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Valuable lesson learned

At 80 years old, Tuff Home resident Doris Sonntag has learned many lessons in life. When asked which lesson is the most valuable she didnÕt hesitate.

"The most valuable lesson to learn in life is contentment," said Doris. "Difficult at times, but very valuable."

Doris has fond memories of her childhood growing up on a farm near the Bavarian community of Frankenmuth, Mich.

She compares the community of Frankenmuth to Hills. Doris grew up during the Depression and began working right out of grade school. She said there are many older people in the Hills area with similar experiences.

Doris said Christmas is special for her every year. When she was growing up she remembers the Christmas tree was always decorated with candles.

"I never saw the tree brought in. We would sing two or three carols, then open the sliding door to the parlor where the tree was, lit up with presents under it," said Doris.

She later found out while they were singing carols her dad was setting up the tree and lighting the candles.

"One evening a neighborhood bachelor cousin came over dressed as Santa," Doris said. "I was supposed to sit on his lap and get candy. I ran to my mother's bed and crawled under. Santa chased me under the bed. I still do not like Santa."

Doris said her Christmas gifts were usually clothes. Her godmother gave her some special things, such as a silver baby cup or sometimes a couple of dollars which was a lot of money at the time, Doris states.

"We ate mostly home-raised ducks or geese for Christmas with dressing, cranberries and Mother's chicken croquets. We ate real good. My mother was a very good cook. We had hickory nut cookies and pecan cookies."

Doris said she had to learn how to sew. She made almost all of her clothes. She learned to crochet when she was 5 years old and to quilt when she was 7.

Doris is concerned about young people today. "It is frightening to see the way the young people are growing up now. They don't have respect for their parents like we used to. They don't learn to work like we did." Doris said she is glad she was brought up the way she was.

Looking back, she said she can't believe she married a minister and took on the responsibilities of a minister's wife. She had to be responsible and never speak out of turn or pass on anything private.

Among other assignments, her husband, Martin, was a minister in a church in Conroy, Iowa, for 17 years before he died at the age of 59 from heart problems. They had three boys, Thomas, Jim and John.

Doris always loved music. Before she married, she sang at weddings and funerals. After she married, she taught herself to play the organ and became the church organist. She never took a lesson. Doris, very happily married, said she never played the organ again after her husband died.

When Martin died, Doris, then 53, was hired to work at the Ehrle Brothers Winery, Amana, Iowa. She said the only reason they hired her was because she could speak German, and the winery frequently had German tourists who visited. She retired after 18 years.

As Doris began to lose her sight, her sons began to look for a nursing home for her. They chose Tuff Memorial Home, Hills, to be closer to her son Jim's family.

"The Lord took care of me all the way. I had never stopped in Hills before,' Doris said. "We had always just driven through. Oh, how I wish I had. It is just beautiful." Doris raves about the care she receives at the Tuff Home.

Doris is fortunate. She has the gift many never find Ð contentment.

Board changes policy concerning Wednesday evening acitivities

There was discussion among Hills-Beaver Creek school board members concerning Wednesday evening activities at the Monday meeting.

School board member Dave Roozenboom pointed out that the policy in the school handbook reads no school activities will be scheduled past 6 p.m. on Wednesday evenings.

The only exception should be if the school district has no control over the function, such as an activity sponsored by another school district. Current policy also states all extracurricular activities are to be cancelled if classes are cancelled.

Roozenboom said he was approached by a parent who complained their child did not have enough time to travel to Christmas program practice at church because of athletic practice.

"It hit my home last week," said Roozenboom. "My child did not arrive home until 6:50 p.m. and he had not showered. He had to be at church at 7 p.m. I just wanted to put it in for discussion."

The policy has been included in the student handbook for at least 15 years, according to Superintendent Tom Knoll, but it hasn't been enforced, according to Athletic Director Steve Wiertzema.

