- By Lori Sorenson, editorFebruary 15, 2022“Judgment is mine, sayeth the Lord.” “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” “Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” These and other non-Biblical adages (God helps those who help themselves) have been ringing in my ears over the past several weeks as our Cancun vacation dates drew nearer. A year ago at this time,…
- August 11, 2020The Star Herald this week carries a story about volunteers assembling personal care kits to be shared with community members. The primary idea is that social isolation and economic hardships of a pandemic take a toll on human beings, especially those with fewer resources. This is especially true for our community members who struggle with brain health. Mark Jabcobson, a peer support specialist in…
- August 04, 2020The coronavirus pandemic isn’t easy. It isn’t easy for people who get sick. It isn’t easy for their families and loved ones who can’t gather at their bedsides. It isn’t easy to properly grieve losses, COVID or not. It isn’t easy for communities to support residents and businesses. It isn’t easy for our mentally ill who already feel isolated and insecure. It isn’t easy for their caregivers and…
- By Lori Sorenson, editorJune 30, 2020A “novel” virus is, by definition, a new virus, not previously identified. When it emerged six months ago scientists knew nothing about it, except that it was highly contagious and could kill people. Today we know a little about it, like how it’s transmitted and what it’s capable of. But mostly, it seems, the more we learn, the less we know. Things at first believed to be true about it (like, it…
- By Mavis Fodness, reporterMay 19, 2020My last in-person visit with my granddaughter, Jayden, was March 6. Almost 60 days later, on the bright, sunny Sunday morning of May 3, the grandmother in me knew it was time to see Jayden face to face. Unbeknownst to me, when my daughter Courtney told Jayden that MeeMaw Mavis was coming to Iowa for a visit, her response was “MeeMaw Mavis is not dead?” It’s been a long two months for my 2-year-…
- By Rick Peterson, general managerMay 05, 2020I don’t know about you, but keeping track of what day of the week it is has been a bit of a problem for me. It seems like we’ve been doing this stay-at-home thing forever when really it’s only been six weeks. That said, six weeks is a long time when you don’t know from one day to the next what the next day will bring. Our office has been functioning under essential business protocol since mid-…
- April 21, 2020To the Editor: Thank you for the uplifting article on the front page of the Announcer dated April 11, 2020. In light of the varying opinions on our current situation of the Covid-19 virus, one thing we know – we the people are not being told the entire story. But in the words of George Washington who once said, and I quote, “Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains…
- April 21, 2020There aren’t many positive aspects about the coronavirus and its impact on our community, from a reeling economy tofrontline workers in harm’s way, and we fear we may lose loved ones to the deadly virus. That’s why staying home and suspending life’s big events are so important — reduce exposure to stay safe. Our graduating seniors understand the necessary sacrifices that come with…
- April 14, 2020Dear readers, advertisers and subscribers: While we learn to live with the new normal in our community for the next several weeks, we are determined to make the best of it. So, please be aware that the Rock County Star Herald remains committed to reporting on news and information that offers glimpses of our community a week at a time … every week, every month, every year. As we have for nearly…
- By Rick Peterson, general managerMarch 24, 2020Oftentimes when I sit down to write my column, I struggle as to what to write about. Well, as you can imagine, that is not a problem this week. You guessed it -- today’s topic is COVID 19. I am not going to tell you to wash your hands and cover your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze. I am not going to tell you about whatever stimulus program Washington is debating over, I am not going to…
- March 24, 2020Luverne and Rock County have always been leaders in our little corner of the state on policies ranging from schools, the environment, agriculture and most recently the census (we’re leading the state right now in data response). Now, dear readers, we must again step up and be leaders. Our governor has issued mandates and our local businesses and governments are following through. But just 30…
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