10 years ago (2011)
•Dan and Amy Leuthold and their sons, Mitch, 15, and Jared, 13, Luverne, were recently named the 2011 Rock County Farm Family of the Year.
They were recognized during the Rock County Fair on July 21 and will be honored in a ceremony at Farmfest in Redwood Falls on Aug. 4.
“It’s an honor to be recognized for the work that we love to do, and we thank those that were involved in giving us this award,” Dan said about their Farm Family of the Year designation.
Dan and Amy are both 1988 Ellsworth High School graduates and have deep roots in the local agricultural community.
25 years ago (1996)
•Education Consultant Roger Worner met with Hills-Beaver Creek School Board members before their regular monthly meeting Monday night to introduce himself and discuss possible cooperation efforts between H-BC and Luverne.
Worner was assigned by the Commissioner of Education to serve as a liaison between the H-BC and Luverne school districts as cooperation efforts are considered.
50 years ago (1971)
•Shortly before 7 p.m. Monday, firemen were called to Tony’s IGA supermarket on S. Kniss where a fire had ignited in the trash box at the rear of the building. Firemen were able to confine the blaze to the outside of the building, but there was some roof damage and the power lines leading into the building had been badly burnt. Daryel Buss, manager of the supermarket, gave no estimate of the damage, but said that without alert people in the area and the competence of the Luverne Fire Department, the fire could have done extensive damage. Authorities were sure that the origin of the fire was in the trash box which had been emptied just a couple of hours before the fire and only contained a few boxes gathered before the store closed.
75 years ago (1946)
•As the threat of polio spread through the state this week, city health officials here were taking no chances.
Dr. C. O. Wright, Evan Paulsen and Charles J. Larson, members of the board of health, as their first step, ordered the municipal swimming pool closed Friday for an indefinite period, and this week sounded warnings to parents to keep their children away from crowds everywhere.
100 years ago (1921)
•During the warmest days of the past month from four to six hundred adults and children daily made use of the bathing pool at the Luverne public park, according to the estimate of E. L. Leicher, who was instrumental in opening the pool.
The swimming place, which is located at the southeast edge of the park, was first opened June 27th, and has since steadily grown in popularity.
As the pool is especially well adapted for the use of children, the great majority of those who frequent the place are children. That there has been no serious accident at the pool is attributed largely to painstaking attention given to the place by Ed. Giedemann, as special park policeman.
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