A 6 p.m. cutoff would eliminate late practice options for Hills-Beaver Creek athletes. Wiertzema stressed that coaches have always cooperated when students told them they needed to leave for any reason. He said all parents need to do is call.

"The school has been very cooperative to let kids out for church functions," said board member Alan Harnack. "Some churches moved up start time. I felt it was not very fair to schools with only one gym."

The board discussed the possibility of leaving the policy as it is but making it clear to students that they can leave school activities for church functions.

Harnack, board chair in Rollie Crawford's absence, said, "We have to cut it off at 6 p.m. or change the policy. We cannot violate our own policy."

Following more discussion, the board passed a motion to allow extracurricular activities no later than 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings.

In other action during MondayÕs meeting:

oThe 2000 audit was presented to the board. Revenues outnumbered expenditures for the year by $47,070, according to Turbes, Drealan, Kvilhaug & Co., Worthington, who performed the audit.

A trouble spot was the food service budget, which came in with a $20,932 deficit. Money was transferred from the general fund to cover the loss.

The board asked the auditors what other schools charge for school lunches. According to auditors, salaries and food costs were the culprits in the overrun. Some of the salary costs were due to severance pay and would not reoccur. Food costs can fluctuate and are a trouble spot for most districts.

The board commended Superintendent Knoll and his staff for cooperating with the audit team. A motion carried to unanimously accept the audit.

oThe board accepted the resignation of teacher Leon Pick, effective at the end of the school year. They acknowledged his 34 years of service to the district.

oSuperintendent Knoll and maintenance workers at the high school have re-evaluated the boiler system in light of the Plankinton, S.D., tragedy. There is no safety hazard in the H-BC district, according to Knoll.

oThe board will host a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 4, in the high school cafeteria concerning its current budget and the amount of property taxes it is proposing to collect to pay for the costs of the district for the 2001-02 school year.

All residents of the district are invited.

A classical performance

By Sara Quam

Guitarist Ethan James entertains a Coffey Haus crowd in Luverne Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, with original and previously-written pieces. James is the son of Pastor Maurice and Kathy Hagen and dropped his last name for his profession - just going by his first and middle names.

James also sold CDs at the gathering. He holds bachelor's degrees in classical guitar, the lute and Spanish from Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. He now lives in Minneapolis and is becoming known for his unique style.

Deck the halls

Kevin Jacobsma of Luverne Flowers hangs fresh greenery on the storefront of McDonald Optometric Clinic Monday morning. Participating downtown businesses hung nearly 2,400 feet of fresh greenery to join forces this holiday season in making downtown festive and inviting for shooppers and visitors.

District plans for lighting, electric and HVAC work

By Lori Ehde
Luvernes middle school and high school building will soon have brighter hallways, a new heating and cooling system and new electrical wiring.

At the recommendation of the Facilities Committee, Luverne School Board members voted to move forward on improvements to the 50-year-old structure.

Their action authorizes Engineering Design Associates, Sioux Center, Iowa, to develop plans and specifications for the improvements.

A bid date will be set during a January board meeting.

The Sioux Center engineering firm has been working with the Facilities Committee on studying needs for the building.

Some of the work is planned in phases over the next few years, but the following improvements are planned for this year:

- New upgraded 800 amp electrical service, which includes a new welding panel to be housed on the exterior of the west side of the industrial arts wing.

- Four-pipe heating, ventilation and air conditioning system.

- Lighting and ceiling replacement in the first-floor corridors.

According to discussion at the Tuesday, Nov. 21, board meeting, the electrical upgrade is long overdue. Board members have been hearing reports from teachers and staff of fuses blown in various classrooms on nearly a daily basis.

The current wiring, installed nearly 50 years ago, wasn't designed for the demands of modern technology.

Also, the electrical upgrade was necessary before work could begin on the heating, ventilation and air conditioning project.

Since duct work would disturb first-floor ceiling panels, the board agreed with the Facilities Committee that now would also be a good time to improve lighting in first-floor corridors. The project has been on the boardÕs capital outlay list for several years.

