- By Scott Rall, outdoors columnistJanuary 11, 2022The 2021 pheasant hunting season has come to a close, and overall it was a year I would consider only fair. I keep track of the number of birds I harvest each year. In fact, I have one tail feather from each rooster dating back to 1996 when I got my first trained hunting dog. This year my harvest total was down about 40 percent. There are several reasons for this, but the lack of roosters in…
- December 14, 2021Kracht: ...you have to realize why the signs are there' To the Editor: This letter is in response to the thumbs down on political signs on South Freeman Street. First, I would like to thank this newspaper for bringing attention to them. There have been a lot more people driving by and looking at them. Also, I would like to thank the people for the overwhelming support for the signs since it…
- By George Bonnema, Luverne HorticulturalistDecember 07, 2021Blooming plants are wonderful gifts to brighten our homes for the holiday season. Knowing what makes them happy keeps the color show going. Poinsettias are the traditional favorite. Red is the natural color and all other colors and variations are mutations that have been “hybridized” to give us choices. The red color is actually a bract of red leaves that attract pollinators to the little yellow…
- By Mavis Fodness, reporterNovember 09, 2021I’ve come to be something of a numbers watcher. Each weekday the State Department of Health releases coronavirus data, and I’ve been watching those numbers for more than a year. My daily watch mostly keeps tabs on the number of deaths in Rock County associated with COVID-19. As of Monday, we have had up to 24 deaths. Statewide, 8,862 Covid deaths have been recorded since March 2020. One number…
- November 02, 2021Legendary jazz vocalist Norah Jones recorded “American Anthem” in December 2006 especially for the Ken Burns documentary film, “The War.” Jones’ piano- and-vocal interpretation of “American Anthem,” written by American composer Gene Scheer, became an emotional centerpiece for the documentary. Her haunting notes and Scheer’s poignant lyrics are an appropriate way to honor veterans throughout our…
- By Brenda Winter, columnistNovember 02, 2021For more than a year, Luverne Minnesota Veterans Home staff kept the killer of the elderly, COVID-19, at bay. For more than a year they wore masks and shields. They got vaccinated and washed their hands. And then it came anyway. On Tuesday morning, Nov. 2, the Minnesota Veterans Home COVID-19 information line reported (47 on Sunday)_____ cases among staff and residents. As you and I have noted…
- By Rick Peterson, general managerNovember 02, 2021Next Thursday, Nov. 11, is Veterans Day, and I just want to remind folks to take a couple of moments to think about and appreciate the men and women who have served and will serve our country in the armed forces. I never served in the military, and frankly it’s one of my greatest regrets in life. If I had a do over, I like to think I would have served our country. There are a number of Veterans…
- October 26, 2021Blake: We should require vaccinations To the Editor: To prevent further spread of the coronavirus, we should require everyone to get fully vaccinated (including a possible third dose), unless exempted by a sincerely held religious belief or medical condition. We should write to our legislators and executives at all levels of government. Alvin Blake, Luverne
- By Rick Peterson, general managerOctober 19, 2021The Luverne Area Community Foundation (LACF) is organizing the MAX YOUR COMMUNITY fund drive from Nov. 1-11. On Tuesday, Nov. 11, there will be a live KQAD radiothon broadcast from the LACF’s Main Street office. Two of this area’s longtime trusted organizations, the Luverne Area Community Foundation and Red Arrow have come together to raise $100,000. The Red Arrow organization was for many years…
- October 05, 2021This week is National Newspaper Week and it’s a good time to consider why the Star Herald is worth the price of a subscription. •We are the only news outlet that covers your school boards, city councils and Rock County Board of Commissioners. These elected officials, dear readers, are the ones who spend your tax dollars and take action on building projects, commercial development and other…
- By Mark Jacobson, Winona Peer support specialistSeptember 28, 2021Although the majority of people who have depression do not die by suicide, having major depression does increase suicide risk compared to people without depression. The risk of death by suicide may, in part, be related to the severity of the depression. Recent data on depression that has followed people over long periods of time suggests that almost 2 percent of those people ever treated for…
- By Pastor Andrew Palmquist, Bethany Lutheran Church, LuverneSeptember 28, 2021For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. (2 Corinth. 4:6) When the author and poet, Robert Louis Stevenson, was 12 years old, he found himself one evening looking out into the dark from his upstairs window, watching a man light the streetlamps. When his governess…
- September 20, 2021Mundt: 'I am not willing to play Russian Roulette with our children's lives. Are you?' To the Editor: My name is Ashley Mundt. My husband and I have lived in Luverne for six years, and we have three children. I was going to speak in favor of the mask/face covering mandate at the public forum, but since the decision was made before members of the community were heard, I’ll speak…
- September 07, 2021Schools in Rock County resumed classes Tuesday, and that means students will be crossing streets and driveways, school buses will make stops for pickups and drop-offs, and there will be increased traffic at intersections near the school campus. What that means for the rest of us, especially the motoring public, is that we need to be hyper-vigilant in school zones and nearby neighborhoods. Further…
- By George Bonnema, Luverne HorticulturalistSeptember 07, 2021This summer has been one of the more frustrating summers for gardeners in recent years. Persistent drought, heat, and pests have presented challenges than were not encouraging. I am grateful for the abundant rain we have been blessed with in the past week because going into winter with limited top and sub soil moisture can be a critical factor for survival of many of our trees, shrubs, and…
- By Troy Christianson, Minnesota State PatrolJuly 20, 2021Question: I junked two vehicles about 30 days ago and have only received one "Junk Certificate" in the mail. I contacted the DVS with the VIN # in question and they have no record of the vehicle being junked and told me to contact the repair shop. I contacted the repair shop that I mailed the signed title to, and they said they have taken care of it. I do not want to get into any sort…
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