City of Luverne seeks storm sewer bids by July 10
Sealed proposals will be received by the City Council of Luverne, Rock County, Minnesota, at the Luverne City Offices, 305 East Luverne Street, P.O. Box 659, Luverne, Minnesota 56156 on Wednesday, the 10th of July, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. for the T.H. 75 Storm Sewer Improvements, Luverne, Minnesota, at which time the proposals shall be publicly opened and read aloud by the City Administrator and Engineer.
The approximate quantities of work on which proposals will be received are as follows:
152 SQ YD Remove Pavement
152 SQ YD Pavement Replacement (Type CX)
60 TON Type SP 12.5 Bituminous Mixture for Patching
134 LIN FT RC Pipe Sewer Class III
200 SQ FT 6” Concrete Walk
and other related items of construction.
All bids shall be made on proposal forms furnished by the Engineer and shall be accompanied by bid security in the form of a certified check or bid bond, made payable to the City of Luverne, Minnesota, in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid, which security becomes the property of the City in the event the successful bidder fails to enter into contract and post satisfactory bond. The project shall commence between August 19, 2024, and September 16, 2024, and be completed within 30 working days.
The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technicalities and irregularities. The City also reserves the right to increase, decrease or delete items of work to comply with budget limitations.
The City is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
The Contractor and all subcontractors shall submit to the Owner a signed statement verifying compliance with each of the criteria described in the State of Minnesota “Responsible Contractor” law as codified in Minnesota Statute section 16C.285. See the Instructions to Bidders for more details.
Complete digital project bidding documents are available at You may download the digital plan documents for $22.00 by inputting Quest project # 9072624 on the website's Project Search page. Please contact at 952-233-1632 or for assistance in free membership registration, downloading, and working with this digital project information. An optional paper set of the proposal forms and specifications for individual use may be obtained from the office of the Engineer, DGR Engineering, 1302 South Union, P.O. Box 511, Rock Rapids, Iowa 51246, telephone 712-472-2531, Fax 712-472-2710, e-mail:, upon payment of $50.00, none of which is refundable.
Published upon order of the City Council of Luverne, Minnesota.
By /s/ Patrick T. Baustian,