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  • By Lori Sorenson, editor
    June 25, 2019
    From my seat in the machine shop, I observed the turkey fryer a safe distance away with one recurring thought: There’s got to be a column in here somewhere. It started five days earlier when I found a Butterball turkey in the bottom of the chest freezer. It was a holiday gift from a farm supplier just last year, so the bird was still fresh and, better yet, free. Several days later, the husband…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    June 25, 2019
    The following appeared in the Rock County Star Herald on July 13, 1967.   Ordinance Gives City Authority To Remove Trees          Under authority given by an ordinance adopted by the city council Tuesday night, city workmen yesterday began removing the elm tree at 516 N. Cedar, diagnosed as having Dutch elm disease.          The ordinance, passed under emergency powers provided by the city…
  • By Esther Frakes, copy editor
    June 18, 2019
    Eye am the proofreader, the won whose hear at the sight of the Star Herald every weak to peak at the articles that are already too go. I don’t get complements two often because eye don’t get things write all the thyme. Ewe mite all ready sea there are two many weighs to spell write. Eye can’t bare to miss things because won or to of my coworkers peel with laughter when things are mist. Their are…
  • By Jason Berghorst
    June 11, 2019
    Well, it must be June. June means I'm back working part time at the Star Herald during  summer break from my real job.  Each June I start by filling in for vacationing sports editor John Rittenhouse for a couple of weeks. And that means each June I step out of my comfort zone.  Don't get me wrong. I enjoy writing and I'd say I follow high school sports pretty closely.  Until it…
  • By Scott Rall, guest columnist
    June 11, 2019
    Why is that sportsmen and women in general are so reluctant to speak up about conservation issues that are important to them? It is almost universal all over the county. Only when an issue is so controversial will more than the normal 2-3 percent of hunters and anglers actually get fired up and expend some energy to make their views known. It has been this way for a very long time and it is time…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    June 04, 2019
    A “Tale of Two Cats” unfolded recently on social media involving mystery, mistaken identity and, best of all, a happy ending. The tale opens May 17 with Luverne’s Martha Nowatzki posting that her 18-year-old cat named Shamus “has gone on a walkabout” and had been gone for several days. It’s not unusual for the black cat with a cloudy left eye to cross people’s paths in the area of Freeman Avenue…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    May 28, 2019
    Day 78 Dear Diary, We awoke again this morning to the sound of rain pattering against the bedroom window and the neighbor hammering away at his ark. We believe building an ark is a bit of an overreaction to a weather pattern, but we are willing to admit this rain is driving us all toward madness. This morning in church, praise band members began playing “Healing Rain” but stopped when God-fearing…
  • By Lori Sorenson, editor
    May 21, 2019
    Against my better judgment we purchased a vacuum robot this spring. It’s not a Roomba, but it’s better, according to my sister who enthusiastically recommended it. We have a light-colored dog and dark-colored flooring so pet hair dust bunnies make daily appearances. When the robot came on sale for half price, I clicked “add to cart,” “proceed to checkout” and “buy.” A week later a big box showed…
  • By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway Patrol
    May 14, 2019
    Question: Both my daughter and I have a disability. I have the handicap license plates on my car and she only has a placard. When she drives my car, does she have to use her placard to park? Answer: The registered license plates are designed for you to be able to park that vehicle in a disabled/handicap parking location. If your daughter has her own permit, she would need to display her permit in…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    May 14, 2019
    My teenaged son and his friends introduced me to Marvel comics just before the cinematic franchise blossomed to include 22 movies and counting. Until the Marvel movies came along, I rarely watched movies at a multiplex, preferring to purchase the DVD and watch the movies multiple times in the comfort of my living room. Younger kids prefer to go to the cinema. One year when Adam and his friends…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    May 14, 2019
    The following appeared in the Rock County Star Herald on April 10, 1958.   Past Week’s Precipitation Totals 1.14 In. After an unusually dry period the first three months of 1958, Rock County came in for some brisk rainfall in the past week. Starting last Thursday and continuing intermittently through Sunday a total of 1.14 inches of moisture was recorded at the Luverne precipitation gauge. The…
  • By Rick Peterson, general manager
    May 07, 2019
    If you have wondered about the purpose and cost of that cable that Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has installed between the east- and westbound lanes on Interstate 90 from the South Dakota border to Worthington, you’re not alone. The Star Herald reported on the project prior to the start of cable installation, and we even did stories as the work progressed. The project was…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    May 07, 2019
    When consulted about removing bats from one of our rental properties in Luverne, the exterminator from Sioux Falls said, “Yeah. Wow. Luverne is freaking filled with bats.” I already knew that. My husband serves on the Blue Mound Area Theatre Board. The Board spent five figures to remove bats from the historic Palace Theatre. We rent a building on Main Street for our photography business. Once, my…
  • By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway Patrol
    April 30, 2019
    Question: I want to install a lift kit and put bigger tires on my Jeep. I want to comply with all the state laws. What is a bumper height law and the law about tires that extend out past the fenders? Answer: Anytime you make any modification or alteration to a vehicle’s stock suspension and tires/rims, it can change how that vehicle handles, steers, brakes and could affect its overall performance…
  • By Lori Sorenson, editor
    April 30, 2019
    Another high school prom is in the books, and son No. 2 came through with flying colors, or at least with high shine, given his date’s glittery dress and his matching gold vest and tie. A lot of planning and effort goes into a high school prom, and we’re grateful to the volunteers and local sponsors who help with the festivities. And, while it’s fun to see the students in all their prom finery, I…
  • By Scott Rall, guest columnist
    April 30, 2019
    A social media person I am not, but I do have a Facebook page and follow it every once in a while.  I saw a post from Project Upland with a video of a guy with his very first dog. The post followed him and the dog for about the first two years and illustrated how having the dog had changed him and his lifestyle. It made me think back to the first dog I had as a young adult. I have had many dogs…
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