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The Northview

  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    October 11, 2016
    My granddaughters have reached the toddler stage so “going for a walk” has taken on a whole new meaning. Traditionally, “going for a walk” means moving quickly with the goal of increasing one’s heart rate. Toddler walks are different. Toddler walks are more focused on sticks, rocks, leaves and worms and less focused on physical fitness. Or getting anywhere. Or actually walking. Toddlers live in…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    May 23, 2016
    This year’s American Cancer Society Relay for Life in Rock County is Friday, June 10, and guess who’s the honorary chairperson? Yup. I am. When Merecie Domagala (the real chairperson who does all the work) asked me if I’d accept this honorary position, without hesitation I offered an enthusiastic “Yes! I’d love to.” I said yes for two reasons. One, I get to ride in a convertible in the Buffalo…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    May 02, 2016
    I was 29 days into a 30-day anal cancer treatment plan. For the most part, I’d skated through the daily radiation and two doses of chemo without incident. I was a little tired, had a little nausea, and I had a little “sunburn” from the radiation, but nothing major. I began to wonder why I had been in such dread of traditional cancer treatment for so long if this was all there was to it. And then…
  • By Brenda Winter
    February 22, 2016
    Our cat is sick. And I am not a cat person. I grew up on a farm where the average life expectancy of a cat was about three years. Causes of death among farm cats include the milk truck, a tractor, a car, a dog, a trap, hypothermia, a horse, a cow, another cat — and of course, disease. Sad but true — life on the farm can be brutal. But ours is not a farm cat. Ours is a house cat. He’s old and now…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    January 11, 2016
    Heartbreak is not new to Vikings fans. Heartbreak is what we expect. So when the Vikings led for most of last Sunday’s playoff game only to lose by missing a field goal in the last few seconds — Vikings fans were not surprised. We are the kind of people who maintain low expectations so as to avoid disappointment. This character trait — of expecting life to be disappointing and to probably get…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    December 22, 2015
    Dear Friends, It’s been a busy and blessed year at the Juhl-Winter household.  In January our sweet Kate left for an 11-month stint on the mission fields of Thailand. In February Brenda traveled to the Twin Cities with college friends to attend a John Cougar Mellencamp concert. For three hours the four women were 19 again (even though their combined age is 208.) In March we traveled to California…
  • By brenda winter, columnist
    November 09, 2015
      It may not be ranked among life’s great questions such as, “What is the meaning of life?” or “How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” but to me the question is profound. I was painting my sister’s dining room last week as my seven-year-old niece munched on a taco at the dining room table. Staring off into space as children do when they eat, she asked, “Auntie…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    September 07, 2015
      I, for one, am thrilled silly about the prospect of having three traffic lanes striped on Highway 75 instead of the four many of us have grown to know and love. The reasons are many, but I think my main reason is — having a turning lane down the center of the highway has a “big city” feel to it. I like it.  This ain’t Mayberrry no more. Sioux Falls has center turn lanes. Worthington has them —…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    August 17, 2015
      I am near the end of a three-week stay at a Mexican cancer clinic. After a year of trying to stop the progression of anal cancer using non-traditional methods, I decided I needed additional guidance. So here I am at Hope4Cancer three blocks south of the Mexican-American border. I don’t know if one newspaper column can even begin to convey the impressions and information I’ve gained in 10 days’…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    July 27, 2015
      The last time we met in this space I shared some thoughts about my first-born grandchild — a girl born to my son and his wife on June 1.  Well, believe it or not, this week’s thoughts are about my second-born grandchild — a girl born to my daughter and her husband on July 5. Evelyn Ann arrived four weeks early and weighed 6 pounds and 1 ounce. We believe she arrived early because her mother is…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    June 22, 2015
      It was just another Father’s Day picnic. Except it wasn’t. This year was different. A 7 pound, 10 ounce first-time guest made the difference. Wrapped in pink, dressed in a pink “Daddy’s girl” T-shirt and actually looking a little pink, the special guest slept, stretched, yawned and slept some more. Around her, those gathered ate their hot dogs and hamburgers. The men talked about horsepower,…
  • June 01, 2015
      Cancer feeds on sugar, God is good, and other things I’ve learned this year … It’s been an interesting year.  Tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of my cancer diagnosis. I’ve learned a lot — about myself, about God, about people and, of course, about cancer. In no particular order: About people. People just want everything to be OK, so they say things like, “Oh, you’ll be fine.” They might be…
  • May 11, 2015
    Jan was my neighbor. You wouldn’t have known her because she and Dar didn’t get out much. They moved here in ’07 on account of the veterans home. They were two retired army nurses traveling across the countryside when the home caught their eyes. So they stayed. They and three cats — Willie, Annie and Winkie.   (It was Annie or Winkie that had no tail, I don’t remember which was which. And one of…
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