Brain health
- By Lori SorensonNovember 08, 2023A two-person acting team from the Twin Cities’ CLIMB Theatre spent most of last week in Luverne Elementary School teaching students how to talk about brain health. CLIMB (Creative Learning Ideas for the Mind and Body) has a long history in Luverne and districts statewide teaching life skills, such as empathy, resiliency, advocacy and more. Actors and actresses were among the first in Luverne…
- August 01, 2023On Friday local first responders will meet with Angela Nolz, a licensed clinical counselor and integrated health therapist at Sanford Luverne, and we’re happy to hear our caregivers will get some care for themselves. When a tragedy happens in a community, public safety professionals absorb that pain. They experience significantly more traumatic events than the average person, resulting in higher…
- By Angela Nolz, licensed professional clinical counselor and Sanford Integrated Health therapistJuly 25, 2023Brain health is health. This concept lives in my mind, daily. I have worked as a mental health therapist for the past 15 years. The more research emerges, the better we understand the inner workings of the brain, and yet, we have so very far to go to best understand illness and best recovery treatments. Some things have changed in the 15 years that I've been involved in this field, but the…
- By Lori Sorenson, editorMay 10, 2023Once upon a time there was a little blond boy who grew up near Luverne between the Rock River and Blue Mounds State Park. He was made of “snips and snails and puppy dogs’ tails,” with boundless energy and an effervescent love for life. Behind his blue eyes sparks of mischief and brilliance. He’d leap out of bed at sunrise and grab his bicycle and pole to go fishing in Hallett’s Pond on…
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