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Rock County Commissioners meet May 7

Rock County Commissioners meet May 7

Herreid Board Room          9:00 A.M.

Rock County Courthouse May 7, 2024

The meeting was called to order by Chair Burger with all Commissioners present. Also in attendance were Administrator Kyle Oldre, Deputy Administrator Susan Skattum, County Attorney Jeff Haubrich, Sioux Valley Energy Representative Brandon Lane and Star-Herald Reporter Mavis Fodness.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance.

Motion by Williamson, seconded by Reisch, to approve the May 07, 2024, County Board agenda, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Overgaard, seconded by Thompson, to approve the April 16, 2024, County Board minutes, declared carried on a voice vote.

Samantha Schmidt, Administrative Assistant at Extension, was introduced to the County Board; the County Board welcomed Ms. Schmidt as a new employee of Rock County.

Evan Verbrugge, Sheriff, introduced Deputy Mike Haburn and conducted a Swearing In Ceremony; Deputy Haburn was also welcomed by the County Board.

Eric Hartman, Land Management Office Director, presented (5) conditional use permits; a Public Hearing was held on April 15, 2024, and no opposition was heard.

1. Ron Fick for gravel extraction, stockpiling and associated processing located in SE 1/4 of Section 15 of Luverne Township; motion by Overgaard, seconded by Reisch, to approve with identified conditions, declared carried on a voice vote.

2. Duininck Inc. for the operation of a temporary hot mix asphalt plant located in the SE 1/4 of Section 15 of Luverne Township; motion by Overgaard, seconded by Burger to approve with identified conditions, declared carried on a voice vote.

3. Duininck Inc. for the placement of a temporary hot mix plant located in portions of Section 11 and Section 14 of Denver Township; motion by Overgaard, seconded by Reisch, to approve with identified conditions, declared carried on a voice vote.

4. Duininck Inc. for mining, processing and stockpiling of aggregate materials, located in E 1/2 of the SE 1/4 Section 29 of Battle Plain Township; motion by Williamson, seconded by Thompson to approve with identified conditions, declared carried on a voice vote.

5. Duininck Inc. for the placement and operation of a temporary hot mix asphalt plant in the SW 1/4 Section 21 of Battle Plain Township; motion by Overgaard, seconded by Reisch to approve with identified conditions, declared carried on a voice vote.

Hartman presented an agreement with SEH, for monitoring and reporting requirement for the Rock County Demolition Landfill; the contract reflects an additional $5,000 for the Landfill Expansion planning process, the total contract is $16,200. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Overgaard, to approve the contract, declared carried on a voice vote.

Oldre and Hartman also discussed the remaining life of the current landfill; a presentation by SEH representative is scheduled for June 4th agenda. After discussion, it was determined to invite Senator Weber and Representative Schomacker the June 4th meeting/presentation as well.

Mark Sehr, Engineer, presented the bid results for SAP 067-030-017, Bituminous Mastic Treatment project:

•Northwest Asphalt @ Maintenance $386,648.00

•Asphalt Surface Technologies Corp.   441,280.00

•Lot Pros Inc.   549,580.00

Motion by Reisch, seconded by Overgaard, to accept the bid from Northwest Asphalt @ Maintenance for $386,648.00, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Burger, seconded by Reisch, to approve a 4-Year appointment for Highway Engineer Mark Sehr, declared carried on a voice vote.

Ashley Kurtz, Auditor/Treasurer, presented the claims; motion by Williamson, seconded by Overgaard, to approve the claims, declared carried on a voice vote.  A complete listing of the claims is available upon request at the Auditor/Treasurer's office.


A & B BUSINESS INC $2,849.60


CHS INC     8,517.63




HEIMAN INC.     2,527.00







SEBCO BOOKS     3,595.19




74 PAYMENTS LESS THAN $2,000   34,727.26

     TOTAL                 $221,995.14


The County Board was in receipt of the Fund Balance report which reflected an increase in the County Revenue due the receipt of the first half of real estate taxes; motion by Williamson, seconded by Overgaard, to approve the Fund Balance report, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Thompson, seconded by Reisch, to approve the re-issuance of the following lost warrants, declared carried on a voice vote.

•Warrant #9918 - $25.00 payable to Brent Gerloff

•Warrant #103484 - $1,486.52 payable to Mark Tyler Pierret

•Warrant #106206 - $17,065.04 payable to Alpha Wireless

•Warrant #99366 - $ 75.00 payable to Kory Kruse

•Warrant #103862 - $2,159.38 payable to Martin Township

The Auditor/Treasurer and Rachel Jacobs, Land Records Director presented an abatement request for utility companies totaling $8,874.00; the parcels were state assessed properties. Rock County was not in receipt of the current assessment records from the state prior to the tax calculations and tax statement distribution.  The abatement does not reflect any refunds as the money has been collected as to date. Upon approval, a new tax statement will be developed to reflect the current assessment and tax to be collected.  Motion by Overgaard, seconded by Reisch, to approve the following abatements totaling $8,874.00, declared carried on a voice vote.

Great River Energy                     Taxable change/abatement: $28.00

ITC Midwest LCC                        Taxable change/abatement: $8,846.00

Motion by Reisch, seconded by Thompson, to approve a MnDOT Department of Public Safety, Driver and Vehicle Services Lease No. PS0335, a contract renewal for office space in the Rock County Highway Department to conduct driver’s testing services, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Overgaard, seconded by Reisch, to approve the purchase of a license subscription and hardware for 100 users from Morris Electronics for $5,400.00, declared carried on a voice vote. The purpose of the purchase is to initiate 2-factor authentication on all county owned computers.

The Administrator led a discussion regarding the following building project updates:

•Kahler Terrace Project – construction crew is currently replacing the stone facade

•Human Services Building – contractor has been notified of a roof leak and the Administrator and Engineer are currently reviewing options to repair the parking lot

•Courthouse – the Building Committee will be reviewing plans for the updating the interior and building repairs in addition to office updates in the Auditor/Treasurer’s office and the Land Records office and new carpeting.

The County Board was in receipt of a letter from the LIFT committee requesting the City of Luverne to research consider an application for a cannabis dispensary; was presented as information only.

The County Board was informed of a notification from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture confirming the Emerald Ash Borer in Rock County. A virtual information meeting is scheduled for May 8th at 10:00 a.m. at the Minnesota Department of Agriculture website.

The Administrator also presented updates of the following: attended a collaborative meeting regarding Mental Health, coordinated with Sheriff Verbrugge and conducted an emergency management drill with HIS, attended meetings regarding the expansion option for the Transfer Station, Rock County Economic Development Authority and an Emergency Management Regional meeting.

Deputy Administrator Skattum reported that she had attended the MCHRMA Spring Conference and had been conducting new employee orientations and preparing documents in response to data requests.

Commissioner Reisch stated that he attended the following meetings/events:  Economic Development Authority.

Commissioner Williamson stated that he attended the following meetings/events: none

Commissioner Overgaard stated that he attended the following meetings/events: Southwest Health & Human Services, Economic Development Authority, Bridge project, Historical Society; also stated he had attended Michael Aning funeral, reported that the bar in Magnolia is closed and briefly discussed exit strategies and succession planning for future vacancies.

Commissioner Thompson stated that she attended the following meetings/events: Plum Creek Library, Historical Society Annual meeting, A.C.E. Annual event.

Commissioner Burger stated that he attended the following meetings/events: Southwest Health and Human Services (SWHHS), SWHHS Personnel, SWHHS Audit and Southwest Mental Health Consortium.

With no further business to come before the County Board, motion by Overgaard, seconded by Thompson, to adjourn, declared carried on a voice vote.


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