Every two years state legislators submit requests for the capital budget bill.
The requests include improvements to state facilities, public lands and grants to local government entities.
The city of Ellsworth is requesting a $1.3 million grant for a new city hall, multi-purpose center and maintenance shop.
It’s the only request from a community in our own backyard, and Governor Walz would like to know why these outstate Minnesota residents deserve a share in state bonding dollars.
For several weeks, members from the state House of Representatives and the state Senate capital budget committees have been visiting some of the locations for the more than 200 community funding requests.
One such tour stopped in Worthington, where legislators heard from several communities but none closer to Rock County than Ellsworth.
A city council delegation from the town of 467 residents spoke about the devastating fire in January and their struggles to replace the 115-year-old structure where the city conducted business.
The council has been active in seeking replacement of their city structures, having visited communities of similar size with updated facilities.
They put a design plan together, and when bids were opened several weeks ago, only the city hall structure came within budget.
The city of Ellsworth is rebuilding its city hall, but they are short of funds to enhance their community with the addition of a multi-purpose facility.
They are requesting a $1.345 million grant from the state to assist with the estimated costs of $2.691 million to complete the entire project.
Walz, who is also touring capital budget request sites, is taking his research one step further by asking the general public what they think should be funded.
Suggestions can be made on Walz’s request at the state’s Management and Budget website. The address is https://mn.gov/mmb/budget/capital-budget/public-comment.jsp
The public comment period will be open through Nov. 30
Each of the 208 communities requesting funding is listed along with the dollar amount and a short synopsis of the capital project.
The governor’s comment site requires individuals to include their name, an email address, and in 350 words or less why the project should be supported.
Wouldn’t it be favorable for Greater Minnesota if one of our small communities could receive state funding for community improvements?
Go online and submit your opinion.
Tell the Governor what you think
Walz asks for input in local government investment projects