This year's share of the four-phase work on heating, ventilation and air conditioning is estimated to cost more than $757,000. Additional costs over the next three years are estimated at nearly $677,000.

Electrical work for this year is budgeted at nearly $60,000. Additional upgrades over the next three years could total nearly $368,000.

High School office to remain on first floor
The Facilities Committee has for months been discussing the merits of moving the high school principal's office to the second floor.

The primary reason for the move would be to provide more separation between middle school and high school students.

With the office move, classrooms would also be shuffled to keep high school students primarily on second floor and middle school students on the first level.

At last week's meeting, however, the Facilities Committee and the board agreed not to go through with the move. The primary reason was keeping administration accessible to parents and the public.

"I personally feel it's important for parents to come through the door and have access to the office," said board member Becky Walgrave, who also serves on the Facilities Committee.

She and the other board members still support the idea of arranging high school students on the second floor, and they also support making needed improvements to the existing high school and middle school principals' offices.

In other business the board:
- Approved a policy regarding the district's acceptance of open-enrolled students. The policy protects the district in the event that it receives a request for open enrollment in a class already filled that would require hiring additional staff. It states that the district is not held to accept the non-resident in such cases.

"It's not that the district will start excluding children, in fact there are more reasons in this policy to accept students," said Superintendent Vince Schaefer. "But Luverne is in a situation where some of its enrollment is growing."

- Approved David Van Batavia as assistant boys' hockey coach and Brian Boll as assistant girls' hockey coach.

- Accepted the resignation of Lisa Arndt as Title I paraprofessional.

- Reminded of the Truth in Taxation meeting tonight at 7 p.m.

- The next School Board meeting is at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 14.

Show your friends

By Jolene Farley

For more than 100 years the Hills Crescent has chronicled the history of Hills, Beaver Creek, Steen and the surrounding communities. The Crescent has had a long-standing relationship with this area of southwestern Minnesota.

The Crescent, founded by Frank M. Bailey and Orrie Haislett, has a long, colorful history. This history is detailed in the Hills Centennial book as follows:
Back in 1890, Bailey, who had fallen victim to a job scam in Beaver Creek and Valley Springs, inquired if Hills needed a community paper. Joe Wright answered, yes, the community did, and suggested Bailey travel to Hills to discuss the issue.

Bailey wanted at least 200 subscribers among the good people of Hills. In return, he promised a paper they wouldn't be ashamed to show their friends. Bailey invested $97 in cash, which he put into type and materials; however, he did not have enough to buy a press. Sam Haislett came to the rescue. He agreed to furnish the press if Orrie, his son, could also be a partner in the enterprise.

The press was an old Rampage. It was the oldest press in the United States and printed only one page at a time. The Crescent was printed on that press for three years.

For five years Haislett "stood manfully behind the guns, but the town held no charms for him. So in October 1895, Orrie flitted away, leaving his interests in the paper in the hands of B. F. Heastand for the magnificent sum of $5.00.

Ben was not much help as his work kept him at Bruce, so in a few months he stepped out without consideration, and Bailey became the sole owner and proprietor," reads an Aug. 20, 1903, Hills Crescent.

On March 4, 1896, Bailey sold his interest and good will to a stock company made up of businessmen of Hills with J.R. Wright as president.

This company engaged James W. Simmons as editor. The stock company asked A.C. Finke to return to Hills and secure control of the Crescent plant.

In 1896, Finke returned to Hills. Arrangements were made whereby Mr. Simmons should furnish the experience and Mr. Finke the credit. The two men secured possession of all of the Crescent stock company. Again, the Crescent was in the hands of private parties, according to a 1903 Crescent.

Simmons, who had newspaper experience that extended into every state in the Union, had formed a style of which the readers did not approve.

