prompted me to write this imaginary conversation. Enough, already! And…
- By Cole McCormick, Grace Luverne Church, LuverneApril 12, 2016As a young boy, I encountered several trips with my grandparents. As we are now into spring, I can picture in my mind these excursions all the more. One of those trips was to the Grotto of the Redemption in West Bend, Iowa. It has nine grottos and each one touches on a different point in the life of Jesus Christ. While going through the grottos, I remember not being interested in the history and…
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