April 2024
- By Mavis FodnessMay 08, 2024A calf in Pipestone County died from rabies April 24, according to a May 2 announcement by the Minnesota Department of Animal Health. This is the fourth bovine in the past year to test positive for rabies in Minnesota and the third bovine to test positive locally. On April 22 a Pipestone County cattle producer noticed one of his calves behaving strangely. The following day he relayed the…
- May 01, 2024Dispatch report April 20 •Complainant on N. Cottage Grove reported a missing person. •Complainant on N. Freeman Avenue reported harassing communications. •Complainant at the 24-hour parking lot reported a road and drive law issue. •Complainant on 71st Street, Beaver Creek, reported a miscellaneous public assist. April 21 •Complainant on State Highway 23, mile marker 17, Jasper, requested…
- By Lori SorensonApril 24, 2024The Luverne Area Community Foundation observed its 40th anniversary with a fundraising event Saturday night in Big Top Tents and Events, Luverne. The celebration theme, “Honor our legacy; grow our roots,” was carried through small, potted succulents for each guest, with a note staked in the soil of each plant. “Thank you,” was the message. “You are planting seeds that will last forever.”…
- April 24, 2024Dispatch report April 13 •Complainant on E. 1st Avenue, Beaver Creek, requested assistance from another department. •Complainant on E. Luverne Street reported suspicious activity. •Complainant on E. Barck Street reported suspicious activity. •Complainant reported a miscellaneous public assist. •Complainant on W. Mead Court reported property damage. •Complainant west-bound on Interstate 90…
- April 24, 2024Card shower Anna Mae Ver Steeg will celebrate her 99th birthday on Tuesday, April 30. Greetings may be sent to her at 201 Oak Drive, Apt. 414; Luverne, MN 56156.
- April 17, 2024Meetings Parkinson’s Support Group will meet at 2 p.m. Monday, April 22, at Mary Jane Brown Chapel. All are invited. Call 507-935-8173 for questions. UMC hosts free community meal April 24 The United Methodist Church will host its free community meal at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 24, in the church fellowship hall in Luverne. All are welcome. A pickup option is available by calling 507-283-…
- April 17, 2024Smith: Thank you mail carrier Noel Benjamin To the Editor: We hear a lot about our mail delivery and some of the delays in service, but I would like to present a favorable instance that could have been very serious if not for the action of our mailman, Noel Benjamin. On Tuesday, April 9, I was taking the garbage to the container in the garage to be picked up the following day. I had to move…
- By Mavis FodnessApril 17, 2024A weather-event damaged house was razed by the city of Hardwick after the home owner failed to comply with the city’s nuisance ordinance. Homeowner Nicole Halverson was issued a raze order in October 2023 to made the necessary repairs at 207 First St. East within 45 days. Six months after issuing the order, the single-story home was demolished Monday per the city’s order and the lot leveled.…
- April 17, 2024Dispatch report April 6 •Complainant reported a domestic situation. •Complainant reported suspicious activity. •Complainant reported a fire. •Complainant reported a fire. •Complainant reported damage to a street pole due to high winds. •Complainant reported a fire. •Complainant reported a fire. April 7 •Complainant on Interstate 90 reported a road and drive law issue. •Complainant…
- April 10, 2024Meetings Maplewood Cemetery Association annual lot owners meeting will be at 12:30 p.m. Monday, April 15, at American Reformed Church, 304 N. Fairview Drive, Luverne. The Maplewood board of directors will meet following the lot owners meeting. Parkinson’s Support Group will meet at 2 p.m. Monday, April 22, at Mary Jane Brown Chapel. All are invited. Call 507-935-8173 for questions. Palisade…
- By Mavis FodnessApril 10, 2024An estimated 500 large round hay and cornstalk bales were lost to fire Saturday afternoon, April 6, according to Luverne Fire Department Chief Dave Van Batavia. The Luverne department was paged at 2:33 p.m. to the Greg Brandt farm at 1227 110th Ave. in Luverne Township. No people or livestock were injured or lost. The large cattle shed sustained minimal damage. When firefighters arrived at…
- April 10, 2024Those wanting to grow and process hemp in Minnesota in 2024 must apply for a license with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) by April 30. To date, about 113 people have applied for an MDA license. A license from the MDA is required for individuals and businesses. Applications must be submitted by April 30, 2024, and a license is valid for the 2024 calendar year. The application can…
- By Mavis FodnessApril 10, 2024Robotics team members financed their way to the FIRST Robotic Competition (FRC) Worlds April 2 when students hosted a community fundraiser. Fourteen of the team’s members greeted, talked and thanked those who attended for their financial support of the program. About $2,000 was raised from the Tuesday event, according to Luverne High School robotics coach Aaron Perkins. Team members needed to…
- April 10, 202410 years ago (2014) •Old Glory will have a prominent place in the middle of Luverne after a flag park is completed this summer at the intersection of Highway 75 and Main Street. The design committee of LIFT (Luverne Initiatives For Tomorrow) has been working with city officials to rework the corner, which currently has a “Prairie Playground” theme with grasses and wildflowers. The plan calls…
- April 03, 2024Meetings Pleasant View Cemetery Association annual meeting will be at 7 p.m. Monday, April 8, in the home of Richard and Ruth Opsata. Call 605-929-1593 with questions. Vienna Township Board will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 9, in Kenneth Community Center. American Legion Auxiliary Unit #123 will meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 10, at Pizza Ranch in Luverne. Call Dianna Tomlinson with…
- April 03, 2024Law enforcement agencies and traffic safety partners are dedicating extra time in April to educate motorists and enforce the hands-free cell phone law while stopping other distracting behaviors. Distracted driving contributed to nearly 30,000 crashes in Minnesota from 2019-2023 (preliminary figures). The distracted driving extra enforcement and awareness campaign runs April 1-30 and focuses on…
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