"One particular elopement case did not meet with the approval of the good people of Hills, so several of the more prominent businessmen at that time notified Mr. Finke that Simmons would have to leave or else they would withdraw their support from the paper. So on July 25, 1896, Mr. Finke purchased the interests of Mr. Simmons for $10 and enough Illinois Central mileage to land him in Chicago."

Does anyone have that deja vu feeling?
Residents of Hills in 1896 probably never considered that what was written among the pages of the paper would be read by someone decades later.

The relationship between Hills and the Crescent has had its ups and downs, but one thing has remained constant: the history, both good and bad, of Hills, Beaver Creek and Steen is chronicled among the pages of the Crescent for residents, both present and future.

And tomorrow, the Hills Crescent will be here to continue serving the communities of Hills, Beaver Creek, Steen and surrounding communities as it has for the past 107 years.

The Crescent remains a paper you would not be ashamed to show your friends.

Cards rally from 14 point deficit

By John Rittenhouse

As time was winding down during Luverne's season-opening football win over New Ulm, a nervous Joel Swanson made a comment that had to sum up the emotions experienced by every father of a Cardinal player.

Patriots grace SRC roster

By John Rittenhouse
Five members of the Hills-Beaver Creek-Ellsworth football team drew honorable mention or were selected to the 2000 All-Southwest Ridge Conference Football Team that was announced Monday.

H-BC-E, which tied for third place in the league with a 4-3 record, placed three players on the 24-player All-SRC roster. Two more Patriots drew honorable mention.

Seniors Lance Crawford and Chris Willers and junior Lyle DeBoer made the all-league squad for H-BC-E.

Crawford is an end-linebacker, Willers a running back-cornerback, and DeBoer a running back-linebacker.

State and conference champion Westbrook-Walnut Grove led all league teams by having six players named to the All-SRC team.

Seniors Dan Butler, Alex Ourada, Darren Tietz and Isaiah Wahl and juniors Ryan Baker and Dustin Krick made the team for the Chargers.

Tietz also was named the SRC's Offensive Back of the Year, and W-WG co-coaches were named the league's Coaches of the Year.

Lincoln HI, which placed second in the league, and Edgerton, which tied for third with H-BC-E, received four All-SRC selections each.

Seniors Jared Moen, Jordan Moen and Josh Vierhuf and junior Jack Weber made the team for LH.

Jared Moen also was named the league's Lineman of the Year.

Seniors Eric Elgersma, Jeff Evink and Jonny Kooiman and junior Josh Bleyenburg made the team for Edgerton.

Lakeview, Lake Benton and Sioux Valley-Round Lake-Brewster drew two All-SRC selections each.

Lakeview senior Derek Dahl and junior Taylor Kroger, LB seniors Drew Bunkers and Matt Johnson, and SV-RL-B juniors Paul Paplow and Matt Sather grace the roster.

Southwest Star Concept sophomore Tyler Leopold caps the all-league team.

Seventeen players drew honorable mention from the T-CC coaches, including two from H-BC-E.

Senior offensive and defensive linemen Stephen Swayze and junior offensive and defensive lineman Kyle Braun drew honorable mention for the Patriots.

W-WG seniors Michael Burns, Jeff Mathiason and John Schulz, LH senior Evan Eidem and junior Josh Eastman, Edgerton seniors Brooks Hendriks and Chase Schelhaas, Lakeview seniors Nick Girard and Corey Rigge and junior Braden Rosa, LB seniors Dustin Drietz and Caleb Lowery, SV-RL-B senior Jim Morrison and junior Josh Ihrke, and SSC senior Ryan Pavelko round out the honorable mention selections.

H-BC-E also had six players make the SRC's All-Academic Team.

Seniors Swayze, Willers, Crawford, juniors Justin Van Maanen and Kevin Van Batavia, and sophomore Jesse Leuthold made that honorary team.

Seachris, Fink are members of mat squad

Two Hills-Beaver Creek High School students are expected to make an impact on the mat as members of the Luverne-Hills-Beaver Creek-Ellsworth wrestling team this winter.

