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Rock County Commissioners meet Sept. 19

Rock County Commissioners meet Sept. 19

Herreid Board Room          9:00 A.M.

Rock County Courthouse Sept. 19, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Chair Thompson with all Commissioners Reisch, Williamson and Overgaard present; Commissioner Burger was absent.

Also in attendance were County Administrator Kyle Oldre, Deputy Administrator

Susan Skattum, County Attorney Jeff Haubrich, and Star-Herald Reporter Mavis


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance.

Motion by Overgaard, seconded by Reisch, to approve the September

19, 2023 County Board agenda, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Williamson, seconded by Overgaard, to approve the September

05, 2023, County Board minutes, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Williamson, seconded by Overgaard, to call a Public Hearing to order at 9:03 a.m. for the purpose of hearing comments regarding a proposed ordinance on the Public Use of Cannabis and Cannabis Derived Products in Public Places, declared carried on a voice vote. Attendance for the Public Hearing

is as follows: City Luverne May Pat Baustian, City of Luverne Administrator Jill

Wolf, City of Luverne Attorney Ben Vander Kooi, City of Hills Mayor Keith Elbers

and Sioux Valley Electric Economic Development Director Brandon Lane.

The County Board briefly reviewed state legislation that legalized cannabis and that the new ordinance sets parameters designating where the product can be used. No comments were given or received. Motion by Williamson, seconded Reisch, to close the Public Hearing at 9:07 a.m., declared carried on a voice vote.

Evan Verbrugge, Sheriff, informed the County Board of vehicle he had found to replace his 2013 Chevy Tahoe police vehicle, however, the proposed vehicle was already sold before he could secure authorization. After discussion, motion by Reisch, seconded by Overgaard, to authorize the Sheriff up to $75,000 to purchase a replacement vehicle with police package, declared carried on a voice vote.

Jen Theneman, Southwest Housing Partnership, present a program update;

Southwest Housing Partnership covers 30 counties in southwest Minnesota. The

County Board thanked Ms. Theneman for the update.

Wanda Jarchow, representing the Oral Health Taskforce presented a program update stating they have secured a mobile clinic dental truck to provide dental services to eligible clients for the past (2) years as local dentists are limited in accepting medical assistance clients. The mobile unit costs $1,200 per trip and is in Luverne 1-day per month and 2-days per month in Worthington. The mobile unit was to be temporary while a building structure was built; as to date the structure is built but they are having trouble recruiting a dentist. Jarchow requested an additional $10,000 from Rock County to continue the mobile clinic dental service. Motion by Reisch, seconded by Overgaard to approve, declared carried on a voice vote.

Mark Sehr, Engineer, requested authorization to bid let (2) box culvert

projects in Mound Township with a bid letting date of October 16, 2023, at 11:00 a.m.;

motion by Overgaard, seconded by Williamson, to approve, declared carried on a

voice vote.

Ashley Kurtz, Auditor/Treasurer, presented the claims for approval; motion by

Overgaard, seconded by Williamson, to approve the claims, declared carried

on a voice vote. A complete listing of the claims is available upon request at

the Auditor/Treasurer's office.


A & B BUSINESS INC $3,776.01

A.C.E. OF SOUTHWEST MINNESOTA                 5,530.00

BREMIK MATERIALS, INC                 3,060.04

CHS INC           21,193.11

COUNTIES PROVIDING TECHNOLOGY                 6,925.00

ERICKSON ENGINEERING                 2,501.50

JOHNSON CONTROLS                 8,750.00

KETTERLING SERVICES INC           25,265.62

KRIS ENGINEERING INC           39,200.74

KUSTOM SIGNALS, INC           10,285.24

LIBERTY TIRE RECYCLING LLC                 2,042.50

LUVERNE/CITY OF                 8,711.16

LYON COUNTY LANDFILL           19,601.70

MORRIS ELECTRONICS                 6,469.66

OPG-3 INC                 2,189.00

SHREFFLER/LAWRENCE                 2,200.00

STAPLES ENTERPRISES INC                 4,532.19

63 PAYMENTS LESS THAN $2,000           19,754.14

     TOTAL               $191,987.61

The County Board was in receipt of the Fund Balance report; the Auditor/Treasurer stated that she would be transferring funds that are left over bonds proceeds from completed projects to a Capitol Project fund to be utilized for existing building repairs instead of utilizing General Reserves. Motion by Reisch, seconded by Overgaard, to approve the Fund Balance report, declared carried on a voice vote.

