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  • By Martha Fick, Good Samaritan, Mission Effectiveness
    December 01, 2015
    “Judge not, that you be not judged.” Matthew 7:1    Sven was riding the city bus to town. When he reached his stop, it looked like rain and without thinking he picked up the umbrella belonging to the man sitting next to him. “Stop, thief,” Lars yelled. “Stop dat man. He took my umbrella.” Sven apologized profusely. “I vas not thinking vhen I picked it up. I tought it vas my umbrella. I must haf…
  • By By Betty Mann, Rock County Historical Society President
    December 01, 2015
    The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on August 31, 1923:   SHOE THRIFT WEEK BEING QUITE GENERALLY OBSERVED   But Two Days Remain of Nationally Designated Period for Promoting Health, Comfort, Economy   Two more days of Shoe Thrift Week still remain, the week which has been set aside the nation over for the shoe repair trade, when everybody is urged to have their old shoes repaired and…
  • By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota State Patrol
    December 01, 2015
    Question: Can you talk about winter driving safety? Answer:  This is a great time to talk about it and remind drivers about the dangers of driving on slippery roads and reducing chances of being involved in a crash. •Avoid unnecessary travel if conditions are poor. •Buckle up, and make sure child restraints are tightly secured. •Drive at safe speeds according to road conditions, and provide for…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    December 01, 2015
    She’s back.  Our baby girl, age 21, is back from the ends of the earth.  Well, OK, she’s back from Thailand, which is not the end of the earth, but it’s a loooooooong way from Luverne. She flew to Sioux Falls from Bangkok Tuesday night. (Nothing says “Welcome Home” from a tropical climate like 10 inches of fresh snow.)  And now she’s asleep in her room in the basement. Eleven months have passed…
  • By Lori Sorenson
    November 23, 2015
    I’ve never cared for family Thanksgiving prayers that require each of us to say out loud what we’re thankful for. Mostly that’s because an original prayer is hard to come by at the end of a 10-person table. Also, we’re sometimes thankful for things that require explanation (which nobody wants to hear when their food is getting cold). What if I blurted out that I’m thankful for Mom’s cancer? My…
  • By Rick Peterson, Tollefson Publishing General Manager
    November 23, 2015
      It’s Thanksgiving week so we tend to spend a little more time than normal thinking about those things we are thankful for. Because of everyone’s work and family schedules, our family celebrated Thanksgiving this past weekend. The time worked out well because it was also the weekend of the youth deer hunt at the Blue Mounds State Park. I entered our grandson Carter’s name in a drawing, and he…
  • By betty mann, Rock County Historical Society president
    November 16, 2015
      Bits By Betty—November 19, 2015   The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on July 20, 1923:   LUVERNE BUSINESS INTERESTS PLEDGE $5,000 TO A.Y.P. TRAIL   Many Give Financial Aid in Obtaining new Transcontinental Highway Thru This City   That the business and professional men of Luverne are strongly in favor of the movement to secure for Southern Minnesota the proposed Atlantic-…
  • By martha Fick, Good Samaritan – Mission Effectiveness
    November 16, 2015
      Communication   By Martha Fick, Good Samaritan – Mission Effectiveness "Is not the arrow beyond you?" 1 Samuel 20:37b ESV  Ole, Lars and Sven went deer hunting. Sven said to Ole and Lars, "I vill go south into de prairie grass. You two head north into de grove of trees. If you get lost, fire three shots into de air so dat I vill be able to find you." Ole and Lars agreed and…
  • November 09, 2015
      Roger Sparks, Pastor Luverne Christian Reformed Church Summer is past. Fall is upon us. Thanksgiving Day is just around the corner. Before we know it, we will discard our 2015 calendars. Most people I talk to say that they’re busy, busy, busy. So am I. Should we take time out of our busy schedules for personal and/or group Bible study? Should we carve time out of our hectic routines to be still…
  • By betty mann, Rock County Historical Society president
    November 09, 2015
      The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on June 8, 1923:   MANY PHYSICAL DEFECTS FOUND AMONG PUPILS   Report of Luverne School Nurse Discloses 169 Out of 188 in High School Were Defective   Out of 188 pupils of the Luverne high school who were examined by School Nurse Clara Herm, 169 were found defective, according to a report submitted at a meeting of the executive board of the Rock…
  • By Rick Peterson
    November 09, 2015
      By Rick Peterson, Tollefson Publishing General Manager Are you kidding me? Affordable health care, my A$$. This column is in no way a reflection on our local insurance agents. In fact, I can’t imagine the guff they are taking as the annual renewal time for health insurance is upon us. This is the second go-around for open enrollment under the Affordable Care Act, and health care has been…
  • By brenda winter, columnist
    November 09, 2015
      It may not be ranked among life’s great questions such as, “What is the meaning of life?” or “How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” but to me the question is profound. I was painting my sister’s dining room last week as my seven-year-old niece munched on a taco at the dining room table. Staring off into space as children do when they eat, she asked, “Auntie…
  • By betty mann, Rock County Historical Society president
    November 02, 2015
      The following appeared in the Rock County Herald on May 18, 1923:   REMAINS OF CHILD BURIED 53 YEARS UNCOVERED A coffin containing what is supposed to be the remains of an infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Nason Estey, that had been buried fifty-three years, was found Saturday on the southwest quarter of section 24, Clinton township, owned by M. C. Hanson. It was while excavating for a basement that…
  • By Sgt. Troy Christianson of the Minnesota State Patrol
    November 02, 2015
        Question: My question is related to the blocking of rear license plates and the taillights on vehicles equipped with rear mount bicycle racks, and also the large platforms that mount into a receiver hitch and most often contain large coolers. Is it legal to block the rear of the vehicle and the license plate with this equipment?  Yesterday I was behind a van that had two kayaks strapped to…
  • By lori sorenson, editor
    November 02, 2015
    I scraped the last of the peanut butter from the bottom of a Skippy jar last week and thought about our golden retriever. It was Ginger’s job to lick the peanut butter and yogurt containers before they hit the recycle bin. I can still see her — the picture of contentment. She’d wrap her front paws around the Skippy jar and plunge her nose deep into the jar so her tongue could reach the edges,…
  • By Fraser Norton, Rock County FSA director
    October 26, 2015
      Important Dates Nov. 9: County Committee Election Ballots mailed to voters in LAA #3 Nov. 11: FSA Office closed for Veterans Day Nov. 16: 2016 Apiculture, Perennial Forage and Fall-Seeded Small Grains Crop Acreage certification deadline Nov. 20: 2016 MPP-Dairy sign-up deadline Nov. 20: CRP Grassland Phase 1 application deadline Nov. 20: 2016 NAP Perennial Fruits and Vegetables sales deadline…
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