Sophomore Dusty Seachris and seventh-grader Kerry Fink are considered top contenders to wrestle for the varsity team by Cardinal coach Dave Duffy.

Seachris, who returns to the fold as a letter winner from the 1999-00 campaign, has the most experience of H-BC's two matmen.

Fink is a member of the program for the first time.

Seachris is one of nine letter winners returning to the L-H-BC-E team.

As a freshman, Seachris represented the Cardinals in the 112-pound weight class during the Section 3AA Individual Tournament in Montevideo.

Seachris went 0-2 without placing at the section event.

Seachris is one of three wrestlers expected to compete at either the 125-, 130- and 135-pound weight classes for L-H-BC-E this season.

Junior Chris Tiesler, a state-qualifier from last season, and eighth-grade letter winner Ruston Aaker are in the mix with Seachris between the 125-135-pound weight classes.

Fink is battling for the nod at 103 pounds along with two other seventh-graders.
Aric Uithoven and Anthony Boyenga are battling with Fink for mat time at 103.

L-H-BC-E is coming off an 11-9 season that featured a third-place finish (4-2) in the Southwest Conference.

The Cardinals beat Montevideo 52-16 in the first round of the Section 3AA Team Tournament before bowing to eventual state champion Jackson County Central in the semifinals. L-H-BC-E ended up placing third in the event after edging Windom-Mountain Lake-Butterfield-Odin, a team that handed the Cards one of their conference losses in the regular season, 34-32 in the third- and fourth-place match.

L-H-BC-E sent a program-high seven wrestlers to the state tournament with a successful outing during the Section 3AA Individual Tournament.

Senior section champions Alex Serie and Jordan Petersen went on to place first and second at 160 pounds and heavyweight respectively. Tom Jenniges, a section champion at 189, placed fourth at state.

Seniors Jeremy Kopp (140) and Brad Cowell (152) advanced to state without placing.

Tiesler and senior Zach Skattum return to the team with state experience from the 1999-2000 squad.

Senior Kevin Schultz, sophomore Marcus Walgrave and freshman Justin Mann return to the team with section experience from last winter. Sophomores Joel Evans and Canaan Petersen are other returning letter winners.

L-H-BC-E opens the season at the Flandreau (S.D.) Tournament Saturday.

Bush to compete in gymnastics

After a one-year layoff, Hills-Beaver Creek High School will be sending an athlete to compete with the Luverne-H-BC gymnastics program this winter.

No H-BC students opted to compete in gymnastics during the 1999-2000 season, but one Patriot has thrown her hat in the ring this year.

Angi Bush, an H-BC sophomore, is listed on L-H-BC coach Phoebe FlomÕs pre-season roster.

Flom said Bush has been a program member in the past, but not for a couple of years.

The Cardinal coach said Bush has been preparing for the season as an all-round competitor and added that she will make an immediate impact with L-H-BC's junior varsity team to start the 2000-01 season on the floor and beam.

L-H-BC is coming off a 5-9 season in 1999-00.

The Cardinals placed fifth in the Southwest Conference with a 2-4 record and turned in a strong showing by placing fourth as a team at the Section 3A Championships in February.

L-H-BC lost one senior (Brooke Nelson) member of last year's varsity team to graduation, and two other varsity contributors (Brooke Lundgren and Alicia Moerke) decided not to compete in gymnastics this season.

The Cardinals do have senior Allana Gacke, juniors Amanda Aning and Jessica Mann, sophomore Gabe Van Dyk and freshman Callen Bosshart with past section experience returning to the fold, as well as freshman letter winner Danielle Cook.

L-H-BC's 20-athlete roster consists of three seniors, two juniors, seven sophomores, two freshmen, four eighth-graders and two seventh-graders.

The team opens the season by hosting Pipestone-Jasper Tuesday, Dec. 5.

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