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  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    September 28, 2021
    The public lands in Minnesota are the heart and jewel of the Minnesota way of life. Many people move to Minnesota to immerse themselves in this way of life. Others wouldn’t consider living anywhere else because of it. Minnesota has great hunting, fishing, bird watching, canoeing and a lengthy list of other outdoor pursuits. At the heart of this lifestyle is our public lands. I call them citizen-…
  • By Pastor Andrew Palmquist, Bethany Lutheran Church, Luverne
    September 28, 2021
    For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. (2 Corinth. 4:6) When the author and poet, Robert Louis Stevenson, was 12 years old, he found himself one evening looking out into the dark from his upstairs window, watching a man light the streetlamps. When his governess…
  • By Brenda Winter, columnist
    September 20, 2021
    Our homeschool, 1994-2012, was not without its shortcomings.  We had a school shooting the day a rabid raccoon climbed a tree outside our son’s bedroom during math class.  Blam. We had a stabbing the day one student became so blazing furious with her brother that she plunged the tip of her pencil into his arm. Strife among the staff (Mom), the administration (Dad), and the student body (the…
  • By Lori Sorenson, editor
    September 14, 2021
    Don’t tell anyone, but I miss our old sports guy. By old, I mean he was the only one left there who’d been there longer than I had. I’ve been at the paper for 28 years if that tells you how old he is. I used to tell people we were like an old married couple. Our desks were next to each other with a short divider wall between us. He could hear me munching on snacks, and I could smell cigarettes…
  • By Pastor Walt Moser, First Baptist Church, Luverne
    September 14, 2021
    Thankful thoughts and godly thoughts will change your day. “Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon His name; make know his deeds among the peoples.” 1 Chronicles 16:8 “Complaining not only ruins everybody else’s day, it ruins the complainer’s day, too. The more we complain, the more unhappy we get.” (Dennis Prager) The focus of our thoughts will affect our day and those around us.  When you slip…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    September 07, 2021
    Poultry roaming around our farm is a common sight. Over the years there have been ducks, geese, chickens and guineas. Of all the poultry, guineas by far exhibit the strangest behavior. They scamper silently from location to location. Frequently they come up behind you in the yard or in the barn and utter a noise that I can only describe as a well pump in need of oil. If you’re not prepared, the…
  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    August 31, 2021
    It is mid-August and the past several free days and evenings have been spent doing public lands habitat improvements. These improvements have been in the way of spraying a leaf application brush killer on volunteer trees that for all practical purposes pollute grassland ecosystems. One tree here or one shrub there provides no wildlife value. In fact, they actually reduce the habitat quality and…
  • By Esther Frakes, copy editor
    August 24, 2021
    Well, I had another birthday last week … not a significant one, though.  At St. John, a birthday is significant if it can be divided by five. Significant birthdays are announced and prayers are offered. (Wouldn’t it be great if we only needed to count those birthdays!) I’m getting too close to the birthday numbers that often lead to an open house … and serious birthday cards. At our August coffee…
  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    August 24, 2021
    The first fall gunning season is only two weeks away. The fall hunting season starts with the mourning dove opener on Sept. 1. The mourning dove is the most numerous game bird in North America, and states have been hunting them for decades. When the season started in Minnesota more than a decade ago, it was a pretty big controversy. A segment of the population thought they should be left alone,…
  • By Lori Sorenson, editor
    August 17, 2021
    As a first-year gardener I’ve made plenty of rookie mistakes this growing season. … Planting too late in the spring, spacing plants too closely together, and not reading the directions on the seed labels. Actually, the garden wasn’t intended to be a garden in the first place. It started as a swath of dirt our neighbor turned over for us with his tiller. “How big do you want it your garden?” he…
  • By Mavis Fodness, reporter
    August 10, 2021
    Perched atop the old hog house roof on our farm east of Hardwick, I called my husband, Bryan, on my cell phone. As the phone rang through, I pondered my predicament — I had climbed on the roof to fetch the dog’s frisbee and now I was stuck. My errant throw landed Lucy’s favorite toy out of reach, and her eyes darted eagerly between me and the direction the toy was thrown.  I knew she’d pester me…
  • By Rick Peterson, Tollefson Publishing general manager
    August 10, 2021
    I was having somewhat of a frustrating day a week or so ago. It was late in the afternoon and I was driving back to the office sulking a bit more than I should have. Nevertheless, it was a bummer of a day. I was listening to the Dan Barreiro radio show, and he was doing a segment on how important the arts really are. He was trying to convey the message that we never really can comprehend the…
  • By Scott Rall, outdoors columnist
    August 10, 2021
    Now is the time to grab a few boxes of shells and get your shooting eye tuned up for the dove season that starts on Sept. 1. Not everyone hunts doves, but a keen shooting eye will benefit every hunter, whether it’s ducks, pheasants, grouse or any other game on the wing. When I finally got serious about hunting winged birds, I was already about 25 years old, and now this outdoor activity has…
  • By Jason Berghorst, reporter
    August 03, 2021
    A few weeks ago our church hosted a “Christmas in July” Sunday just for fun.  Adrian’s town celebration is known as “Christmas in July.”  Of course, there’s Christmas in July on the Hallmark Channel.  And, not surprisingly, more stores are offering “Christmas in July” sales.  All of this Christmas talk caused me to think of a wish list.  I’ve written about my personal wish list for Luverne in…
  • By Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society
    August 03, 2021
    The following appeared in The Rock County Star-Herald on Jan. 17, 1946.   Rock County’s New Extension Agent and Soil Conservationist Are Named George Golla, 27, Shevlin, Minn., arrived this week to begin his duties as Rock county’s new extension agent. A native Minnesotan, he was graduated from Mahnomen high school in 1936, and from the College of Agriculture, University of Minnesota in 1942. He…
  • By George Bonnema, Luverne Horticulturalist
    August 03, 2021
    August is the month to thin or transplant German bearded iris and peonies. Dividing fern leaf peonies is a bit more complicated than regular peonies in that they have a “neck” between the eye of next year’s growth and the tuber. Just cutting into the clump with a spade will often ruin a lot of the potential new divisions because of the way they intertwine. The safest way to divide fern peonies is…
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