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Social media, censorship and God

Built on a Rock
Pastor Josh Hayden, Living Rock Church, Luverne

I’m going to open a can of worms and discuss something that will not be resolved in this article. It will lead to another discussion, but the issue I think that is interesting to think about is social media censorship.

How much should social media be held accountable to what is promoted, shared, posted, not posted? Who should be held responsible for things being posted and being taken down? Should it be the companies? The people posting? How much is this free speech and how much is it a platform that needs some rules and boundaries? Who is the judge for these things?

Don’t worry, this is still a church article, and as I said before, I know this issue will not be resolved in this short article. Whatever your opinion on this issue is, I think it has made me think about my own “social media presence” and specifically when it comes to what I will be held accountable for, not by social media standards, but by the Lord.

I know this might be a news flash for you, but what you post, share, like, comment, or promote in the social media world is seen by the Lord. I wish I could say that this is for only believers, but this is for everyone because we will all face the judgment seat one day for everything that we have done, said, and promoted.

This is not to bring condemnation or some kind of false fear of God. This is to bring us back into a place of what matters most. To the greatest commandment and the second commandment, to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love our neighbor/other image bearers as ourselves.

What you post online, share and comment online is seen by the living God. It is not like you get a free pass since it is on a digital device. God sees the hurtful comments. God sees the videos that you should not be viewing. God sees the way your heart gets angry toward other people’s posts that you disagree with and are now creating a skewed version of that person that you are called to love and pray for.

We are in the thick of the political season. Posts about what everyone believes, hopes for and wants in the next president are being shared like flies around a dead animal.

Don’t hear me wrong in this next statement because I believe politics are important and we should care about our country. But do you really think that the next post, share or comment that is promoting your choice of politician is going to change someone else's mind? Or is it just for you to feel self-justified? Be careful not to create a false complex where you hide behind a screen and think that since it is not “reality” it does not matter.

Even if you are not a believer and still reading this (thanks by the way!), I think this is a good reminder of being conscious of having boundaries and healthy habits online. The online world is not like when we played superheroes or dressed up when we were little in costumes and we could do whatever we want. Because even if you thought you were Superman, you still can’t actually punch your brother and say it was because he was a bad guy. There are consequences to our actions even when it is online.

God still sees us on social media, and I am grateful for that. So do yourself a favor and think twice before posting, sharing, liking, commenting and trying to get your point across. It may seem harmless or “needed,” because the other side might “win” if you don’t post. But in the end, what you do, physically or digitally, will be held accountable before God who calls us to walk in love and care for other image bearers – even if we disagree with them.

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