The Auditor/Treasurer informed the County Board that she is in receipt of a Rock Home Initiative application from Austin and Hannah Christensen for a new construction at 805 Ridgeview Road; Beaver Creek, Minnesota, parcel # 13-0147-000.  Motion Reisch, seconded by Overgaard, to set a Public Hearing for December 12, 2023 at 5:00PM in the Herreid Board meeting room, declared carried on a voice vote.

The County Board was in receipt of a 2024 Budget Summary indicating the

amount of funds to levy. After considerable discussion, motion by Reisch, seconded

by Williamson to set the levy at $7,073,321, a 3.6% increase for 2024, declared

carried on a voice vote.

The Administrator presented a draft copy of the 2024-2028 Capital

Improvement Plan (CIP) that identifies capital projects totaling 24,444,102

over the course of 5-years; presented as information only.

The County Board was in receipt of a tax abatement request from the City of Luverne for the development of a Child Care Facility; the following properties were identified for abatement: 20-2129-000, 20-1882-000, 20-0612-100, 20-1262-000. Motion by Reisch, seconded by Overgaard, to decline

the abatement of taxes request, declared carried on a voice vote.

The Administrator provided an update on the following building projects:

•HVAC at Library – work began on 09/18/2023

•HVAC at Courthouse – Chiller installation scheduled to begin in October

•Roof at Human Services – an evaluation was conducted and the results

will be reviewed by the Building Committee

•Sofit structure at the Veterans Memorial Bldg – meeting with local

contractor on 09/20/2023

Motion by Williamson, seconded by Overgaard, to authorize the

purchase of (70) stackable chairs with a cost of $12,679.80 to be paid from

Capitol Projects, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Reisch, seconded by Williamson, to approve Resolution No. 15-23, approving an Ordinance for Regulating the Use of Cannabis and Cannabis

Derived Products in Public Places, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Overgaard, seconded by Reisch, to approve a Johnson

Controls Building Maintenance contract for 1-year renewal with a zero

cost increase, declared carried on a voice vote.

Deputy Administrator Skattum requested approval for the renewal

of the 2024 insurance plans:

•MHC/Medica Group Health – 25.5% increase

•MN Group Life – 11% increase

•Dental Dental – 4% increase

•Vision Insurance/Eye Med – 0% increase

•Long Term Disability – 0% increase

Motion was declared carried on a voice vote.

Skattum also requested approval to introduce a new platform of ancillary/voluntary benefits for Accident, Critical Illness, Hospital Insurance with Cigna and Short Term Disability Insurance with the Hartford; all plans offer competitive rates with lump sum benefits with Health Screnning/Wellness benefits as well.  The new platform will streamline the benefit menu and the enrollment process; the new platform will replace future AFLAC and Colonial insurance elections effective 01/01/2024. Motion by Williamson, seconded by Reisch, to authorize the change with an effective date of 01/01/2024, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Overgaard, seconded by Reisch, to approve the 2024 Cafeteria

Contribution amount of $878.00 for non-union employees, declared carried on a

voice vote.

The Administrator presented an update on the following activities:

•Attended a meeting regarding Community Wellness sponsored by

BCBS where they are looking to install circuit courts.

•Met with USDA Rural Development State Director Colleen Landkamer

•Coordinated a Mock OSHA inspection at the Highway Department,

Transfer Station and Rural Water locations

•Notified NOAA regarding the low water aquifers in the area caused by

the drought conditions; it was determined to place drought monitors in the

area and monitor. With the updated monitor it adjusted the drought rating

in our area from a 2 to a 3, which will be significant in applying for federal funds.

Commissioner Reisch stated that he attended the following meetings/events:

AMC Fall Policy Committee Conference, Southwest Minnesota Opportunity

Council, City/County Liaison.

  Commissioner Williamson stated that he attended the following meetings/

events: A.C.E. Volunteer Appreciation Banquet, Rural Water and Soil & Water

Conservation District.

Commissioner Overgaard stated that he attended the following meetings/events: A.C.E. Volunteer Appreciation Banquet, Ag Society, City/County Liaison; also stated that the Elk Creek Solar project is scheduled to begin construction in 2025.

  Commissioner Burger stated that he attended the following meetings/events: n/a

  Commissioner Thompson stated that she attended the following meetings/

events: A.C.E. Volunteer Appreciation Banquet, Southwest Regional

Development Commission.

With no further business to come before the County Board, the meeting was declared adjourn by order of the Chair, declared carried on a voice vote.




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