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  • May 11, 2021
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • May 04, 2021
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Pastor Ann Zastrow, Grace Lutheran Church, Luverne
    May 04, 2021
    “Love, love, love, that’s what it’s all about. ’Cause God loves us, we love each other – mother, father, sister, brother. Everybody sing and shout, ’cause that’s what it’s all about—it’s about love, love, love.” These are the words to a song I learned as a youth. And love IS what it’s all about! The lessons my congregation has been hearing the past few weeks are all about love – God’s love for…
  • By Pastor Jason Cunningham, First Presbyterian Church, Luverne
    April 27, 2021
    Read Isaiah 40:28-31: “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.…
  • April 27, 2021
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Rev. Roger Sparks, Luverne Christian Reformed Church
    April 20, 2021
    During the recent season of Lent and Good Friday, many of us would have meditated on one or more of the Savior’s seven sayings which he uttered while on the cross. His words offer hope even to the chief of sinners, such as his prayer for those who drove the nails through his hands and feet: “Father, forgive them ...” and his assurance to the dying thief who repented: “Today you will be with me in…
  • April 20, 2021
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • April 13, 2021
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Erin Jacobsma, office manager, American Reformed Church
    April 13, 2021
    It’s been a long night. Or a short one. Depends how you look at it. I caught a few winks in the recliner, but most of the night was spent on the floor of the kitchen with a sick lamb. She was clinging to life and I so desperately wanted her to live. I lost a newborn lamb a few days ago and I didn’t want a repeat. We had just picked her up from the big farm earlier in the evening. She baaed all…
  • By Rev. Dr. Phil Booe, St. John Lutheran Church, Luverne
    April 06, 2021
    I'm sure you've heard the old saying, “To err is human, to forgive, divine.” I wonder if you know who said it? Some attribute this famous line to Shakespeare while others think it can be found somewhere in the Bible. The man who actually coined this phrase was the poet Alexander Pope. It's just one line out of 750 others in his first major poem, “An Essay on Criticism,” which he…
  • April 06, 2021
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Pastor Walt Moser, First Baptist Church, Luverne
    March 30, 2021
    Ralph was a heartbroken man who lived in poverty and filth. He felt like a failure in every way. Relationships seem shallow and insignificant. He knew something had to better than this, but what? He wanted change, but how do you change? Life was such a disappointment.  “Don’t worry, be happy” didn’t mean anything or satisfy the longing of his heart. What hope is there in life? There was no hope…
  • March 30, 2021
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • March 23, 2021
    The Star Herald reached out to churches for their worship information in the absence of in-person worship services, due to coronavirus social distancing. Those that responded are listed here. Those that would like to have information posted here should call the Star Herald or email   St. Catherine Catholic Church 203 E. Brown St., Luverne St. Catherine Ph. 283-8502; www.…
  • By Pastor Ann Zastrow, Grace Lutheran Church, Luverne
    March 23, 2021
    “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” These are the words that will ring out in churches in our community on Sunday, as we remember the way Jesus began his last week on earth, riding on a donkey, with hopeful crowds shouting, excitement palpable as he made his way into Jerusalem. This excitement turns ugly as disappointment and disillusionment emerge when Jesus doesn’t…
  • By Pastor Jason Cunningham, First Presbyterian Church, Luverne
    March 16, 2021
    I have often heard it said that Lent is meant to be like a journey. The Biblical background that inspires this is Jesus journeying toward the city of Jerusalem where he will be crucified and killed. The reason we remember and think about this is that Easter is on the other side of that journey. The time and season of Lent call us to reflect deeply about the cost Christ paid before rising from the…
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