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  • By Rev. Dr. Phil Booe, St. John Lutheran Church, Luverne
    February 23, 2021
    Think back to when you were a child. Do you ever remember doing something wrong and trying to hide it from your parents? As a kid you probably got yourself in all sorts of trouble. Sometimes your parents knew what you had done and other times they had no clue! But that still didn’t keep you from worrying about it, carrying around guilt, and always thinking that at any moment your mom or your dad…
  • By Pastor Walt Moser, First Baptist Church, Luverne
    February 16, 2021
    Love is in the air due to Valentine’s Day. Forty-seven years ago, a young lady walked into Calvary Baptist Church in Silver City, New Mexico, and I was awestruck with her beauty. As a 17-year-old boy I was convinced she was a girl I needed to know. We became great friends and soon were madly in love with each other, if puppy love is what you call true love. Now, after being married to this same…
  • February 16, 2021
    The Star Herald reached out to hurches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Pastor Ann Zastrow, Grace Lutheran Church, Luverne
    February 09, 2021
    This coming Sunday celebrates Jesus’ Transfiguration, when Jesus meets Moses and Elijah on the mountaintop. His clothing shines dazzling white, and his true identity as Son of God is made known to the disciples Peter, James and John, as a cloud envelops them. Peter mumbles something about being glad they were there to see this, and should he build booths to commemorate the occasion, someplace to…
  • February 09, 2021
    The Star Herald reached out to hurches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Pastor Jason Cunningham, First Presbyterian Church, Luverne
    February 02, 2021
    READ: John 1:29-42 John the Baptist was standing there with two of his disciples, and as he was watching Jesus walk by he exclaimed, “Look! There is the Lamb of God!” On the surface that doesn’t sound like much, but there is a great significance to the way John writes this. Of the four Gospel writers, John is the one who often gives us double meanings: the surface story and the deeper…
  • February 02, 2021
    The Star Herald reached out to hurches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • January 25, 2021
    The Star Herald reached out to hurches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Pastor Roger Sparks, Luverne Christian Reformed Church
    January 25, 2021
    There are at least two dimensions to faith. First, do we believe that there is an infinite-personal God who designed and brought into existence the universe and everything in it, including the dimensions of time and space? Do we believe that we owe our existence and every moment of our lives, not to impersonal stuff, but to the wise and awesome God, in whose plans we have a meaningful place? Some…
  • By Pastor Andrew Palmquist, Bethany Lutheran Church, Luverne
    January 19, 2021
    You perhaps have heard the story of the little girl who was on a cruise ship that was caught in a hurricane off the Florida coast. One of the other passengers observed how calm she was despite the fearful storm and the panic of most of the adults. He asked, “How can you be so calm and unconcerned?” The little girl replied, “Because my father is the pilot of this ship.” My father is in command —…
  • January 19, 2021
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Rev. Dr. Phil Booe
    January 11, 2021
    Is there a more iconic Christian image than Jesus as the Good Shepherd and his people as his sheep? It’s in Psalm 23, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not be in want.” You can find it in Revelations 7, “The Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd.” And in the Gospel of John 10:27, Jesus teaches, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” Why do you suppose…
  • January 11, 2021
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Rev. Michael Geiger, guest columnist, Happy New Year
    January 05, 2021
    A blessed and happy New Year to all! I have a prediction for 2021. It will be like 2020. WHAT!!! Say it isn’t so! I am SO done with 2020 and ready for 2021! In many ways, so am I. 2021 is before us with many new experiences and opportunities. We will sit down today or soon and plan out what we hope to accomplish, set resolutions to change mindset or behavior, and pray that the challenges of 2020…
  • January 05, 2021
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Pastor Walt Moser, First Baptist Church, Luverne
    December 28, 2020
    In 2015 while riding our bicycles across America, Beryl and I entered the Paw Paw tunnel on the C & O Towpath trail.  We knew the tunnel was almost ¾ of a mile long and it was adjacent to the boat channel used to bring supplies from Washington DC to Pennsylvania in the 1800’s.  The towpath was the path the mules walked on to pull the barges upriver.   As we entered the tunnel we could not see…
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