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cruise control

  • By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota State Patrol
    August 21, 2024
    Question: Since I've moved to Minnesota, I've seen many drivers use right turn lanes as a bypass lane.  Is this legal or does the sign reading "lane must turn" mean exactly what it says? Answer: White signs are regulatory and failing to comply can result in a citation for “fail to obey traffic control sign/signal.” “Right Turn Lanes” are what they are posted for, not passing or bypassing. The “…
  • By Sgt. Troy Christianson, Minnesota Highway Patrol
    May 02, 2023
    Question:  My husband always used to say “never use your cruise control during any rain.” Is that still true with advances on tires and technology? Answer:  He is correct. Cruise control should never be used on wet or icy roadways.  If your wheels lose traction, the cruise control will continue to accelerate, causing the vehicle to skid. By the time you realize you are skidding, it could be too…
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