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Rock County Commissioners meet April 2

Rock County Commissioners meet April 2

Herreid Board Room          9:00 A.M.

Rock County Courthouse April 2, 2024

The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Overgaard with Commissioners Reisch, Williamson, Thompson present; Commissioner Burger was absent. Also in attendance were Administrator Kyle Oldre, Deputy Administrator Susan Skattum, County Attorney Jeff Haubrich, Sioux Valley Energy Representative Brandon Lane and Star-Herald Reporter Mavis Fodness.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance.

Motion by Williamson, seconded by Reisch, to approve the April 02, 2024, County Board agenda, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Thompson, seconded by Reisch, to approve the March 19, 2024, County Board minutes, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Reisch, seconded by Thompson, to open a Public Hearing at 9:03 a.m., declared carried on a voice vote. Purpose of the Public Hearing was to allow comment on Rock Home Initiative abatement requests from Thomas and Angela Newgard and Shad and Leilani Kruger. There were no attendees for the public hearing; motion by Reisch, seconded by Williamson, to close the Public Hearing at 9:08 a.m., declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Thompson, seconded by Reisch, to approve the consent agenda, declared carried on a voice vote.

1. Request to bid let SAP 067-030-017, the 2024 Mastic Crack Leveling project with a bid let date of May 6th at 11:00 a.m.

2. Resolution No. 05-24 Rock County SnoMasters Snowmobiling Club grant agreement with State of MN/DNR

Angela Nolz, Behavioral Health Specialist with Sanford Health and Erica Hough, Luverne Counseling Clinical Director, introduced a program entitled Grant Assistance Program (GAP) under the Luv1LuvAll/Brain Health organization. The mission of the program is to empower residents to prioritize their mental well-being by bridging the financial gap to critical mental health services. GAP will achieve this by providing grant funding for mental health counseling services to individuals facing high insurance deductibles, those without insurance or those who are ineligible for existing low-income programs such as sliding fee scales or Medicaid. The Luv1LuvAll/Brain Health has submitted grant requests to:  LACF - $10,000; SHIP/Community Partner Award - $5,000;SWIF - $10,000; and Blandin Foundation - $20,000. The goal is to establish a perpetual fund. Nolz, stated that they are still gathering information for GAP and will request a financial contribution at a later date.

Rachel Jacobs, Land Records Office Director, reviewed the 2024 property valuations; the total estimated market value for Rock County is $4,789,838.400, an increase of ten percent from 2023. Jacobs stated that the local Board of Appeal & Equalization will begin April 8th.

Ashley Kurtz, Auditor/Treasurer presented the claims with an additional claim of $187,824 for a truck chassis; motion by Reisch, seconded by Thompson, to approve, declared carried on a voice vote. A complete listing of the claims is available upon request at the Auditor/Treasurer's office.


APRIL 2, 2024 CLAIMS OVER $2,000

A & B BUSINESS INC $2,849.60












TOWMASTER                 187,824.00

58 PAYMENTS LESS THAN $2,000             17,851.22

     TOTAL               $338,203.57

The County Board was in receipt of the Fund Balance report; motion by Thompson, seconded by Williamson, to approve, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Williamson, seconded by Thompson, to authorize the re-issuance of lost warrant #105444 for the amount of $9.45 payable to Gopher State One Call, declared carried on a voice vote.

The Auditor/Treasurer reviewed a Statement of Work agreement from CliftonLarsenAllen, LLP outlining the scope of audit services to be conducted with the associated fees for the 2023 audit. Motion by Reisch, seconded by Overgaard, to approve the agreement, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Reisch, seconded by Thompson, to approve Resolution No. 06-24, a Rock Home Initiative abatement request for Thomas and Angela Newgard, declared carried on a voice vote.

Motion by Reisch, seconded by Thompson, to approve Resolution No. 07-24, a Rock Home Initiative abatement request for Shad and Leilani Kruger, declared carried on a voice vote.

The County Board was in receipt of a quarterly budget report; presented as information only.

Eric Hartman, Land Management Office Director, informed the County Board of a Public Hearing on March 25 for (3) conditional use permits; there was no opposition at the hearing.  The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of the following conditional use permits:

1. Henning Construction - gravel extraction, stockpiling and associated process-

ing located in the E 1/2 of Section 12 in Vienna Township; motion by Williamson,

seconded by Reisch, to approve, declared carried on a voice vote.

2. Central Specialties - placement and operation of a temporary hot mix asphalt

plant located in the NW 1/4 of Section 13 of Vienna Township; motion by

Reisch, seconded by Thompson, to approve, declared carried on a voice vote.

3. Central Specialties - placement and operation of a temporary hot mix asphalt

plant located in the E 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Section 23 of Denver Township;

motion by Reisch, seconded by Williamson, to approve, declared carried on

a voice vote.

The Administrator informed the County Board of a County Board meeting scheduling conflict on December 10th, due to the AMC Annual Conference and recommended changing the December board meeting dates to December 3rd and December 17th; the December 3rd meeting date will also coincide with the 2024 Truth and Taxation Hearing. Motion by Reisch, seconded by Thompson, to approve meeting schedule change, declared carried on a voice vote.

The Administrator provided a brief update regarding the Courthouse office remodel project for the Auditor/Treasurer’s office and the Land Record’s office stating that the Architect is ready to begin obtain bid work. Oldre reviewed Minnesota Statutes 471.345, Subd 4, Uniform Municipal Contracting Law which enables municipalities to direct negotiate contracts within parameters of the statute. The Administrator requested approval to work with the architect on the Courthouse office remodel and carpet replacement to negotiate with the various contractors, and bring the price quotes back to the County Board for approval. Motion by Williamson, seconded by Reisch, to authorize the Administrator to move forward with Courthouse remodel and carpet replacement project, declared carried on a voice vote.

The Administrator provided an estimate for the carpet replacement in the tunnel/annex of the Rock County Courthouse; the Administrator was directed to obtain additional quotes.

There was a brief discussion regarding ambulance response in the northwest part of the county, it was determined that the subject would be discussed at a later date.

Commissioner Reisch stated that he attended the following meetings/events:  none

Commissioner Williamson stated that he attended the following meetings/events: Prairie Rose Community Fund, Brain Health meeting.

Commissioner Overgaard stated that he attended the following meetings/events: Southwest Health & Human Services, Brain Health, Magnolia City Council, Rural Energy, Planning & Zoning, FEMA Floodmap and Solid Waste.

Commissioner Thompson stated that she attended the following meetings/events: Community Library meeting.

Commissioner Burger stated that he attended the following meetings/events:  none

With no further business to come before the County Board, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair.


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