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Caitlin Miller poses for a picture with her rowing partner, Laura Newton, who along with Elaina Loveless and Cassidy Hurd (not pictured) will row the 28-foot boat called the “Spitfire” from Monterey, California, across the Pacific Ocean to Hanalei Bay, Hawaii, beginning Saturday, June 8. Their team name is Full FOURce. Mavis Fodness/Rock County Star Herald Photo
Caitlin Miller poses for a picture with her rowing partner, Laura Newton, who along with Elaina Loveless and Cassidy Hurd (not pictured) will row the 28-foot boat called the “Spitfire” from Monterey, California, across the Pacific Ocean to Hanalei Bay, Hawaii, beginning Saturday, June 8. Their team name is Full FOURce. Mavis Fodness/Rock County Star Herald Photo

Miller tackles another ocean row; this time it's the Pacific

For the second time in her life, Hardwick native Caitlin Miller will row across an ocean.

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